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Выбери правильное слово - Костенко Г.Т.

Костенко Г.Т., Павлович Р.П. Выбери правильное слово — М.: Просвещение, 1968. — 167 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): viberipravilnoeslovo1968.djvu
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2 to believe [bi'lr.v] — верить

3 to crow [krou] — кукарекать

4 medicine ['medsin] — лекарства

5 several — несколько

6 sad — печальный

7 to miss — пропускать

8 especially [is'pejali] — особенно

97 Упражнения

I. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What language do your parents speak?

2. Does anyone in your family know a foreign 1 language?

3. In what language do you write to your pen-friend?

4. What is his mother tongue?

5. What is the mother tongue of the American people? IL Составьте небольшие рассказы по картинке:

1. What form is the boy in?

2. Can he write?

3. Does he like to write? Why do you think so?

to stick out ['stik 'aut] — высовывать

This small animal is called a chameleon.2 It lives in Africa. Its food is insects.8 It likes flies 4 very much. But how does it catch them? What does it do when it sees a fly?

to shoot [fu:t] — зд. выбрасывать язык (стрелять языком) HUMOUR

"Are you feeling very ill?" asked the doctor. ttShow me your tongue."

''It's no use, doctor," said the sick man. t4No tongue can tell how ill I feel."

1 foreign ['form] — иностранный

2 chameleon [ka'miiljan] — хамелеон

3 im>ect ['insekl] — насекомое

4 fly [flaL] — муха

98 — I say, Victor, I read about one Englishman who is very unusual.1

— Why is he unusual?

— He does not like to talk. He knows seven languages and can be silent2 in seven languages.


What a small mouth I have! No wonder,4 all people say I cannot hold my tongue.5


iiAlI right, Professor, stick out your tongue and say "Ah!"

4tAhl" said the Professor.

44Strange colour for a tongue... Now wait, let me loofc nearer," exclaimed the doctor. 44Oh, it's something stuck on your tongue. A stamp!"

4tMy God!" shouted the Professor. 44And I've looked everywhere for it!"


— Look, the leaves are falling to the earth.

— No, Pete, they are falling to the ground. In this case6 you must use the word ground not earth. The earth is the planet on which we live. It's wrong to say as you said. Leaves are falling on the surface of the earth, that is to the ground.

1 unusual [лп^иїзизі] — необычный

2 can be silent — может молчать

3 chatterbox — болтунья, пустомеля

4 no wonder — не удивительно

5 to hold one's tongue — молчать

6 in this case — в данном случае

99 к — Look at these women. What are they

N doing?

— They are putting earth in the pots to plant some flowers.

— But, Pete, you must know there is another word in English which means земля, суша. It's the word land. When people travel long by sea they are glad to see land again.


the Earth Земля, земной шар, планета earth земля, почва ground земля, поверхность земли ¦ land земля, суша


I. Прочитайте текст и объясните употребление выделенных слов.


You remember that Robinson Crusoe took all the things from the ship to the land. Among these things there was a small bag with seeds of corn.1 He threw the seeds on the ground and as the earth on the island was very good in some weeks he saw that green stalks 2 came out of the ground.

1 seeds of corn [ko:n] — зерна

2 stalk [stork] — росток

100 What is Nick doing? He is digging the ... . Oh, the ... is too dry. It is difficult to dig it. He is making a hole and wants to plant a tree in it.

He puts the tree and fills the hole with ... and then waters the .... Will it grow now?

You say, "No." Why?

— Because the dog pulled the tree out of the ....

— Yes, you are quite right.

III. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the ground covered with in winter (in autumn)?

2. Why cannot fish live on land?

3. Which do you like better, to travel by sea or by land?

4. What do you know about our Earth?

5. What is the name of the first space woman who travelled round the Earth?

6. Is the earth in your school garden good?

snow, leaves to have no lungs 1

to move round the sun

1 lungs [1aI)Z] — легкие

01 IV. Заполните пропуски словами ground, earth, /arcd:

Some birds make their nests on the .... Pete covers the roots of the fruil trees with .... In the eastern part of Britain the sea comes deeply1 into the ... .

The ... in this field is good and wheat2 grows well. This ship will soon reach3... .

People from all over the world come to Mamayev Kurgan to take some sacred4 ... .

V. Составьте рассказ по картинкам.

1. Where is Kate going?

2. Who else is going with her?

3. Is Kate going to the Crimea by land or by air?

4. What is Kate doing when the plane leaves the ground?

5. What does she see?

i to come deeply — зд. врезаться * wheat — пшеница

3 to reach — достигать

4 sacred ['seLkrid] — священная s the Crimea [krai'mia] — Крым


102 6. What is the ground covered with?

7. Can she see land when the plane is flying over the sea?

8. Is Kate glad to see the Crimean land?
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