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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Стоять перед лицом

Britain faces intense competition from ...

Стоять перед необходимостью

Industrial nations face the need to curtail air pollution.

Стоящий в начале списка

A mineral high on the list could strongly react with ...

Стоящий перед [см. Задача, стоящая перед].


Old people rarely suffer with hereditary spherocytosis. People who suffer from chronic disease ,...

Страдать недостатком

The grid detector suffers from (or has) many disadvantages (or drawbacks, or shortcomings). Страдать некоторой неточностью


Страдать некоторой неточностью

It is useful to group rock materials on the basis of their resistance to erosion; true enough, the arrangement lacks precision since different members of a single rock type will not always have the same resistance.

Страна происхождения

Fermentation of cocoa beans is carried out in the country of origin.


The member nations of this organization have stated that...

Странно [см. Как это ни странно].

Стрелка [см. По часовой стрелке. Против часовой стрелки].

Стрелка, направленная от ... к

An arrow pointing from reactants to products ...

Стремиться I [см. тж. При ... стремящемся к, Проявлять тенденцию к]

Potassium ions tend to diffuse out.

This force tends to bend the drill.

Segments of the rigid lithosphere seek an equilibrium.

Стремиться II

This gain is worth striving for.

The investigators seek (or endeavour) to discover ...

Theoretical physicists have long sought to establish some relationship among ... Geologists are striving (or trying, or making efforts) to develop skill in predicting...

Стремиться к бесконечности

For (or When, or With) т -> ...

At high field strengths the current tends to (or approaches) infinity.

Стремиться к нулю

As adhesive layer thickness approaches (or tends to) zero, the stress also approaches zero.

Стремление [см. тж. В стремлении]

The quest for speed has led to the development of ...

Стремящийся к обеспечению

An engineer in search of maximum strength must...

Строгая проверка

Example 9.10 below provides a severe test of the foregoing hypothesis.

Строгие правила

Stringent safety regulations...

Строгие требования [см. тж. Жёсткие требования]

The instrument meets the exacting (or rigid, or stern, or stringent, or severe) requirements of

the modem laboratory.


The suggested initial conditions are too severe.

Строгий допуск

The airport pavement surface is finished to exacting tolerance. Conversion to investment casting permitted strict tolerances to be held. Строгий контроль


Строгий контроль

Very close furnace control is required.

Rigid (or Exacting) quality control assures a minimum of rejects.

Строгий критерий

A rigorous criterion.

Строго говоря [см. тж. В строгом смысле слова]

Strictly speaking (or In the strict sense), chemical reactions are always stoichiomet-ric.

Строго научно

The system of complex numbers can be defined rigorously. Neither set of equations can be solved rigorously. These spectra are difficult to interpret rigorously.

Строго научный

A rigorous treatment of the interaction of light with such electron systems is beyond the scope of this text.

Строго определённый

Each peak belongs to a pair separated by a well-defined distance. Each electron in an ion moves in strictly specified ways.

Строго последовательный

He developed the first fully consistent theory of evolution.

Строго придерживаться

To be consistent with the molecular interpretation of entropy, we take the entropy at absolute zero to be zero.

Строго следовать хронологии

If this book were strictly faithful to the chronology of events, ...

Строго соблюдая

Intra-articular inspections must be performed with scrupulous attention to sterility (med.).

Строгое наблюдение

The loading of foodstuffs is rigidly supervised by inspectors.

Строгое ограничение

Because of the severe (or rigid, or stringent) weight and space restrictions in aircraft ...

Строгое рассмотрение

Any more rigorous treatment requires the use of algebraic signs for the wave function describing

Строгое решение

A rigorous solution.

Строгое требование

A strong requirement.

Строение [см. Иметь простую структуру].

Строительный материал

Various metals are used for structural materials.


In this way lime is produced for the building trade. The construction of residential houses ... Строить



We use these functions to build up functions appropriate to the whole molecule.

Construct (or Build) a rectangle.

Activation energy curves were constructed (or plotted).

This subject matter is patterned along similar lines.

To erect (or build, or construct) such a house,...

Строить модель

Models of... have been constructed.

Строить на основе

We base our presentation on that given by Stokes.
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