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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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PETE: Oh, we collected more than 500 kilograms and took the first place in our school.

NICK: By the way, what is your hobby? 1

PETE: My hobby is собирать марки.

Must I also use the word to collect?

NICK: Yes, I see that your hobby is to collect stamps, but mine is to collect match labels.2

PETE: So the English for собирать is to collect.

NICK: Not only to collect. If you pick up things which are scattered3 on the ground or on the floor, you must use the word to gather. This is another word which has the meaning собирать. Let's help the girl to gather her things.

PETE: Look, Nick, what are the children doing?

NICK: They are gathering autumn leaves. It's so nice to be in the open air, let's go to the forest next Sunday.

1 hobby — любимое занятие

2 match label ['leibl] — спичечная этикетка

3 are scattered — разбросаны PETE: Oh, that's wonderful!

NICK: We'll pick flowers and mushrooms there. And do you

like to pick berries? PETE: Yes, I like it very much. So to pick is one more word for собирать. I understand it means рвать, срывать, doesn't it? NICK: Quite right.

PETE: Last summer we often went to the forest to pick strawberries 1 and blueberries.2 It gave us a lot of pleasure.


to collect собирать, складывать, коллекционировать

to gather собирать предметы (расположенные, разбросанные в разных местах) ¦ to pick рвать, срывать, собирать


I. Fill in the blanks with the words to collect, to gather, to pick in the required form:

BOB: This summer we shall go on a hike. Do you know

how to make a fire? VICTOR: Yes, I do. To make a fire you must ... dry sticks.

We may also ... dry leaves and grass, it will help you to light the fire.

1 strawberry ['strorbari] — земляника

2 blueberry-— голубика

1U2 BOB: What is it?

NICK: It is my collection of coins. Don't you know that

I ... old coins? BOB: What is Pete doing?

NICK: Don't you see, he is ... raspberries 1 from the bushes. TEACHER: Kate, ... all the drawings of the pupils and put them into the bookcase.

II. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

1. What does the girl like to do?

2. What is the boy doing?

3. What are the pupils doing?

4. What are the farmers doing?

5. "What is the fox doing?

postcard ['poustka:d] —

открытка mushroom ['шл/гигп] —

гриб scrap paper ['skraep 'peipa] —

макулатура harvest ['haivist]-урожай

raspberry f'rcuzbori] — малина

123 til. a) Ask your classmates what they like to collect.

Model: — Pete, what do you like to collect?

— I like to collect postcards.

stamps, books, shells, little sea stones, birds' eggs, coins, little boxes, pictures, autographs,1 plants, minerals,2 pictures of spacemen, badges 3

b) Ask your classmates what kind of flowers they like to pick in the forest (in the fields).

Model: — Nick, what flowers did you pick in the forest last Sunday? — Oh, I picked many snowdrops.

snowdrop — подснежник bluebell — колокольчик buttercup — лютик

lily of the valley [7Iili gv Sa 'vseli] — ландыш violet ['vaialit] — фиалка

IV. Read the sentences and then ask your classmates to answer the following questions:

1. Our class collects pictures of great Russian painters for the school museum and what do the pupils of the 8th "B" Form collect for it?

2. When we were in the country, I helped the collective farmers to gather ears of wheat4 and what did you gather there?

1 autograph ['o:tagra:f] — автограф

2 mineral ['тіпзгзі] — минерал

3 badge [baed^] — значок

4 ears [i9z] of wheat — колоски пшеницы

124 3. For the 50th anniversary 1 of our Motherland we decided to collect postage stamps with pictures of Lenin on them, and what did you decide to collect for this date?

4. Cherries, strawberries, apricots2 are picked in early summer, and when are apples, pears,3 plums4 picked?

Tell your classmates:

what you have read about people who collect interesting


about the exhibitions which you visited and what was collected there;

what you have read about different collections.

Tell about your school museum. What was collected for this museum.

Tell your classmates what you have once picked in the forest (in the field).


Look at the picture! The animals are laying in stores5 for the winter. Only the dragon-fly6 is doing nothing. It is very lazy.

1 anniversary — годовщина

2 apricot ['eiprikot] — абрикос

3 pear [pea] — груша

4 plum [piAm] — слива

5 to lay in stores — запасаться, делать заготовки

e dragon-fly — стрекоза

125 The ant1 is not lazy, it works very hard, it is very industrious.2 The squirrels are not lazy either. Even the smallest ones do not want to be idle. They are helping their parents to gather nuts.3 But why are the bears idle? Are they lazy? No, they are not lazy. They are idle now because they need no food for the winter. They sleep all the winter through.

All the children are working, but Borya is doing nothing. He does not like to work, he is a lazy boy.
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