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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The lava flows downslope (or downhill).

Стеклообразное состояние

Many alloys remain in the glassy state indefinitely at room temperature.

Стеклянная бумага [см. Шлифовать стеклянной бумагой].

Стеклянный блеск

Vitreous lustre.

Стенка [см. С двойными стенками].


The equation is homogeneous of degree one (or of the first degree).

Степени ... по

Equation (1.6.9) is homogeneous of degree n in X.

Степенной ряд по

A power series in M-1.

The total aberration is expressed as a power series in the field variables.

Степень I [см. тж. В значительной степени, В меньшей степени, В некоторой степени, В одинаковой степени, Высокая степень развития, До некоторой степени, С большой точностью]

The extent (or degree) to which antibiotics may exert bacterial effects ...

Степень II [см. тж. В степени, Возведение в степень. Возводить в степень, Корень... степени из]

The degree of the term is the sum of the exponents of the unknowns.

The acoustic power of the noise varies as the eighth power of exhaust velocity. The penetration increased with the four-thirds power of the velocity.


An equation of the first degree (or a first-degree equation) ...

влияния ... зависит от The extent to which charge is affected by

the interaction depends on the nature of this interaction.

завершённости (или законченности) реакции The extent to which the reaction proceeds plays an important role in ...

прохождения реакции The degree of advancement of the reaction ...


The industrial robot has five degrees of freedom.

Степень Степень

Степень Степень Степень Степень точности


Степень точности

Even the artificial satellites have not supplied us with measurements within that range of accuracy.

Стереть с лица земли

An avalanche can wipe out a whole town.


Their confidence in our products is a constant spur in our efforts to ...

This investigation provided further impetus (or incentive) to technological progress.


This finding lent impetus to a successful search for...

Taxation and high fuel costs have spurred (or fostered, or stimulated) the development of ... (or

have given impetus to) the development of...

The nutrient is stimulatory to growth of the test organism.

The first photon has stimulated the system into emitting a second photon.

Стоимость рабочей силы

Only one man was needed for assembly, and labour costs were halved.

Стоимость с доставкой Delivered cost.

Стоимость с установкой Installed cost.

The data processing system costs 30,000 dollars installed. Стои'т задача [см. Перед ... стои'т проблема]. Стойка [см. Смонтированный на стойке].

Стойкий [см. тж. Устойчивый]

All connections in the relay are resistant to heat, shock and vibration.

Стойкость к

The stability of saturated fatty acids toward (or to) oxidation ...

Стойкость к резким температурным колебаниям Resistance to extremes of heat and cold.


Mercury salts in runoff from agricultural lands threaten the fishing industry.

Столб воздуха

Column of air (or Air column).

Столбец [см. В виде столбца].

Столбцы и строки таблицы

Columns and rows of Table 6-3 ...

Столкновение между частицами

An interparticle collision (or A collision between particles).

Столкновение с

The impacts of the small planetesimals on the large ones ...

Столкновение со стенками

Collisions of molecules against the walls of the container ... Столь же важен


Столь же важен

Change of sea level is equally important in the explanation of existing reef features.

Столько же, сколько

If as many protons were emitted as electrons, the Crab nebula would now be ...

As many gas molecules will hit the back as the front of the mirror.

There are as many integers divisible by a trillion as there are integers altogether.

Столько ... , сколько

The mole is the amount that contains as many particles of a specified type as there are 12C atoms in Столько-то

The result of combining so many parts of colour A with so many of colour В ...

Сторона [см. Аспект, В стороне от, Из стороны в сторону, С внешней стороны, Со всех сторон, Со стороны].

Сторона уравнения

The left member (or The left-hand side) of an equation.


The proponents (or adherents, or supporters, or advocates) of nuclear power contend that these installations are accident proof. Defenders of this theory insist that...

Стороны равны

Hence the triangles KDA, KCG have their sides equal.


When the lift is at rest, ...

At present one plant is shut down (or is idle).

Стоять в одном ряду с ... по важности Entropy stands with internal energy in importance.

Стоять на правильном пути [см. Быть на правильном пути].

Стоять на следующем месте по Guanosine ranks next in frequency.

Стоять перед [см. тж. Перед ... стоит проблема]

This can help to answer questions that challenge (or face, or confront) investigators today.
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