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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This group includes sugar, starches, and cellulose, along with many other related substances. Hydraulic jumps are akin to shock waves.

This board is used in the building and allied (or related) industries. Рождать


Papers on mining practice and kindred subjects ...

Gamma rays arc electromagnetic radiation related to light rays and X-rays, but ... There is an allied problem.


Since pions and kaons are unstable, some of them decay as they proceed down the tube, usually giving rise to a muon and a neutrino.

Рождать надежду

The discovery of superconductivity gave birth to hopes that this phenomenon might eventually be put to many practical uses.


Planets may come into being when small planetesimals fall together. The electronic differential analyzer had its genesis during World War II. This technology is just emerging.

Роковая ошибка

There was a fatal flaw in his calculations.

Роль[см. тж. Важная роль. Играть роль]

The function of the foaming agent is to cover the surface of...

The part played by (or The role of) this factor in the development of... is great.

Роль повысилась

The spring washers have increased in importance with the trend towards smaller, more compact machinery.

Рост [см. тж. Задерживать рост]

With (a) rise of (or in) temperature ...

Рубрика [см. В эту рубрику входят].

Рука об руку [см. Идти рука об руку].

Руководитель группы

The leader of the team for astrometry ...

Руководство [см. Под руководством].


The choice of carrier frequency is governed by the ionization time. In doing this we are guided by efficiency considerations.

Руководствоваться знанием

Land managers can be guided by a knowledge of potential end points.

Руководящие работники

The shortage of electronics technicians is acknowledged by key personnel in manufacturing.

Руководящий персонал

These reports are read by top executives.

Рулон плёнки (фото)

D35-mm film in rolls giving 20 to 36 exposures ...

Ручное управление [см. С ручным управлением].

Ручной [см. тж. Вручную, С ручным управлением] A hand-held remote control. A hand saw. Ручной калькулятор


The brake is released by a hand-operated (or manually operated) lever. This method saves manual (or hand) labour.

Ручной калькулятор

A hand-held calculator.

Рушиться под собственной тяжестью

Such a structure would collapse (or topple) under its own weight.


When an air pump works with a jerky motion (or runs in jerks),...


The originally loose sediments were made solid subsequent to deposition. Рычаг [см.. Нажимать на рычаг].

Ряд I [см. тж. Один из ряда, По ... в каждом ряду, Серия, Степенной ряд по, Целый ряд]

The accelerator has an array of rectifiers and condensers. A number of new machines ...

A sequence (or series, or succession) of long and short alternating pulses ... This research extended over a series of years. A series of holes at the rear of the case provide for... Oxalic acid is present in the form of salts in a variety of plants.

A succession of extrusions of this type may lead to the development of extensive lava plains. A set of functions ... A series of runs (or experiments) ...

Ряд II

The figures are arranged in two rows.

Ряд лет

My own tests upon this point, covering years of time, ...

Ряд последовательных ступеней

The reaction proceeds by means of a sequence of steps.

Ряд реакций

In processes which involve successive (or a succession of) reactions the speed of the whole process is determined by ...

Ряд сочетаний

A wide array of (or A number of, or A variety of) possible combinations ...

Ряд убедительных доказательств того, что [см. тж. Накопить ряд убедительных доказательств того, что]

For many years there has been a body of compelling (or convincing) evidence that

the water in human red blood cells has anomalous properties.

The storage silos are arranged in two rows. The unit cells are placed alongside each other.

The plants growing side by side were suddenly separated by several metres.

Permanent shops will be located adjacent to No. 2 shaft. One of these units was to be placed alongside the first station.

Рядами Рядом

Рядом с С аналогичной структурой



С аналогичной структурой

All these eukaryotes have similarly structured chromatin.

С большей и большей точностью

Machine tools will be built to closer and closer limits of accuracy.

С большей точностью, чем

Astronomers cannot compute ... closer than a tenth of a degree. The g factor is now known to greater accuracy than ...

С большим выходом

To produce esters in high yields,...

С большим трудом

As a result of waste disposal animals are sometimes hard put to find adequately oxygenated water.

С большим увеличением

Examination of fossil tools at high magnification ...

С большим усилением

A high-gain amplifier.
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