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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Резко выраженный

The marked dependence of the structure on...

These copolymers have a less pronounced block structure.

In this area very slight changes of temperature cause sharply defined changes in the - resistance of...

Резко изменяться

The mass velocities change drastically through the column.

The treatment of mental illness in the US.

has changed profoundly in the past 30 years.

The situation changed abruptly with the

developments in nuclear physics and...

The extent of adherence varies widely.

Резко обозначенный [см. тж. Чётко обозначенный]

The smallest details of the ridges and valleys are sharply outlined (or defined). The berm usually has a well-defined edge.

Резко обрываться

Several geosynclinal belts end (or terminate) abruptly.

Резко останавливаться

The eruption came to an abrupt halt (or halted abruptly).

Резко отличаться

These phenomena differ markedly (or sharply, or greatly, or drastically) from

supersonic flow. Резко отличаться друг от друга


The two types of engines differ widely in their combustion requirements, The properties of many carbohydrates differ enormously (or vastly) from one substance to another.

Резко отличаться друг от друга

The nonhistone proteins showed marked distinctions (or differed widely).

Резко отличаться от

These larvae differ radically (or widely) in appearance from their parents by having no wings. This behaviour contrasts with (or is distinctly different from) that of carbon monoxide. The Sun's chemical composition is in marked contrast to that of the innermost planets.

Резко поворачивать вниз

Here, the intestine takes a sharp downward turn.

Резко поворачивать налево (направо)

The band makes a sharp left (right) turn.

Резко прекращаться

At this point the surface laser action abruptly ceases.

Резко сокращать

The drug drastically reduced the digestive system's secretion of acid and pepsin. Maintaining a large inventory would cut deeply into profit.

Резко сокращаться

The duration of the uniform flow decreased drastically.

Резко увеличиваться

The number of hadrons emitted abruptly increased a hundred-fold. The pressure difference increases steeply (or sharply, or dramatically).

Резко улучшаться

Then the world food supply could be drastically improved.

Резкое изменение

Our atomic age has suggested some drastic (or dramatic) changes in fundamental thinking.

Резкое различие между

In relation to transport through polymers, the distinction between gases and liquids is by no means sharp.

Резкое увеличение

A drastic (or sharp) increase in ...

Резкое уменьшение

A severe (or drastic, or sharp) decrease in the silver content...

Результат [см. тж. В результате. Возникать в результате, Давать лучшие показатели, чем; Давать необходимый эффект; Давать результаты; Данные; Конечный результат; Повреждение в результате; Полученный в результате; Являться результатом (или следствием)]

The most unexpected outcome of the above work was the discovery of...

This method is an outgrowth of broad studies of...

This book is the result of research in the field of...

Much of the bad posture of adults are the sequels of rickets in childhood.

Electrical resistance is a result of the scattering of...

This is a direct consequence of... Результаты исследования


Результаты исследования

The findings (or results) of an investigation into...

Результаты экспериментов одних исследователей отличаются от результатов других The results of the experiments vary from one investigator to another.

Резьба [см. Срывать резьбу, Тонкая резьба].

Резьба любого направления

The spindle is for cutting threads of either hand.

Резюмировать [см. тж. Охарактеризо-вывать вкратце. Подводить итоги] The above results may be summed up as follows: ...

We shall now summarize some of the basic theorems.


In summary, 1° alcohols are oxidized to ...

Резюмируя, можно сказать, что

In summary (or Summarizing, or Summing up, or To sum up, or To summarize), (we can say that) the paleomag-netic data vindicate all the details of the drift hypothesis.

Рекомбинация [см. В результате рекомбинации].

Рекомендовать [см. тж. Настоятельно рекомендовать]

The serious student of the subject is recommended (or advised) to read ...

Рекомендуемая литература

We have included suggested reading at the end of each chapter.


Suggested (or Recommended, or Advisable) starting concentration is 10 to 100 parts of...

Рекомендуется [см. тж. Настоятельно рекомендуется, Полезно, Целесообразно]

It is therefore best to apply the Debye equation to ... These antifoams are best added before foaming starts. Such calculations are best conducted by digital computer.

It is advisable (or advised, or wise) to have as much slope in the piping as possible.

In some cases it is good practice first to locate the hole with a drill of smaller diameter.
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