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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Install the supply-air lines to slope away

from the controller so that condensed moisture cannot drain into the instrument.

С наконечником

Carbide-tip(ped) drills are often used.

С намоткой из

A rheostat wound with just one wire size requires...

С нарушением допусков [см. тж. Деталь, изготовленная с нарушением допусков]

Parts that have been machined out of tolerance can be built up to the required size and geometry. С наступлением


С наступлением

With the advent of the space and atomic age.

С наступлением войны

With the advent of war, the demand for these products increased.

С начала своего существования

The firm has been interested in training since its inception.

С небольшим числом кратеров

One of Mars' hemispheres is heavily cratered, and the other lightly cratered.

С небольшими оговорками

The theory is (with minor reservations) reliable enough for accurate extrapolations to be made.

С незапамятных времён

Since gravitational radiation is not appreciably absorbed by matter, it should have been accumulating since the beginning of time (or from time immemorial).

С незначительным... или совсем без него

The chambers distribute the water over ... with little or no cavitation.

С неизвестным (матем.)

The case of a single equation in one unknown is considered.

This is a complete system of five equations in the unknownsp, q, and ...

An equation with two unknowns (or unknown quantities)...

С неослабной интенсивностью

The transient change in membrane potential is propagated with undiminished intensity.

С неполной нагрузкой

The machines were operating below capacity.

С нефтяным отоплением

An oil-fired (or -fuelled) boiler...

С нечётным массовым числом

Odd-mass-numbered species ...

С нижней стороны

Water enters on the underside of the valve.

С низким содержанием

Low-iron bauxite.

Medium-carbon steel nuts low (or poor, or deficient) in manganese (or with a low content of manganese) are hard to tap.

The lunar rocks are waterless and hydrogen poor [or poor (or low) in hydrogen].

The silicothermic reaction is generally employed to produce ferrochromium of low-carbon content

(or low-carbon ferrochromium).

С ножным приводом (или управлением) [см. тж. Ножной] A foot-operated valve.

С нормальными допусками [см. Изготавливать с нормальными допусками].

С обеих сторон

The teeth have the same form on both sides.

The dialyzing chamber is placed between two electrodes, with pure water in compartments on either side.

The plates lie on both sides of the fault. С обильным выделением тепла


С обильным выделением тепла

Sodium hydroxide dissolves with great evolution of heat.

С обоих концов

An open caisson is a shaft open at both ends.

С образованием [см. тж. Легко вступать в соединение с ... с образованием, Соединяться с образованием]

Styrene is polymerized to give polystyrene.

The acetyl chloride reacts with the water to form (or yielding, or giving, or with the formation of) acetic acid.

The potassium chloride and the sulphate of potash magnesia will react to yield (or produce) potassium sulphate and magnesium chloride.

Electromagnetic radiation can interact with the ground state to produce an excited state.

С обратным знаком [см. С противоположным знаком].

С обслуживающим персоналом или без него

Substations may be attended (or manned) or unattended (or unmanned).

С обычными покрышками

A conventional-tyred truck.

С одинаковой лёгкостью

Macro- and trace amounts of sulphur are determined with equal facility (or ease).

С одинаковым зарядом

An equally charged proton ...

С одинаковым знаком [см. Одного знака].

С одинаковым успехом

Hence, this arm could as appropriately be named the "invariable" as the "dihydrouri-dine" arm


С одного взгляда

These variables reveal at a glance whether the system is in a normal state. The truth of this theorem can be seen at a single glance.

С одного конца [см. тж. Открыт с одного конца]

A cantilever is a beam or truss supported at one end (only).

С одной стороны

A single track is laid to one side of the shaft excavation. All accessories are located on one side of the engine.

С одной стороны ... , с другой стороны

On the one hand,... and on the other (hand)...

С особым упором на

The purpose of this article is to examine ...

with particular reference to (or emphasis on) mankind's future energy needs. С остановками

Automatic transmission is widely used on buses engaged in stop-and-go city travel.

С осторожностью [см. тж. Осторожно]

This method must be used with caution (or care). С острой кромкой


С острой кромкой

A sharp-edge tool...

С отводом от середины

The thermistor-potentiometer unit is supplied from a centre-tapped 10-0-10 V winding.

С отрицательным зарядом

A negatively charged particle ...

С оттенком
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