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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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2. After ten days Eugene had spent almost all his money, and decided that any job would do.4 He asked for anything, he was ready to work in a bakery,5 in a candy store.6 At last he found a job, but lost it after three months. All the time he dreamed of great pictures. And one Monday evening in October, armed with several sheets of paper, he began his work.

V. Speak about the picture. These questions will help you:

1. What kind of work are the pupils doing?

2. What is the job of each pupil?

3. Is it a hard job?

4. Has every pupil a job?

5. Does each pupil do his job well?

6. Is it a useful job?

7. Do the boys and girls like this work?

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1 in search [s9:tj*] of work — в поисках работы

2 to apply [э'р1аг] — обращаться

3 unexperienced ('Aniks'piarianst] — неопытный

4 would do — зд. устроит

5 bakery ['beikari] — булочная

* candy store ['kaendi 'sto:] — кондитерская

131 VI. Retell the story.


One morning a farmer met a boy and said, uDo you want a job?"

uYes, I do," answered the boy.

"Can you give me a good character,1 then?" asked the farmer.

uYes, I can. It is from Mr. Muggs. My last job was with him."

"Well," said the farmer. uGo and ask Mr. Muggs to come and speak to me. I'll wait here."

Five minutes passed, ten minutes, but Mr. Muggs did not come.

Later in the afternoon the farmer saw the boy again.

uMr. Muggs did not come to me with your character," said the farmer.

uNo, he did not," said the boy, "I did not ask him to come.'*

uWhy not?" asked the farmer.

ttI told him who wanted my character and he gave me yours, I think I'd rather look for work somewhere else."


FOREMAN:2 Come on, man, hurry up. We have much work to do.

WORKER: Rome was not built in a day. FOREMAN: May be not, but I wasn't foreman on that job.

SHOP-GIRL: This machine will do half your work. CUSTOMER:3 All right, I'll take two.

1 character ['kaerikto] — рекомендация

2 foreman — мастер

3 customer ['kAstamo] — покупатель


— What is the shortest way to the forest?

— If you have a car, you may go along this road, but if you want to go on foot, take this narrow path.

— Early in the morning you can see many people in the street on their way to work.

— Are we on the right road?

— No, I am not sure.

— Then, we'd better ask someone, I don't want to lose our way.


road дорога path тропинка ¦ way путь

133 Note: to go (run) along the road (path)

идти (бежать) по дороге (тропинке) to be (stand) on the road (path) быть (стоять) на дороге (тропинке) to cross the road переходить через дорогу to ask the way спросить дорогу to lose one's way заблудиться on one's way to school (the club, Moscow) на пути в школу (в клуб, в Москву)

Where are the sportsmen running?

What are these men going along?

What is the boy asking the man?

II. Fill in the blanks with the words road, way, path:

1. It was a rainy day and the ... to the village was terribly muddy.1

2. Look, there is a narrow ... here, and it leads to the hunter's hut.2

3. We were walking along the ... through the woods until we came to the main ....

4. Do you know the ... to the stadium?

5. They stopped the lorry which was going along the dusty 3 ... .

1 muddy — грязный

2 hunter's hut — домик охотника

3 dusty — пыльная


I. Look at the pictures and answer the questions:

134 6. At last the tourists saw a winding 1 ..., running through the mountains.

7. When the tourists came to Volgograd, they asked the people to show them the ... to the Mamayev Kurgan.

8. It was so unpleasant to ride along such a bumpy2 ... .

III. Make up short dialogues using the words in the column. Model:

a) — Can you show me the

way to the centre of the town? *

— Go along this road.

b) — Does this road lead to

the nearest village? *

— No, it doesn't. You must take another way.

* the Palace of Pioneers, the museum, the theatre, the cinema, the shop, the factory

* the collective farm, the forest, the town, the industrial centre, the Palace of Pioneers

c) — Who did you meet on your way to school? *

— My friend Nick.**

d) — Did you meet anybody on your way home yesterday? * — Yes, my mother.**

* to the pioneer camp, to the football match, to Moscow, to the collective farm, to the skating-rink ** Nick's sister, Nick's brother, my schoolmate

* on Saturday, in the evening

** my friend^ my father, my uncle, my brother, the boy who lives in our house

IV. Learn the dialogues by heart:

— Oh, there is no path here. We have lost our way.

— What shall we do?

— Let's turn to the left. It seems to me that I saw a road not far from here.

1 winding ['waindii)] — извилистая

2 bumpy — ухабистая

135 — Ann, come for a walk.

— All right. Shall we walk along this path first?

— No, it is too narrow.

— Come this way then, it is so pleasant here. V. Tell the story in the pictures.
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