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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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From that time on, every ship that sailed to the coast of New Zealand was met by the white dolphin. It continued to serve 2 as a ship's pilot3 until 1912.

Of course, no one could be sure that it was the same dolphin, and no one has ever discovered 4 what made the white dolphin (or dolphins) pilot ships past the reefs for forty years.

III. Speak about these pictures:

1. What did Pif decide to do one day?

2. Did he like it?

3. Why did he get worried?

4. Is he glad to be on land?

5. How does he feel now?

6. Will Pif be a sailor?

rough [ТАЇ] — неспокойный, штормовой (о море) to get worried [wArid] — обеспокоиться land [lsend] — земля

to feel giddy Pgidi] — чувствовать, головокружение sailor TvSeib] — моряк

1 to lead (led, led) — вести, идти вперед

2 to serve [sa:v] — служить

3 pilot ['paitot] n — лоцман; v вести, прокладывать путь

4 to discover [dis'kAva] — узнать, обнаружить

116 1. 2.



Where is the man? What is he going to do? Why cannot he swim in the Sea of Vapours? 1

Can one go swimming in other seas of the Moon? Why not?

to dive [daiv] нырять

IV. Complete the sentences choosing the right word from the middle column:

1. 2.









We often go I learned Some people can

Have you ever Last summer the ship Anadir

The boys liked Many beautiful ships Who taught you

She has never My brother's ship

to swim

to sail








before supper, at the age of six. across the English

Channel, in a salt lake? from Perm to Astrakhan.

in the mountain

river, from Moscow to

Leningrad, so well?

in the Black Sea. from Murmanskto Vladivostok.

1 the Sea of Vapours [7Veipaz] — Море паров (на Луне)

117 V. Speak about this picture:


2. 3.


Why is the boy crying for help? Can he swim? Who is going to help him? When the boy was saved at last, his first words were: "I shall never try to swim again until I learn to swim." Will he learn to swim without swimming?

How did you learn to swim?

to save [seiv] — спасать to drown [draun] — тонуть


Victor Popov had never seen a real forest before he went to the Far East with his parents. There was only a small wood near his village. He liked it, too.

But the forest in the Far East is different. It is very large, it covers hills and mountains, it occupies a large area.1 There are a lot of wild animals there. Victor likes to spend time in the forest and to listen to what the age-old2 trees whisper3 to one another. And they do whisper!


forest густой дремучий лес wood небольшой лес (часто употребляется woods)

1 to occupy a large area — занимать большую площадь

2 age-old — вековой

3 to whisper ['wispa] — шептать

118 Do you know that there are almost no forests in England now? The forests were cut down1 in the 18th century, when people needed much charcoal2 for their industries. But there are a lot of woods in England now, and woods are smaller and less wild than forests.

In our country forests occupy a great territory. The North, the Urals, the Far East are covered with forests. Forests are the wealth 3 of our country.


I. Look at the pictures and say which animals live in forests and which

1 to cut down — вырубить

2 charcoal ['tja:koul] — древесный уголь 8 wealth [welo] — богатство

119 її. Fill in the blanks with the word forest or wood:

1. ... stretched for kilometers around.

2. There are a lot of pine 1 ... in our region.

3. The little children sat themselves down at Granny's feet and she began, "Once upon a time there lived Father Bear, Mother Bear and three little bears in a ...

4. There is a small . .. near our village; we often go there to gather mushrooms 2 and berries.3

5. Let's plant oak4 trees here; we shall have a beautiful ... in a few years.

6. Dersu Uzala loved ... and knew all its mysteries.5

III. Answer these questions:

1. Have you ever been to the forests of our North?

2. Are there forests or woods in the Urals?

3. Is there a forest or a wood near your place?

4. Was your pioneer camp situated in a forest or in a wood? What animals did you see there?

5. In what season do you like the forest most of all? Describe it.

IV. Learn the poem:


What a fairy sight6 at night Is the forest still and white; When above us floats the moon, Like a wonderful balloon,7 When on every fir and pine Diamonds8 and jewels 9 shine ...

1 pine — сосновый

2 mushroom — гриб

3 berry — ягода

4 oak — дубовый

5 mystery ['mistari] — тайна

6 fairy sight [sait] — сказочный вид

7 balloon — шар

s diamond ['daiamand] — бриллиант, алмаз

9 jewel [Мзи:з1] — драгоценный камень


PETE: Nick, what is the English for собирать?

NICK: There are three words in English which have this meaning. If you are on duty, the teacher may ask you to collect all the copy-books of the pupils and put them on her table. Your class may collect books for your library. How much scrap metal did your class collect?
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