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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Считаться II [см. Приходится считаться с].

Считаться III

The pure component was taken as the standard state.

Считаться доказательством того, что

The colour shifts of remote galaxies are taken as evidence that the universe is expanding.

Считаться правильным

These values are (now) (generally) accepted as correct.


Read the number of minutes from the straightedge scale. The values of the x's are read directly from the potentiometers. The number of millimetres of acid is read off the scale. The density is read on the corresponding scale. Readings can be taken without opening the meter case.

Считывать показания [см. Снимать показания].

Счищать [см. тж. Очистка от]

The accumulated zinc is stripped from the cathode sheet.


The ormer is important as a food (or an edible) animal.


The microscope incorporates a demountable (or detachable, or removable) secondary electron multiplier.

The saddle is fitted with replaceable ways. Сыграть [см. Играть].

Сыграть свою роль

The protein skin has (now) served its purpose and can be removed from the cell surface.

Сыпучие тела [см. Меры сыпучих тел].

Сырьё [см. тж. Исходный материал] Titanium is an (ideal) source (or raw, or initial, or starting) material for many processes.

This light gasoline would be a (good) starting material for ethylene or acetylene production. We obtained pure nickel from stock contaminated with cobalt. Gas oil is commonly used as catalytic-cracking feed stock.



Pellets of sodium hydroxide are often used for removal of acids from the atmosphere.

petro-logically significant. Таблица [см. В виде таблицы, В таблице перечислены, В форме таблицы, Представлен в таблице, Сводить в таблицу]. 902(996)

Таблица [см. В виде таблицы, В таблице перечислены, В форме таблицы, Представлен в таблице, Сводить в таблицу].

Табличные данные

Tabulated data.


The long-standing problem about the light of the enigmatic quasars ...

Так [см. тж. Таким образом]

At gun pressures the rate of burning of cordite depends on the calorific value but at rocket motor pressures this is not always the case (or so).

Так быстро один за другим, что

The two deposits of ash erupted so close in time that...

Так же

Although the system responds much better to high-temperature targets, it is almost as sensitive to the reflected energy of the Sun.

Так же давно, как и

Earthquakes at sea have been known as long as seismometers have existed to detect them.

Так же, как и [см. тж. А также, Аналогично, Наряду с]

Physogastry may occur in larvae as well as in adults.

This calculation, along with (or as well as) our finding, shows that...

The retorts are made of fire-clay, as also are the condensers.

The theories of colour vision are clearly represented, as are explanations of...

The diameter required in order to fulfil this condition depends upon the reaction zone length as does

the critical diameter.

The catalyst was washed and dried in the same manner (or way, or fashion) as the chromium catalyst.

Так же легко, как и

The diffusion of ... can proceed as easily as it does on the smooth regions.

Так и есть (на самом деле) [см. тж. Именно так и обстоит дело] Such, indeed, is the case.

Так или иначе [см. тж. В любом случае]

In any event (or case), the stress finally reached the point where ...

There are several other types of uranium deposit, but in one way or another they all owe their origin to ...

One way or the other, the answer should be known soon.

Так как [см. тж. Ввиду того, что; Поскольку]

The manufacturer builds for possible temperatures of 70 to 90 deg., for (or because, or as, or since) he expects to find fairly high temperatures in some cases.

Так назван потому, что

The binary system of numbers takes its name from the fact that it employs only two symbols: 0 and 1.

Так называемый

This population inversion, as it is called, has the unique property of...

The spectral line is split into two parts, each exhibiting what is known as (or so-called) circular polarization.

The air-speed indicator presents what is termed (or called) indicated air speed. Так называется


Так называется

This amplifier is so named because ...

Так обстоит дело с

Such is the case for the "torsional" motion in ethane.

This is how matters stand in implementing the Clean Air Act.

Так что

The corresponding expression is z 0 = ..., so that the transient extends a factor of 2n further than ... Так,чтобы

Heterojunctions tend to trap holes and electrons in such a way as to prevent recombination from

occurring with the production of useful light.

The valves are adjusted so that both are slightly open.

The unit is so constructed that it can be moved from place to place.

Также [см. тж. А также, Аналогичным образом, Кроме того]

This technique can be applied to ... as well (or can also be applied to ...). The structure could equally be written: ...
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