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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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с) 1. What is the man carry- rifle ['raifl] — ружье ing?

2. What does Pif tell him to frighten ['fraitn] — пугать to do?

3. Where does the man put his rifle?

4. What does he pretend to to pretend [pretend] — притво-do? ряться

93 5. Are the hares really frightened?

6. What do they do?

7. What is the man doing now?

8. Will he catch up with the hares?

catch up (with) (caught, caught) — догнать, догонять


Can you lend me your rubber? 1 I have left2 mine at home. Pete has borrowed the rubber from Steve.

Steve is always willing3 to lend Pete his things. Now Steve has lent an interesting book to Pete. Pete has borrowed the book. In two days he will bring it back.

1 rubber ['глЬэ] — резинка

2 to leave (left, left) — оставлять

3 to be willing — желать, охотно делать что-либо

94 Remember:

to lend (lent, lent) something- to somebody

давать взаймы, одалживать to borrow ['borou] something from somebody

¦ брать взаймы


I. Заполните пропуски глаголом to lend или to borrow в нужной форме:

1. Pete likes to skate. But his skates are not good. He often ... skates from Steve. Steve's skates are very good. He ... them to Pete.

2. — Who did you ... the camera1 from?

— From Mike. He is always willing to ... me his camera.

3. He was a kind-hearted2 man and gladly ... us money when we were hard up.3

4. — Is it your own 4 book?

— No, I've ... it from the library.

II. Предложите вопросы своим товарищам, которые должны на них ответить.


PETE: May I borrow your box of pencils for two davs? NICK: Of course, I'll gladly5 lend it to you.

hammer, tent, bicycle, map, pin, skies, book, rubber, tool, textbook, ball, chess, draughts

III. Составьте диалоги по данным образцам:

1. PETE: Lend me your hammer, Sasha. SASHA: Here it is.6 TEACHER: What has Pete done? ANN: He has borrowed the hammer.

1 camera — фотоаппарат

2 kind-hearted — добрый

3 to be hard up — нуждаться, быть в затруднительном положении

4 own [oun] — собственный

5 gladly ['glaedli] — охотно

6 here it is — пожалуйста

95 TEACHER: And what has Sasha done? ANN: He has lent it to Pete.

2. LENA: Where have you got this bicycle, Pete? PETE: IVe borrowed it from Steve.

3. LENA: Where is vour bicycle, Steve? STEVE: Tve lent it to Pete.

IV. Прочитайте сказку. Заполните пропуски глаголом to lend или to borrow.


Once upon a time1 the Cock2 was the most handsome3 among birds.

One day the Peacock 4 who was then a very drab5 bird made up his mind6 to get married.7 As he wanted to be handsome, he asked the Cock to ... him his wonderful plumage.8

.. me your nice dress for only one day, please. Г11 get married and bring it back." The Cock was not only a handsome bird, but he was very kind.9 He ... his beautiful dress to the Peacock and took the Peacock's drab dress in exchange.10

The Peacock said, "If I don't return11 in time,12 call 13 me. Your voice14 is so loud,15 it can be heard far. Call me in the morning, and I'll return the dress that I ... . If I don't return it in time, call again in the afternoon. If I don't return in the afternoon, call me again in the evening. I'll be sure 16 to return then."

A day passed but the Peacodk did not bring back the dress that he had ... from the Cock.

1 once upon a time — давным-давно

2 cock — петух

3 handsome — красивый

4 peacock — павлин

5 drab — некрасивый, одноцветный

6 to make up one's mind — задумать

7 to get married — жениться

e plumage ['pluimid^] — оперение

9 kind — добрый

10 in exchange [iks'tJeind^] — взамен

11 to return [ri'tain] — возвращать (ся)

ї2 in time — вовремя

13 to call — звать

14 voice — голос

15 loud - звонкий

16 to be sure [Jua] — зд. непременно

96 Next morning the Cock called, "Peacock! Come back! Bring me my dress, I've ... it to you only for one day."

But the Peacock did not come back. The Cock repeated his call in the afternoon. In the evening he called the Peacock again. But the Peacock did not answer.

The Cock has never deceived 1 anyone in his life, and he still believes 2 that one day the Peacock will bring back the beautiful plumage that he has .. . from the Cock.

That's why the cock crows 3 loudly three times a day.


What is it that we often return but never borrow?


Nick did not go to school yesterday. He was ill. The doctor came to see him. He asked Nick to show him his tongue. The doctor gave Nick some medicine4 and said that Nick had to stay home for several5 days.

Nick was very sad,6 he did not want to miss7 his lessons, especially8 the English lessons, because he likes the English language very much.


tongue [tAг)] язык (орган, расположенный в полости рта) ¦ language nseggwid3] язык (речь)

Note: the English language английский язык the Russian language русский язык the mother tongue родной язык

1 to deceive [dfsiiv] — обманывать
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