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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Для целей вычисления

For purposes of formula weight calculation, it is convenient to ...

Для чего

Potentiometry involves the measurement of the potential of a galvanic cell, for which purpose potentiometers are used.

Для экономии места

We will not dwell on this point to save room.

Для этого [см. тж. С этой целью]

It is possible to separate the hysteresis and eddy current losses; to do this (or to accomplish this, or to this end, or for this purpose, or with this aim in view), the total losses are plotted against... Для этого необходим


Nickel and chromium are applied to automobile parts to preserve a good appearance, but to do so they must also prevent corrosion.

Для этого необходим

To do this requires high voltage.

Для этого необходимо сделать следующее

To assemble the overload check valves, the chart plate must be removed: Proceed as follows: ...

Для этого нужно только

All one has to do is to transfer the system to...

Для этого требуется

To do this would require a fixed-frequency laser.

Для этой цели [см. тж. С этой целью/ The camera was built specially for the job (or for this purpose).

Для ясности

For (purposes of) clarity (or For clarity sake), Fig. 2 illustrates a typical element. Днём и ночью

In the upper layers of the atmosphere atoms and molecules emit light both by day and at night. Дно [см. тж. На дно, Осаждаться на дне/ The floor of the truck body ... A thin layer of din has accumulated on the floor (or bottom) of the tank. The ocean floor (or The floor of the ocean).

До I [см. тж. Доводить до]

The lake is up to 600 m deep.

The total number of asteroids is estimated to be as high as 100,000.

As many as 50 individual reaction steps might be necessary for complete synthesis.

If the region of accumulation is extended as far as the emitter...

These losses may be as much as 1,5% of the silver present.

Barretters can measure powers as small as 10-8 watt.

We have made wire in sizes down to 0.005 in diameter.

The heater will heat the gas to the desired temperature.

This will heat the thermistor enough to lower the resistance to 200 ohms.

Pieces weighing up to (or not over) three kilograms may be used for the test.

До II [см. тж. Впредь до, За (один) год до, Иметь толщину до]

The group I tRNAs arose prior to the others (biol.). Prior to the seventeenth century ...

Until the Three Mile Island accident the most widely discussed type of reactor malfunction was ... Prior to testing, all specimens were dried. This decreases time to rupture.


Paste adhesives are knife-coated to uniform thickness.

До I [см. тж. Перед]

A globe valve is installed in the supply air line, upstream from (or of) the reducer, so that the air may be shut off by hand.

До II [см. С точностью до].

До абсурда

His goals as a geologist were ambitious to the point of irrationality. До бесконечности

Thus, a constant becomes a pseudo first derivative and a first derivative becomes a pseudo second derivative, and so on to infinity (or ad infinitum). До..., включительно


The ray can propagate indefinitely without any loss of power.

До... , включительно

Diameters range from 1/4 in. to 2 in. inclusive. Sizes through 4 in. can be used.

Data available through 1983 (or up to 1983 inclusive) are published in our recent paper.

The individual particles of radiation emerge with a spectrum of energies and a wide range of

velocities, up to and including the velocities of light.

До глубины

The parts are carburized to a depth of 0.020 in.

The hole was drilled to a depth of 14,054 ft.

Wells must be drilled as deep as 1 mile to obtain brines of bromine.

До... десятичного знака

The temperature values have been calculated to the third (decimal) place. Evaluate l /V2 to three decimal places.

До... значащей цифры

This magnitude is known to 6 significant figures (or to the sixth significant digit).

До и после обработки

Both pre- and post-machining inspection operations are performed.

До и после рождения

Prenatal and postnatal irradiation ...

До или во время

This is done either in advance of excavation or as it proceeds.

До конца [см. Доводить реакцию до конца, Идти до конца]. До краев

Fill the bowl (up) to the brim.

До максимума

The planet's distance from the Sun has increased to a maximum.

До мельчайших деталей (или подробностей)

The microscope reveals the structure of material to the last detail.

До минимума [см. тж. Сводить к минимуму]

The planet's orbital velocity has slowed to a minimum.

До настоящего времени [см. тж. До сих пор]

The laser used to date has required ...

The gap between the two portions of Saturn's ring is called "Cassini's division" to this (or the present) day.

The switch makes possible heretofore impractical applications of...

Huge reserves of ore, hitherto virtually untouched, will become available.
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