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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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non-metric theories.

These crystals can be classed into three


Vibrations can be classified in three categories: free, forced and self-excited. Делить на части

This work may be classified under three heads [or (sub)divided into three parts]: 1. Preparation of abstracts; 2. ... 3. ...

Делить пополам

Bisect the side AB (or the angle ВАС). The great circle bisects the celestial sphere. Divide the arc in two.

Делиться на I [см. тж. Делить на]

In the metric system all units are exactly divisible by 10 or 100.

Делиться на II

Tile is classified as load-bearing and non-load-bearing. Steering-gear come under the following groups: ... Marine pumping equipment falls into two broad classes. The elements are classified in(to) families or groups.

Делиться на категории

These hormones fall (or are classified) into four categories. Делиться поровну между


Делиться поровну между

The remaining underground water is about evenly divided between reservoirs deeper than 800 metres and reservoirs shallower than that level.

Дело [см. Иметь дело с, Иначе обстоит дело с].

Дело в том, что

The point (or matter, or fact) is that loads are not inputs the system is supposed to follow.

Дело далёкого будущего

The large-scale use of whiskers in composite materials is still a good distance in the future. A complete description of the biochemistry of even the simplest cell is still a long way (or many years) in the future.

Дело касается [см. Если идёт речь о].

Дело обстоит иначе [см. тж. Это не так/ The situation is different now.

Дело обстоит иначе когда

The situation is reversed if the gas highly soluble.

Дело обстоит совсем иначе

In the second case we have a completely different situation.

Дело усложняется тем, что

The added complication is that we must include ...

Делящийся на

We would have a series divisible by 4.


The detected output is suitable for presentation on the screen.

Демонстрировать [см. тж. Показано]

I will now proceed to show how this result was obtained.

Демонстрироваться [см. тж. Выдаваться, Выставлен]

This is depicted (or shown, or exhibited, or displayed, or pictured, or illustrated) in Fig. 3. The electrical impulse from the cell is displayed on an oscilloscope.

This loader was displayed (or shown, or exhibited, or on exhibit) at the recent mining machinery exhibition.

Also on display (or on show, or on view, or on exhibit) were a range of pump units. New technical developments in processes and materials are featured in a number of exhibits.

Демонстрироваться на экране

The output is displayed on the oscilloscope screen.

День за днём

Operating day after day at low efficiency makes the machine more expensive the more you use it. Держать в запасе [см. Иметь в запасе].

Держать в поле зрения

The ground stations are so positioned that the satellite has at least one of them in view.

Держать в резерве

One of the pumps is held (or kept) in reserve.

Держать на вытянутой руке

To hold at arm's length. Держать штат [см. Иметь штат].


Держать штат [см. Иметь штат].

Держаться на безопасном расстоянии от

All personnel should keep clear of (or away from) high-voltage equipment.

Десятичный знак [см. тж. До ... десятичного знака]

In division one can obtain as many decimal places as necessary.

Десятичный логарифм

The logarithm to the base 10 of...

Десяток [см. тж. Много десятков километров, Несколько десятков]

The duration of these currents varies from millimicroseconds to tens of microseconds.


Wire, bands, and similar articles are drawn continuously through the bath. The welded component (or part) is automatically ejected from the machine. The work (or workpiece, or piece) is set upon the worktable.

Деталь, изготовленная без нарушения допусков A within-tolerance part.

Деталь, изготовленная с нарушением допусков An out-of-tolerance part.

Детально [см. тж. Более подробно, Во всех подробностях, Достаточно детально, Подробно]

Let us investigate these movements in great depth (or in detail). Six crystals were examined in detail (or thoroughly). It is necessary to consider this problem in some detail. The theory has been extensively investigated by many authors.

Детальные данные

That rocket has provided the first comprehensive data on ...

Детальный [см. тж. Всеобъемлющий, Подробный] A new comprehensive catalogue has been issued.

A picture with full details is presented.

For an extended discussion of this subject see Chap.3.

Детальный анализ

These sublevels permit a more sophisticated treatment of atomic spectra.

Дефект [см. тж. Без дефектов, Брак, Обнаружение дефектов, Устранять дефект]

A dangerous flaw in design ...

Streaks and other flaws causing rejection of moulded items often result from improper storage. Defect, Blemish, Imperfection.


If no difference in performance occurs the gland is not at fault (or faulty). The service man can check out the receiver and locate the offending component.
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