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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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1. Who is going along the path in the forest?

2. Are the pupils hiking?

3. What have they in their hands (on their backs)?

4. What season is it?

5. Is the forest beautiful at this time of the year?

6. Why did they stop?

7. Why are they standing on the road?

8. What do they ask the driver?


Two brothers live across a path, but never see each other. What makes a road broad? 1

What goes uphill and downhill and always remains in the same place?

Proverb: The longest way round is the shortest way home. (Тише едешь, дальше будешь.)

1 broad [bro:d] — широкий


The traffic was very heavy in the street. Suddenly a man ran to the policeman who was standing in the middle of the street.

MAN: What is the shortest way to the hospital? POLICEMAN: If you just stand where you are standing now, you'll get there immediately.1 This is the shortest and the quickest way to the hospital.

The boys are swimming across 2 the river. The mother is taking her little son across the street. The girl is throwing the ball over the fence. The boy is jumping over a stick. The train is going through the tunnel.3

The woman is running the thread through the eye of the needle.

1 immediately [i'mi:djotli] — немедлен-но, тотчас же

2 (she) is taking ... across .., — переводит ... через ...

3 tunnel [Чапэ1] — туннель


137 Remember:

across через (с одной стороны на другую)

over через (поверх чего-либо) ¦ through через (сквозь что-либо)


I. Complete the sentences by translating the words in the brackets into English.

1. Peteisteachinghisdogtojump (через палку).

2. The helicopter1 helped us to get (через пропасть2).

3. Sergei Tjulenin quickly climbed (через забор) and disappeared3 in the dark yard.

4. The soldiers were moving (через лес).

5. Do you know the way Englishmen get (через Ла-Манш)?

6. Go (через улицу) only when the traffic lights 4 are green.

II. Make up sentences about these pictures using across, over, through. The words in the brackets will help .you.

1 helicopter [heli'kopta] — вертолёт

2 SaP — пропасть

3 to disappear {,disa'pia] — исчезать

4 traffic lights — светофор

5 to move [mu:v] — двигаться

(to climb, fence)

(to talk, hole, in the fence)

(tractor, to move,5 fields)

138 (to look, keyhole1)

(people, to build, a dam 2)

(to jump, pool)

(to bend down, fence)

(to look, microscope3)

III. Tell the story in the pictures:

1. What sport does the boy go in for?

2. Is he a good jumper?

3. Why did he get frightened?

4. How was he able to break the record?

to get frightened ['fraitnd] — испугаться hedgehog ['hed3hog] — ёж

to break the record ['reko:d] — перекрыть рекорд

1 keyhole ['kr.houl] — замочная скважина

2 dam [daem] — плотина

3 microscope ['maikroskoup] — микроскоп 1. Why was the hiker worried?

2. What helped him?

3. How did it help?

4. Are all animals friends of people?

hiker ['haike] — турист to be worried [rWArid] — быть обеспокоенным giraffe [dsi'rcr.f] —

жираф to stretch [stret/1 oneself — потянуться за чем-либо


1. The hen and its chicks are going for a walk, aren't they?

2. What does the mother-hen see on its way?

3. What does the mother-hen do when it sees the tube in its way?

4. The chicks don't follow it, do they?

5. Does the mother-hen recognize its chicks?

6. Why are they so dirty?


tube [tju:b] — труба

to go by — обходить

to follow ['folou] — следовать V. Read the poems. Explain the use of the words across and through.

Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town Upstairs and downstairs 1 in his night gown;2 Rapping3 at the window, crying through the lock,4 "Are the children in their beds? For now it's eight o'clock!"


Mad March Wind went out to play 44IfIl have such fun," said he, "today I'll toss 6 the clothes put out to dry7 And chase8 the clouds across the sky." The mad March wind rushed up and down, And whirled 9 through all the streets in town, Until, at last, tired out10 with play He turned and quietly blew away.11


Why does a chiken go across the road? What circulates 12 through our veins 13?


When Nick can answer the teacher's question, he raises his hand.

1 upstairs and downstairs — вверх и вниз (no лестнице)

2 night gown [gaun] — ночндя рубашка

3 to rap — стучать

4 lock — замок

5 mad — сумасшедший

6 to toss — швырять

7 to dry — высушивать, сушить

6 to chase — гнать

9 to whirl [wa:l] — кружить вихрем

10 tired out — усталый

11 to blow away — зд. улетать

12 to circulate — циркулировать

13 vein — вена When Nick sees a sheet of paper on the floor, he always picks it up.

But he can't lift things which are as heavy as this bag.


to raise поднять, привести в вертикальное

положение to pick up поднять, подобрать ¦ to lift поднять с земли (с трудом)
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