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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Для выяснения возможности его использования в

The gas was studied as a possibility for refrigeration systems.

Для... данного размера

For a given size crater...

Для декоративных целей

Anodized aluminium is used for ornamental purposes.

Для достижения этой цели

To attain (or accomplish) these ends (or With this aim in mind) accuracy of classification has been subordinated to ...

Для замены в случае необходимости

This power supply is for standby use (or duty).

Для иллюстрации

As an illustration, Fig. 3 shows streak camera photographs of emergent waves. By way of (or For the purposes of) illustration we shall treat the following equation...

Для информации

For reference we have included definitions of all quantities relevant to ...

Для использования

These storage batteries have been developed for submarine duty. The tester is designed for laboratory use.

Tools have been developed for use (or to be used) in a small-diameter tube.

Для использования в домашнем хозяйстве

A bleaching agent for household use ...

Для использования позже

This frees the symbol т for later use as a quantum number.

Для конкретности

To be specific, let us assume that the resonant molecules are in the absorbing phase. Для которого характерно


Для которого характерно

The principal forms of anemia marked (or characterized) by a decrease in red cell formation are iron deficiency and pernicious anemia.

Для красоты

A stone facing may be added for appearance.

Для краткости

For brevity (sake), this process will be referred to as "eddy diffusion".

This interference is usually termed the "alkali metal interference" for short [or for brevity (sake)/.

Для лёгких грузов

A flow rack for light-duty applications

comes in a wide choice of shapes.

Для лучшего использования

In order to make the best use of the equipment... To make the most use of the cranes...

Для лучшего понимания

To gain a better understanding of (or a better insight into) this mechanism,...

Для малой нагрузки

A light-duty motor...

Для научных исследований в области монокристаллов Single-crystal research metals like iridi-um, osmium,...

Для начала

As a preliminary we briefly review the diffraction of... The core will operate at low power to start (or begin) with.

Для наших целей

Brief summaries of several major categories will suffice for present (or our) purposes.

Для него

Mining apparatus and automatic feed control therefor ... A series of experiments were conducted for the benefit of our company.

Для ... необходимо сделать следующее

To remove a control unit, proceed as follows: ...

Для ... нет готовых рецептов

The application of stainless steel for corrosion resistance is never a "cut and dried" matter.

Для нужд человека

To supply fresh water for human needs, ...

Для обеспечения

Carbamite is added to bring about (or ensure) gelatinization of the nitrocellulose. The end flanges are welded together for greater rigidity.

Для обеспечения безопасности

For safety (sake) it is essential to have some purge system.

The electrode is enclosed in a special housing for reasons of safety.

Для облегчения

To ease the task of transport,... To facilitate farther observations,...

For ease of winding, the conductor ends are allowed to overhang the core. Для обозначения [см. тж. В отношении]


Для обозначения [см. тж. В отношении]

The term "hot tearing" is used in reference to the rupture of a casting owing to ... The term "hydride" is used to describe a compound of an element with hydrogen. To denote, To designate.

Для общности

This term has been retained here for generality.

Для объяснения

To account for such facts as these, the concept of resonance must be introduced.

Для определённости

For (the sake of) definiteness (or For def-initeness sake), we shall say that the tortoise travels at one mile per hour.

Для подготовки к

This is a mechanical finishing process for polishing zinc-base die-castings preparatory to (or to prepare them for) plating.

The heat sink cools the fluid to its original temperature in preparation for another cycle.

Для полного понимания

Gaining a complete understanding of

how the earth formed will require learning how ...

Для полноты

For completeness (sake) the basic ideas are outlined in Appendix F. Для получения

Oxidation can be carried out to give (or yield, or produce) nitroamino compounds. The evidence is still insufficient to provide a clear picture.

Для... понадобится несколько лет

The synthetic production of a living system is several years away.

Для понимания

The textural aspect of coal is of importance for an understanding of the behaviour of...

This analogy is sometimes useful in understanding the chemistry of various nitrogen compounds.

Для предотвращения [см. тж. Во избежание]

The turntable is heavy, to ensure against spurious rotational motions. Measures to avoid (or prevent, or preclude) accidents have been taken.
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