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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Существенно отличаться от

The diesel engine differs essentially from the mixture engine.

Существенный для

This assumption, essential to shallow water theory, is ... A well-known fact fundamental to this science is ... Factor A is essential for the binding of formylmethionyl - tRNA. Существо [см. Углубляться в существо вопроса].


Существо [см. Углубляться в существо вопроса].

Существо ... состоит в следующем

The problem, in essence, is this: ...

(or Essentially, the problem is as follows:...).

Существовавший тогда

The migration of the then existing forms of animal life...

Существовал ещё в ... году

Records of solar and lunar eclipses go back as far as 750 BC.

Существование I [см. тж. В течение всего существования, Время существования]

It may be that a typical quasar is a strong radio emitter for only a small pan of its life-span.

Существование II

The occurrence (or existence) of coloured compounds indicates absorption of...

Существовать [см. тж.. В какой бы форме ... ни встречался, Встречаться, Если он существует, Иметь место, Иметься, Не существовать]

Such stresses obtain when ...

Many such systems are in existence (or are found, or exist, or are available), (or There are many such systems, or There exist many such systems).

Electromechanical devices are (still) with us (today), and will be around for a long time to come. The Solar System has been in existence for five billion years.

Olivine is unstable under the low temperatures and pressures that prevail at the surface. Such eddies have been known to persist for two years.

Although corrosion by gases is similar to corrosion by liquids, two important differences are found. Both polymeric and dimeric hydrogen bonding structures can occur in solution. Cold climates occurred in regions that are hot at the present time. Such factors are always found in pairs.

Существовать в ... состояниях

The weakon (aparticle) comes in three charged states, designated W+, W-, and Z°.

Существовать долго

Such stars are long-lived.

Существовать за счёт

During the famine in Biafra the population was subsisting almost solely on the roots of the cassava plant.

Truly ancestral metazoans presumably subsisted on smaller organisms or organic debris.

Существовать недолго

Such stars are short-lived.

Существовать па'рами

All the leptons come in pairs.

Существует [см. тж. Имеется]

The vibrations of the molecule are of three types.

Существует возможность

The possibility exists of using mineral deposits of ...

Существует опасность

In this case, the risk of committing an error is run.

This kind of dehumidifier is used for small areas where moisture damage may be a problem. Существует разногласие [см. Нет согласия между... относительно].


Существует разногласие [см. Нет согласия между... относительно].

Существует тенденция

The tendency has been for each group to construct its own device.

Существует теория о том, что

It is theorized that heating converts the organic matter into petroleum.

Существуют различные типы

Such dryers occur in a variety of types.

Существующее положение

The situation as it stands (at present) (or The existing situation)...

Существующий [см. тж. В существующем виде]

Since the time these satellites took their current form... By the end Herschel had the best telescopes in existence.

With (currently) available (or With existing) lasers, detection limits may be as low as ...

Существующими темпами

If the construction continues at the present rate,...

Существующий в виде

Materials occurring as crystalline solids ...


The principle (or essence) of the process is that...


The detailed laboratory investigation on meteorites is largely a province (or field, or realm, or sphere, or domain, or an area) of microanalytical chemistry.

Сфокусирован(ный) на [см. тж. Фокусироваться на]

The focus(s)ed solar rays heat the chamber to around 800°C. The diameter of the target image focus(s)ed on the reticle is ... The eyepiece is focus(s)ed on to the graticule.

Light from the lamp is focus(s)ed by a small lens on one of the knife-edges.

Схема I [см. тж. Логическая схема. На схеме показан, Принципиальная схема] With this hookup there is always enough air passing through the machine. The phototube circuit schematic (or diagram) is shown in Fig. 4.

Схема II

A hadron can be built out of quarks according to either of two blueprints.

Схематически изображён

Newton's experiment is diagrammed (or represented schematically) at bottom. It schematically (or diagrammatically) depicts...

Схематически иллюстрируется

This is illustrated diagrammatically (or schematically) by (or in) Fig. 118.

Схематически представлен

The responses from Eqs ... are sketched (or schematized) on p. 34.


The illustration is purely diagrammatic. A schematic representation of the apparatus ... Схематическое изображение
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