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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Analysis of these terms provides insight into the nature of the bond itself.

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This possibility provides reason enough to investigate...

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The ultralight airplane presents no radar image.

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Spectral studies provide such data.

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Steel tools spark (or give off sparks) in certain conditions.

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This opens (or gives, or offers, or furnishes) a clue to the individual masses of the two stars.

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The total surface of the dry packing is but a rough index (or gives but a rough idea) of the surface available for mass transfer.

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The Ejector drill outperforms twist, spade, and gun drills.

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Thermodynamics has much to offer in this respect. Давать наибольший эффект


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It is in analysis of ... that infrared spec-trometry has had its greatest impact.

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The programs are used to provide guidelines for the laser designers.

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The sections can be connected in series to furnish (or supply) 240,000 volts.

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To give the flavour of this research I shall describe three experiments.

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This example gives you some insight into the way in which climate influences...

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Then it was discovered that charge transfer can be achieved without rubbing-that mere contact between unlike surfaces would do the job.

Давать нефть

The smallest well flowed 155 bbl of oil per day. These wells produce oil from a depth of...

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At least, these assumptions gave astronomers a lead.

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No theory offers a satisfactory explanation of the observed facts. Explanations are offered in a few in stances.

This telescope has supplied a possible explanation for the ultraviolet "clouds".

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No explanation was provided for the fact that atoms combine to form molecules.

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To leave (or produce) a sediment.

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The precipitates were allowed to settle.

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Such a wavelength leads one (or gives grounds) to expect that...

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This gives promise that high power levels may be attained.

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This causes us to anticipate that the importance of the laser will continue to escalate.

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This suggests that it might be convenient to introduce ...

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Top-hat furnaces can often provide (or supply, or give) the answer to ...

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This concept did not provide answers to such problems as the origin of mountain ranges,...

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Cocaine produces undesirable side effects in the patient. Давать показания


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This flowmeter can be directly calibrated to read [or to give (or provide) readings/ in units of flow.

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The difference in ... gives an estimate of the resonance energy.

The last three chapters have given us an insight into the workings of the fluvial denudation process.

The foregoing discussion gives an idea of the error that would...

Figure 6 gives an indication of the variation of specific weight with engine size.

The respiratory quotient provides a rough idea of the chemical nature of a material being oxidized.

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To give you an idea how good an approximation this is, ...

Давать преимущества

Since this function can be performed by other technologies also, one must ask what charge-coupling has to offer.

Давать разрешение

The name of the agency granting permission to make repairs ...

Давать реакцию

Solutions of salts formed from a weak base and a strong acid show (or give) an acidic reaction.

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Greases and solids perform less satisfactorily at lower temperatures. This method produces (or yields, or gives) better results. This approach has some success.

Давать сведения

Nuclear physics furnishes (or supplies, or provides) information on problems of ... The analysis revealed little information about...

Давать теоретическую основу

We will attempt to provide some grounding in theory.

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The pipe developed a leak.

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The generator is capable of delivering a welding current of 300 amps at 300 volts. A transformer supplies (or provides, or delivers) the current.

Давать толчок [см. тж. Стимулировать]

The discovery of acetylcholine gave impetus to research concerning ...

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The isotherms give an accurate account of the balance of pressures.

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