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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Расширение производственной площади An enlargement of floor area.

Расширение технологических возможностей станка Widening the scope of working of the machine.


A bell is closed at one end and flared at the other.

Расширенный (антон. Суженный) участок трубы

An expanded (anton. A contracted) section of a tube.

Расширенный вариант

An extended version, often called Cauchy's formula, is...

Расширилось применение

The use of engineering plastics has expanded rapidly over the last 15 years. Расширять



When Maxwell's equations of eleclromag-netism are augmented to include magnetic charges and magnetic currents,...

The tape processing systems may be augmented by the use of disk storage devices.

To expand the nuclear industry,...

This extends the useful working range of...

The plant was being enlarged (or expanded) to include full gasoline-plant facilities. The investigations will be considerably extended. The slot was widened by filing.

The caisson bottom may be belled up to 30 ft in diameter.

Расширять возможности

When the development of improved materials extends (or enhances) the capabilities of titanium carbide tools,...

Расширять диапазон

To extend the range of the instruments ...

Расширять шкалу прибора

To increase the precision of absorption measurements by expanding the scale of the instrument,


A salinometer bulges out to a fairly large diameter. The combustion products expand to produce power. The gas is expanded isothermally.

Расширяться и сжиматься

The metal expanded and contracted with temperature changes. If the gas expands, ..., and if it is compressed, ...

Расщепление подуровней

Further splitting of sublevels will be discussed later.

Расщепление связей (хим.)

Cleavage of the silicon-carbon bonds ...

Расщепление спектральных линий Splitting of spectral lines.

Расщеплять на

The enzyme splits the glucose molecule into two molecules of pyruvic acid.

Расщеплять связь (хим.)

To cleave a bond.

Расщепляться на

The original lines of the spectra were split into two or more lines.

Рациональное зерно [см. В этом что-то есть].

Рациональный [см. тж. Разумный]

A sound (or rational) theory was formulated.

Рваное отверстие

Punching causes ragged holes.

Реагировать I [см. тж. Охотно реагировать с, Полностью прореагировать]

Hydrazine does not react (or interact) with oxygen under such conditions. Реагировать II


Реагировать II

The servo system responds to the difference between ...

This emulsion responds (or is responsive) chiefly to green light.

The other interlock responds to the slightest horizontal movement of the beam.

Specialized taste receptors are responsive to water-soluble chemicals.

Реагировать с образованием

Hydrogen from the solar wind and carbon from the solar wind can react to form (or-produce) methane.

Реагирующее вещество

The initial reactants (or reacting substances, or reagents) are hydrogen and light nuclei.

Реагирующий на

The hadrons are the only particles responsive (or reacting) to the strong force.

Реактивный по отношению к

While phosphorus is so reactive toward air that it should be stored under water.

Реакция I [см. тж. Бурная реакция, Бурно реагировать с, Быстрая реакция,

Интенсивность реакции, Основная реакция, Осуществлять реакцию, По реакции, Проведение реакции между, Проводить реакцию, Путём реакции, Скорость реакции]

A large portion of the reaction proceeds (or takes place, or occurs) in the bulk phase. The reaction proceeds vigorously.

Реакция II [см. тж. В качестве реакции на]

The response of the reactor to an increase in reactivity ...

Chemoreception is the response of most organisms to a change in their chemical environment.

Реакция даёт [см. тж. В результате реакции образуется] In this reaction only one organic product results.

Реакция идёт

The reaction proceeds (or occurs, or takes place) until ...

Реакция идёт до конца

The reaction goes (or proceeds) to completion.

Реакция идёт направо

The reaction goes towards the right.

Реакция между

The reaction of hydrogen and (or with) bromine... A product of a reaction between ammonia and various acids ...

Реакция на

The response of living organisms to physical forces ...

Structural damage may result from a structure's response to the vibration.

Реакция на лакмус

The solution shows a neutral reaction toward litmus.

Реакция, обратная

The reverse of the addition is an elimination reaction.

Реакция, представляющая интерес для химиков A reaction of chemical interest. Реакция продвигается настолько, что


Реакция продвигается настолько, что

Let us assume that the reaction proceeds by an amount that produces a great change in...

Реакция с

The reaction of potassium amalgam with (or and) anhydrous АІСІ 3.


Stage efficiencies close to unity can be
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