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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Строить перпендикуляр к

Construct perpendiculars to the parallels of latitude.

Строить теорию

In constructing (or elaborating, or building, or developing) a theory of the nucleus...

Строить уравнение

To set (or build) up an equation.


Some reactors of this type are under construction.

Строй [см. Вступать в строй, Выводить из строя, Выход из строя].

Стройный [см. В стройном порядке].

Строки и столбцы таблицы

Rows and columns of a table.

Структура [см. В структурном отношении, Обладать структурой, Определение структуры, По своей структуре, С макрокристаллической структурой].

Структурная единица

The building block of a metal-oxide semiconductor integrated circuit is the field-effect transistor. These enzymes catalyze the synthesis of RNA from its building blocks: four different ribonucleoside triphosphates.

Струя [см. тж. Сильная струя]

A stream (or blast, or jet) of air ...

High-pressure jets of water can be used to mine coal.


A jelly-like substance such as gelatine or silicic acid ...

Студент последнего курса [см. На последнем курсе].

Ступенчатая форма

The cylinder is given a stepped configuration.

Ступенчатое изменение

A step change in т from zero to т0 ...


The two waves represent the stepwise reduction of oxyphenazine.

Ступенчатый метод

A step-by-step procedure. Ступень [см. Достигать ступени, на которой; На первой стадии; На стадии].


Ступень [см. Достигать ступени, на которой; На первой стадии; На стадии].


Some tumours may progress in a stepwise fashion.

The stored energy is released in a stepwise manner (or step by step).

The concrete lining was poured in lifts of

5 ft.

The process is carried out in stages (or in steps, or stepwise). Narrow down the proportional band in small steps.

Стык [см. На стыке между].

Стыкован I

Each gauging machine is equipped with a process controller that is interfaced with a generalpurpose minicomputer.

Стыкован II

The units may be butted end-to-end (or butt joined) to form a continuous trough.

Стыковать I

The two pieces can be butted together

and then joined.

Стыковать II

The environment and radar operation simulator has recently been interfaced with a more convenient pulsed radar.

Стыковаться I (в космосе)

The spaceship docked (or linked up) with

the rocket.

Стыковаться II

This computer can interface to (or with) instruments.

Стыковка I

The docking of the spacecraft in the rocket... The link-up of the spacecraft with the rocket...

Стыковка II

Interfacing the two instruments presents difficulties.

Судить о

To judge the conformity of ... to this expression,...

Судить по

The degree of filling can be judged from (or by) the picture. Судовое оборудование [см. Бортовое оборудование]. Судовой [см. На борту судна]. Судя по

Such metals can show both metallic arid non-metallic properties as judged from the properties of their compounds.

Judging from (or by) the large number of different gene functions,...

The nucleoside must serve a particularly vital function in protein synthesis, to judge from (or by) the extremely complex modifications that have evolved.


The necked-down section of the nozzle ... Суживать до


Failure of these specimens occurred at a necked (or narrowed) section. Суживать до

Tunable dye laser bandwidths can be narrowed down to 0.0001 mm. Сумма [см. В сумме, Комплекс]. Сумма по

The sum of such fractional quantities over all the components of the mixture is unity.

Суммарная реакция

An overall reaction.

Суммарный [см. тж. Общая площадь]

The combined effect of all the magnetic fields causes the compass magnet to be displaced from magnetic north.

The net effect of the two captures will be the removal of...

Then the X-ray emission from quasars alone could explain the integrated X-radi-ation from the entire sky.

The total strata thickness was 6 ft.

The aggregate service life of ...

The combined energy of the electrons ...

The overall rate of changes of the photon density can be written as ... The net charge is the algebraic sum of all ionic charges shown.

Суммирование по

The summation is over all the nearest neighbour pairs.

The equation can be extended to a polyatomic molecule by summing over all pairs of atoms. Суммировать [см. Складывать].

Суммировать по

Then we sum over all classes of symmetry operations.

Суточные и годовые колебания

Daily and yearly temperature variations.

Сушить на солнце

After fermentation, the beans are sun dried.


The crystals are washed with water and allowed to dry (or dried).

Существенно [см. тж. Значительно, Намного]

Nitrogen did not significantly (or materially, or tangibly, or substantially) affect the sulphide titre.

Существенно зависеть от

Equation (5.3) essentially depends on the density.
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