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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Растачивать под

The housing is bored to receive a thrust bearing.

Раствор [см. В растворе, Переходить в раствор].

Растворение [см. При растворении].

Растворимость в воде

Water solubility.

Растворимый в

Such cadmium is soluble in sulphuric acid.

Растворимый в воде

One end of the molecule is hydrophilic (or water soluble, or soluble in water).

Растворимый в жирах Fat soluble.


Acetone is used as a solvent for cellulose ether.

Растворяться [см. тж. Плохо растворяющийся]

Gold and silver dissolve in this solution.

Acids that are dissolved in water are represented as ...

Растворяться с образованием

Carbon dioxide gas dissolves in water to form a weak acid.

Растёт беспокойство относительно

Within recent years concerns have been growing with respect to the quality of the water we drink.

Растёт убеждение в том, что

The belief is growing that recently formed stars ...

Расти [см. тж. Нарастать, Увеличиваться]

The energy in the laser cavity is first built up and then decays.

The light wave grows in amplitude (амп-литуда световой волны растёт).

Растительное вещество

Fossilized tree trunks and other vegetal matter...


In early societies, covalent compounds for medicines, etc., were usually obtained from plant (or vegetative) or animal sources. Растительный и животный мир


Растительный и животный мир

All plant and animal life is composed of complex organic compounds.

Растительный покров

Soil condition depends on vegetative cover and ...

Расточка резцом

On large holes single-point boring gives the best accuracy.

Растущий [см. Всё больше (и больше)].


The increasing load stretches the wire rope by several feet.

Растяжение и сжатие пружины

On stretching (or extending) and compressing the spring ...

Растянутая шкала

The stretched-out (or extended) time scale.

Расход устанавливается на таком уровне, при котором The flow of gas A is set at a rate which

does not disturb the velocity profile of the flowing gas B.

Расход энергии [см. тж. С большой затратой энергии]

This device will provide more gain at higher frequencies with less power supply drain. Expenditure (or Consumption) of energy.

Расходиться [см. тж. Отличаться, Разделяться]

When stresses are exerted upon jointed rock, the rock comes apart rather readily along these planes.

When the rolls were separated by this distance ...

If new oceanic lithosphere is being formed and the plates are moving apart, ...

Расходиться во мнениях о том

The geologists disagree on (or about) how these movements have taken place.

There is (some) disagreement [or no concensus (of opinion)/ among geologists on the question

of why ...

Расходиться на большое расстояние

Here the curve portions become widely separated.

Расходиться от

Other cracks radiate outward from the centre.

Расходиться с [см. тж. Отличаться]

The densities disagreed with those obtained from the shock velocity. This is at variance with current experience. This is inconsistent with the data of Run No. 9. Theoretical predictions have failed to agree with experiment.

Расходовать [см. тж. Затрачивать энергию]

In the future, more companies will lay out money for automation.

Расходоваться [см. Использоваться]. Расходуемый

Routine maintenance is mainly limited to the replacement of expendable items, for example, the chart and recorder ink. Расходы [см. Идти на расходы по, Не останавливаться перед затратами, Оправдывать расходы, Покрывать расходы на]. 778(996)

Расходы [см. Идти на расходы по, Не останавливаться перед затратами, Оправдывать расходы, Покрывать расходы на].

Расхождение во мнениях относительно

The present diversity of opinion regarding ...

Расхождение между [см. тж. Разница между]

The main discrepancy between the predicted and experimental value is due to friction in the fluid. There is a significant disparity (or difference) between the grade of the ore being currently mined and the grade of the total ore reserves.

A gap between estimated and observed ultraviolet radiation ... Discordance between the observed and computed positions of the Moon ...

Расхождение с

Such apparent disagreement with the theory does not mean that ...


The three input leads are colour-coded green, grey and black. Busbars are marked - red, white, blue and black.

Расчёт [см. тж. Алгебраические выкладки, Математические выкладки, С таким расчётом, чтобы]

Calculation of a boiler. Chemical reactor design.

The reckoning of future positions of the vessel by means of this speed ...

Расчёт размеров

Dimensioning (or Sizing) of electronic component parts.


The design (or rated) temperature for the heating system is 65°F. The voltage rating is 600 V.


The machine performs computations (or calculations) for navigation.

Расширение и сжатие газов

The expansion and compression of gases.
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