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Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 3 - Мелуа А.И

Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 3 - Мелуа А.И

Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель том 3

Автор: Мелуа А.И
Издательство: Гуманистика
Год издания: 2011
Страницы: 481
ISBN 5-86050-341-5
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Скачать: dokumentiigizni2011.pdf

of Life and Activity
of the NOBEL Family
Серия изданий по истории Нобелевского движения как социального феномена ХХ века
Российская Биографическая Энциклопедия “Великая Россия”
Приложение к Российской Биографической Энциклопедии (РБЭ)
Наблюдательный Совет РБЭ: поч. проф. Я.Я. Голко - председатель; поч. проф.
В.Я. Сквирский, зам. председателя; проф. В.П. Берснев, академик РАН Ю.С. Васильев, проф. А.Д. Викторов, проф. А.А. Горбунов, проф. В.Ф. Даниличев, проф. ген.-лейт. П.И. Дубок, проф. ген.-майор В.А. Золотарев, академик РАН П.П. Лаверов, член-корр. РАМН Н.А. Майстренко, проф. И.А. Максимцев, проф. А.И. Мелуа, поч. проф. В.Р. Мигуренко, академик РАН А.Д. Ноздрачев, член-корр. РАНВ.В. Окрепилов, проф. А.И. Потапов, поч. проф. М.Р. Румянцев, проф. Н.П. Селиванов, поч. проф. В.Л. Станкевич, проф. А.И. Степанов, проф. Л.С. Тарасевич, проф. В.Г. Тыминский, проф. А.Ф. Уткин, член-корр. РАН И.Б. Ушаков, проф. А.И. Федотов, член-корр. РАМН В.Х. Хавинсон
Documents of Life and Activity of the Nobel Family
1801 - 1932
Edited by Prof. A.I. Melua Volume 3.
St. Petersburg «Humanistica» 2011
Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель
1801 - 1932
Под ред. профессора А.И. Мелуа
Том 3.
Санкт-Петербург « Гуманистика» 2011
Документы жизни и деятельности семьи Нобель. 1801 - 1932 / Под ред. профессора А.И. Мелуа. Том 3. - Санкт-Петербург: «Гуманистика», 2011. - 480 с., илл.
Сборник содержит инженерно-методические работы, доклады и статьи членов семьи Нобель, посвященные метрологии, заводским лабораториям, контролю качества нефтепродуктов, приборостроению, а также экономике и организации перевозок пассажиров и нефтепродуктов речными судами. Выход в свет сборника приурочен к открытию в Хельсинки первой международной выставки «Семья Нобель в России» (31 мая 2011 г.).
Documents of Life and Activity of the Nobel Family. 1801 - 1932 / Edited by Prof. A.I. Melua. Volume 3. - St. Petersburg: J.S.C. Humanistica Publishers, 2011. - 480 pp. with illustrations.
This collection contains works in engineering and methodology, reports and articles by the members of the Nobel Family, dedicated to metrology, plant laboratories, quality control of petroleum products, instrumentation, as well as economics and management of transportation of passengers and petroleum on riverboats. The publication of the book celebrates the opening in Helsinki of the first international exhibition entitled «The Nobel Family in Russia» (May 31, 2011).
ISBN 5-86050-341-5
Составитель - член-корр. РАН, член Президиума РАН
В.В. Окрепилов
© ЗАО «Гуманистика», 2011
V.V. Okrepilov*
The history of the Nobel movement has been reflected in tens of thousands of archival documents. All of them must be carefully documented and given thorough consideration. An important step in this daunting task is the publication of most of the documents related to the activities of the Nobel Family by Gumanistika Publishers. Two previously published volumes of the unique book, entitled «Documents of life and activities of the Nobel Family» featured invention patents and research papers by members of the Nobel family and experts employed at their factories.
The third volume is dedicated to the work the Nobel family undertook to assure uniformity of measurements in their activities. This was a very logical step. In each of their inventions, in each of their research project, representatives of this famous dynasty relied on exact measurements. Additionally, the Nobels themselves created a number of innovative measurement methods and measuring devices. They contributed significantly to the development of the Russian metering and standardization science. The work of the Nobels in Russia became a unique mutually beneficial experience in the sphere of international cooperation. This work has led to numerous discoveries, inventions
* Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Science, General director of Federal Establishment «Test-St.-Petersburg».
and commercial projects, which contributed to strengthening the position of Russia as one of the most industrially developed countries in the world.
The many talents of the Nobels blossomed during the period of extensive social and economic reforms in Russia at the time. In the early 19th century the country worked on developing the real sector of the economy. The industrial revolution was in full swing in Europe, and Russia was lagging behind considerably. There were only several large industrial enterprises in the country, and their production could not compete with foreign analogs, first and foremost due to high costs. Russia had to catch up with Europe as soon as possible.
One of the first acts of Emperor Alexander I in 1801 was the decree on modernization of national industry: «He who will introduce a new area of trade or craft, invent a new useful machine, create a new type of factory, or introduce a device of high productiveness that uses less power, and, finally, he who will submit an essay on these subjects based on solid reasoning and experience, will receive a worthy retribution and a reward commensurate with the usefulness of his inventions».
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