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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Разрушение вследствие

Failure by local buckling or by twisting ...


The pieces of the failed pan ... Mechanically degraded rocks ...

Разрыв во времени между

There is no time lag between pressure and density changes. The lapse of 30 years between invention and production of...

Разрыв связей

The breaking (or rupture, or disruption, or dissociation) of hydrogen bonds ...

Разрывать на части

Reactions in which molecules are torn (or pulled) apart and new ones are assembled...

Разрывать связи

To break (or rupture, or disrupt) bonds in complex proteins ...


The bond may finally disrupt (or be disrupted).

Разрывное усилие [см. Находящийся под действием разрывного усилия].

Разряжаться на

The capacitor discharges into the primary circuit.

Разумеется [см. Излишне говорить, что; Само собой разумеется, что]. Разумно

This problem must be dealt with intelligently.

It would be prudent (or reasonable, or proper) to begin thinking now about...

Разумно выбранный

A judiciously chosen spectral band ...

Разумно задать вопрос

A rational question at this point is: If so much is known about earthquakes, why cannot they be prevented?

Разумно предположить, что

The basalt is rich in calcium, and seawater contains less calcium, so that it is reasonable (or it

stands to reason) that the sea-water would take calcium out of the rock.

It is reasonable (or appropriate) to suggest (or assume) that this sequence may reflect...

Разумное использование

Supplement evaporation by judicious (or rational) use of chemicals ...

Разумное существо

If there were any sentient beings on that planet,...


If intelligent feed-water treatment is exercised, ... Разупорядоченный (антон. Упорядоченный)


The judicious use of antidepressants is recommended.

This is an absurd idea for a panicle but completely rational for trains of waves. Such calculations provide reasonable explanations for the observed formation of... This is a sound statement.

Разупорядоченный (антон. Упорядоченный)

The lattice structure of glass is highly disordered (anton. ordered).

Разъедать [см. тж. Коррелировать]

The aqueous solution of HF rapidly attacks glass and most metals. A nail will be eaten up if dropped into an acid.


The quarks are bound so lightly that they

cannot be pried apart.

To separate the molecules completely ...

Разъяснение [см. Нуждаться в объяснении].


In that paper he clarified his ideas.

As was made clear (or explained) in the previous chapter,... I will enlighten you upon many features of...

Ракета [см. Установленный на ракете].

Ракета для исследования Луны (Марса) A lunar (Martian) probe.

Ракета на лазерной энергии

The system is a laser-powered spherical rocket whose payload is ...

Рамки [см. В рамках. Выходить за рамки]. Ранее

To study one-photon forbidden transitions to hitherto (or previously) inaccessible electronically

excited molecular states,...

The sources discussed previously (or before) ...

Ранний период [см. В начале развития].

Ранний этап [см. На раннем этапе развития].

Раньше [см. тж. В прошлом, До, Значительно раньше, чем; Одно время] Previously (or Formerly) we said that...


Water freezing in a crack in the rock will tend to split the rock apart.


Great stresses cause hard rock to break apart.


The airship envelope is spread out on the floor of the hangar.


This substance is known to serve in unwinding superhelical molecules.


These sea shells cannot be pried loose when given warning. Раскрывать возможности


Раскрывать возможности

This feature of laser-excited atomic fluorescence spectrometry unveils its potential as a trace element analytical technique.

Раскрывать природу молекулы

The results of these measurements are a guide to the nature of (or reveal the nature of) the molecule.

Раскрывать тайны материи

Our efforts to unravel the secrets of matter ...


This phenomenon can be understood only by untangling the intricate relations among temperature, viscosity, and ...

Распад [см. тж. При разложении]

The tyrosine formed undergoes further degradation (or breakdown, or disintegration).

Распад кометы

Disruption (or Break-up) of a comet.

Распад на элементы

Bi2S3 is not very stable, and decomposition to the elements takes place slightly above 100°C.

Распадаться I [см. тж. Разлагаться]

The five d orbitals break up into two sets. The gas has to dissociate into single atoms.

A x-meson decays (or breaks down) into several charged particles. These silicone fluids do not decompose into gums or tars.

Glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water with the release of energy. The glucose-phosphate compound breaks down to pyruvic and acetic acids. The crystal broke into three pieces.
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