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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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С большим успехом

Aluminium has been used to great advantage (or very successfully, or with great success) for

sour crude oil storage tank roofs.

С большой затратой энергии

At a considerable cost (or expenditure) of energy ...

С большой легкостью

These molecular fragments react with great ease.

С большой массой

Massive stars (or Stars with a large mass)...

С большой осторожностью

Great care should be exercised in handling all blueprints. These data must be used with (a) great (deal of) caution.

С большой скростью

As the tool rotates at high speed, ... The controller input is changing at a high rate.

С большой точностью

These standards must be calibrated to a high accuracy.

This instrument is designed to measure, to a high (degree of) accuracy, the parameters of... С введением

With the advent (or introduction) of high-frequency heating, new techniques were developed in the field of ...

С внешней стороны

The tubing is coated on the outside with pure block tin. С внутренней стороны


С внутренней стороны

The bolt head should be fitted on the inside.

Dissolved material is precipitated on the inside of the cavity.

С воздуха [см. Вид с воздуха].

С возникновением [см. С созданием].

С возрастающим [см. С большей и большей точностью].

С востока [см. С запада].

С входной (антон. выходной) стороны

On the upstream (anton. downstream) side of the final control elements ...

С выделением

The HOC1 will decompose with the release of oxygen.

The HOCl will decompose to liberate (or

release) [or with the liberation (or release) of] oxygen.

Sodamite reads with cold water, liberating


С выделением тепла

Thus the reactants are converted to LiF with the evolution (or release, or liberation) of heat.

С выдержкой

Several photographs should be taken at different exposures.

С вырезанным

An iron disk having a segment cut away on each side ...

С высоким содержанием

High-iron (or Iron-rich) bauxite ...

Glasses high in (or with a high content of) silicates ...

Alloys rich in nickel...

Compounds high in bromine content are nonflammable. Ductile iron is a product of high carbon and silicon content.

С высоким содержанием кислоты

Fish cannot live in waters of high acidity.

С высокими рабочими характеристиками

High-performance plastics are noted for their resistance to chemical attack. High-performance lathes ...

С высокой разрешающей способностью The planet was photographed at high resolution.

С высокой степенью точности

The centre frequency of the laser transition can be established with a high degree of accuracy (or precision).

С высотой

The atmosphere becomes increasingly ionized with eievation (or altitude).

С гидравлическим приводом

This machine is hydraulicaily operated (or driven, or powered).

С гладкой поверхностью

A smooth-surfaced ice sheet... С глубины


С глубины

The wells produce oil from a depth of about 9000 ft.

С годами

As years went by, such deposits would thicken.

The percentage of photographic discoveries has steadily increased over the years.

С ... граничит

The uplifted mass is bordered by low areas.

С грубой поверхностью

We used rough-surfaced objects.

С грузом [см. Вес с грузом].

С давних пор

Corrosion caused by ... has been a longstanding problem.

С датчиком

The modular components include a trans-ducerized diaphragm ...

С двойной (одинарной) связью

The doubly bonded oxygen should be closer to the central carbon atom than the singly bonded ones.

С двойными стенками

The nematocysts are double-walled capsules.

С двумя максимумами [см. Кривая с двумя максимумами].

С дизельным приводом

A diesel-driven (or -powered) generator must be ...

С добавкой

Neodymium-doped glass (or Glass doped with neodymium). С должным учетом

It is convenient to grind ... after due allowance has been made for the working position of the tool.

The best SNRs are obtained by using beam-forming optics, with proper consideration of (or with due regard for) individual atomic saturation spectral irradi-ances.

С дополнительным

The manned orbiting laboratory was made up of a spacecraft with a cylindrical section added for instruments and crew space.

С допплеровским уширением

Interaction of laser light with a Doppler-broadened spectral line is depicted in Fig.3.

С допуском

Normally, fluorocarbon resins are machined to tolerances of about +0.005 in. The glass cones were ground to the proper tolerance after cooling.

С допуском на

These components are machined to tolerances of 0.002 in. for size and concentricity.

С доставкой [см. Стоимость с доставкой].

С достаточной точностью

To sufficient accuracy the luminosity of the solar nebula was equal to ... С достаточной уверенностью можно сказать, что


С достаточной уверенностью можно сказать, что

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