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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
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Steve is not lazy. There is no spade 4 for him. But he is trying to help the children, he does not want to be idle.


to be lazy = to be unwilling to work лениться, не хотеть работать, увиливать от дела (lazy всегда имеет отрицательный оттенок)

to be idle [aidl] = to do nothing, to be not active ничем не заниматься, ничего не де-¦ лать (иногда по необходимости)


I. Fill in the blanks with the word lazy or idle:

All the pupils are very busy reading books. Only Borya is ... . The teacher goes up to him:

— Why are you not rea'ding?

— I have no book. I have left my book at home.

— Borya, Borya. You are again doing nothing. Last time you were ... because you had left your copy-book at home. Today it's a book. I see, you don't like to work. You're ....

1 ant [aent] — муравей

2 industrious [in'dAstrios] — трудолюбивый

3 nut — орех

4 spade — лопата

126 Borya is at home. MOTHER: Why are you ..., Borya? Why are you not doing your lessons?

BORYA: But today is Saturday, Mum. We have no homework

for Mondays. MOTHER: Read a book then. BORYA: I don't want to read.

MOTHER: Then go and help your Dad. He is making a shelf. BORYA: I don't feel like working,1 Mum. MOTHER: You are a ... boy, Borya.

What did his mother say to Borya? Is there such a Borya in your class? Speak about him. Critisize him!

II. Tell the stories in these pictures, using the words lazy and idle:

1. Does the boy get up early in the morning?

2. Is he doing anything at two o'clock?

1 to feel like working — иметь желание, хотеть работать

127 3. Is he busy at 6 o'clock?

4. What can you say about this boy? Does he like to work?

1. What were the children doing in the morning?

2. What were they doing after dinner?

3. Were they busy in the evening?

4. Are the children lazy?


III. Read and explain the use of the words lazy and idle.


Mr. BROOK: Nobody is idle in my family. My wife gives piano lessons, my son is learning to play the violin 1 and my daughter takes singing lessons. Mr. BROOK'S FRIEND: And what do you do? Mr. BROOK: Well, I suffer2 in silence.

FATHER: Well, Tommy. I talked to your teacher today, and now I want to ask you a question. Who is the laziest person in your class?

1 violin [,vaia'lin] — скрипка

2 to suffer [7SAfa] — страдать

128 TOMMY: I don't know, Father.

FATHER: Oh, yes, you do! Think! When other boys and girls are reading or writing, who sits in the class and only watches how other people work? TOMMY: Our teacher, Father.


Why is a tall man lazier than a short man?

TEACHER: Now, Pete, what is your job when you are on duty?

Do you have much work to do? PETE: Not very much. My job is to wet the duster, to clean the blackboard and to air the classroom.

TEACHER: Nick, what was your job at the pioneer camp? NICK: My job was to look after rabbits. TEACHER: Was it an interesting job? NICK: Oh, yes. I liked it very much.



work работа, труд человека (вообще) job = a piece of work (конкретный вид pa-

¦ боты)

Note: No a before work.

129 Exercises

I. Fill in the blanks with the words work and job:

TEACHER: Every pioneer in our class is responsible for some kind of ... . Pete, what is your ... ?

PETE: My ... is to draw cartoons 1 for our wall newspaper.

TEACHER: Is it an interesting ... ?

PETE: It is a very interesting ..., I like it very much.

TEACHER: Pete says that he likes that ... very much. It is a useful ..., indeed. And what is your ..., Mike?

MIKE: My ... is to help Ann in English but I must say that it is a hard ...!

TEACHER: Why is it a hard ... ?

MIKE: It is a hard ... because Ann is always very busy. She is responsible for our ... in the school yard. She is always busy.

II. Make up short dialogues using the words in the column. Model:

a) — Have you much work to

do at school? *

— Not very much. (Oh, very much.)

b) — What is your job ai

home? *

— My job is to look after my little brother.**

* in the school garden, in the pioneer room, in the school workshop, at the handicraft lessons

* in the library, in the pioneer room, in the field

** to water flowers, to collect newspapers, to bind books

III. Here are questions for you. Answer them:

1. What work do you carry out as a pioneer (as a Komsomol member) ?

2. Are you responsible for any special job in your class?

3. Do you always do your work in time?

4. Were you given any job by your form mistress yesterday? What was it?

1 to draw cartoons [ka:'tu:nfc] — рисовать шуточные картинки 130 5. What was your job when your class was working in the school yard (when you went to help the collective farmers)?

6. Does your mother do all the work at home or do you help her?

SV. Translate the following:

1. Sister Carrie, Dreiser's first book, describes the life and struggle of Carrie Meeber who goes to Chicago in search of work.1 She applies2 to many places ready to take any job, but it was difficult for a young unexperienced3 girl to find work in the United States. She is not given a job either in the shoe company or the department store where she applies.
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