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Справочник по специальным функциям - Абрамович М.

Абрамович М. Справочник по специальным функциям — М.: Наука, 1979. — 832 c.
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4.5. Hastings С., Jr. Approximations for digital com-

puters. — Princeton: Princeton Univ. Press, 1955.

4.6. H a s t і n g s C., Jr. Note № 143. - Math. Tables Aids

Сотр., 1953, 6, № 68.

4.7. Hobson E.W. A treatise on plane trigonometry. —

Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1918.

4.8. Wall H. S. Analytic theory of continued fractions. —

N.Y.: Van Nostrand Co., 1948.


4.9. Adams E. P. Smithsonian mathematical formulae

and tables of elliptic functions. — Washington: Smithsonian Institution, 1957.

4.10. Andoyer H. Nouvelles tables trigonometriques

fondamentales. — P.: Hermann et fils, 1916.

4.11. British Association for the Advancement of Science.

Mathematical tables, V.l. Circular and hyperbolic functions, exponential, sine and cosine integrals, factorial functionions and allied functions, Hermitian probability functions. —Cambridge; Cambridge Univ. Press, 1951.

4.12. Chemical Rubber Company. Standard mathematical

tables, — Cleveland: Chemical Rubber Publ. Co., 1959.

4.13. Comrfe L. J. Chambers' six-figure mathematical tables. -L.: Chambers, 1949, V. 2.

4.14. Dwight H. B. Tables of integrals and other mathe-

matical data. — N.Y.: Macmillan Co., 1957. Русский перевод: Двайт Г. Б, Таблицы интегралов и другие математические формулы.

- M.: Наука, 1977.

4.15. Crobner W., Hofreiter N. Integraltafel, unbe>

stimmte und bestimmte Integrale. — Wien: Springer-Verlag, 1949-1950.

4.16. Harvard Computation Laboratory. Tables of the function arcsjn z. — Cambridge: Harvard Univ. Press, 1956. -Z = X + і у, 0 < x 475, 0 < у «S

< 475, 6D, с изменяющимися интервалами.

4.17. Harvard Computation Laboratory. Tables of inverse

hyperbolic functions. — Cambridge: Harvard Univ., 1949. — Arth x, 0 =S * < 1; Arsh x, 0 < x =S 3.5; Arch x, 1 < X 3.5; Arsh x, Arch x, 3.5 ^ x <

< 22980, 9D, с изменяющимися интервалами. Русский перевод: Таблицы обратных гиперболических функций. ~ M.: ВЦ АН СССР, 1960.

- (БМТ; Вып. II).

4.18. National Bureau of Standards. Tables of 10®. - Wa-

shington: Government Printing Office, 1953. — -(Applied Math. Series;27). x - 0 (0.00001)1, 10D; IO*'10"*, n = 1(1)999, p = 3(3)15, 15D. Русский перевод: Таблицы антилогарифмов 10* - M.: ВЦ АН CCCP5 1965. - (БМТ; Вып. 30).

4.19. National Bureau of Standard;-. Table of natural lo-

garithms for arguments between zero and five to sixteen decimal places. — Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953. — (Applied Math. Series; 31). X = 0(0.0001)5, 16D. • ціу Русский перевод: Таблицы натуральных логарифмов. - M.: ВЦАНСССР, 1960. - (БМТ; Вып. 7; Вып. 8).

4.20. National Bureau of Standards. Tables of the exponen-

tial function ex. — Washington: Government Printing Officc, 1951. —(Applied Math. Series; 14). л- = -2.4999(0.0003) 0.9999, 18D; X = 1(0.0001) 2.4999, 15D; x=2.5(0.001)4.999,15D; X = 5(0.01)9.99, 12D; x = -0.000099(0.000001)

0.000099, 18D;

X - -100(1)100, 19S, ї® —9 • 10-л(10-я) 9 • I0~n, « = 10, 9, 8, 7 ISD;

значения e и 1 Je, 2556D.

4.21. National Bureau of Standards. Table of the descending

exponential X = 2.5 to X = 10. — Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955. — (Applied Math. Series; 46).

X - 2.5(0.001) 10, 20D.

4.22. National Bureau of Standards. Tables of sines and

cosines for radian arguments. — Washington: Government Printing Office, 1955. — (Applied Math. Series; 43).

sinx, cos x, X = 0(0.001)25.2, 0(1)100, 8D; X = 10-»(10-») 9 • 10-», H = 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 15 D; X = 0(0.00001)0.01, 12D.

4.23. National Bureau of Standards. Tables of circular and

hyperbolic sines and cosines for radian arguments. —

Washington: Government Printing Office, 1953. —

— (Applied Math. Series; 36).

sin x, cos x, sh x, ch x, x = 0(0.0001)

1.9999, 0(0.1)10, 9D.

Русский перевод: Таблицы круговых к гиперболических синусов и косинусов в радианной мере угла. - M.: ВЦ АН СССР» 1958. - (БМТ; Вып. 1).

4.24. National Bureau of Standards. Table of circular and

hyperbolic tangents and cotangents for radian arguments. —N. Y.: Columbia Univ. Press, 1947. tg X, ctg X, th x, X = 0(0.0001)2, 8D или 8S.; X =0(0.1) 10, 10D.

Русский перевод: Таблицы круговых и гиперболических тангенсов и котангенсов в радианной мере угла.-M.: ВЦАНСССР, 1959.-(БМТ; Вып. 7).

4.25. National Bureau of Standards. Table of sines and

cosines to fifteen decimal places at hundredths of a degree. — Washington: Government Printing Office, 1949. — (Applied Math. Series; 5). sinx, cos X1 X-040.01°) 90е, 15D; дополнительные таблицы sin x, cos x, X = I0(Ie) 89', 30D. 54


4.26. National Bureau of Standards. Tabic of secants and

cosecants to nine significant figures at hundredths of a degree. — Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954. - (Applied Math. Scries; 40).

4.27. National Bureau of Standards. Collected short tables

of the Computation Laboratory. Tables of functions and of zeros of functions. — Washington: Government Printing Office, 1954. - (Applied Math. Scries; 37).
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