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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The scattering per electron is substantially Thomsonian.

Тонкая проволока Fine wire.

Тонкая регулировка

Microbore cartridge tools are being employed to provide for fine adjustment.

Тонкая резьба

Fine threads lack strength and are difficult to tap.

Тонкий вал

The method is especially useful when turning slender shafts.

Тонкое различие между

There is a subtle (or fine) difference between a soft solid and a highly viscous liquid.


Finely divided (or Pulverized) material...

Тонкостенный (антон. Толстостенный) Turning thin-walled (anton. thick-walled) parts ...


The diamonds float, while the hydrophilic gangue minerals sink. Топливо [см. Заправка топливом, Работать на топливе]. Торговля

Commerce (or Trade) in disinfectants is subject to regulation ... Тормоз [см. Включать тормоз]. Тот

A commutator is that part of a d.c. motor which serves the dual function of providing... and ... Тот или иной

By the application of one or other type of grinding process, it should be possible to complete ...

Figure 3 shows the result of raising the temperature on a given column.

This excites one or another of the natural modes of vibration.

The maximum rate of change of a particular characteristic of the orbit...

In order to remove a specified (or specific) particle to infinity,...

Molten lava being erupted from one volcano or another solidifies into ...

In some situations one or the other of these agencies predominates, but more usually both operate together.

Тот который

The stars lie half a parsec from those discovered earlier. Точечная сварка [см. Сваренный точечной сваркой].


Точечная сварка [см. Сваренный точечной сваркой].

Точка [см. Внутренняя точка, Отправная точка. Средняя точка].

Точка, в которой

There is a point on the circle such that G(e lffl0 ) = 1.

Точка замерзания [см. Ниже точки замерзания].

Точка зрения [см. Придерживаться мнения, С точки зрения].

Точка касания

The point of tangency (or of contact) of the two circles ...

Точка перегиба

Inflection point.

Точка пересечения

Find the point of intersection (or the intersection point) of these two lines.

Точка равновесия

To determine the length of lime a plasma must be confined at a given density and temperature to produce a "break-even" point in the power balance ...

Точка расхождения между

Here is one point of departure between information theory and problems of human communication.

Точная копия

Each molecule is a precise replica of the original.

Точная корректировка

Precision adjustment of space vehicle orbit characteristics ...

Точнее [см. тж. Более точно называется; Или, точнее]

Such orbitals are designated as с molecular orbitals or more specifically, (or more precisely) as pc orbitals.

There are approximations that do better than the Raleigh theory. Точнее говоря

To be (more) specific, we will now examine a junction found between ...

More precisely (or More exactly) (or To be more precise) we shall substitute for the absolute notion of truth and more flexible concept of ... In more exact terms ...

Точнее отражать

These representations more adequately depict (or more nearly approximate) the actual molecular structure.

Точно I

A precision-fitted seal prevents leakage. The array is precision tuned.

The accuracy of a properly calibrated declinometer ...

Heavy ions follow the electric field lines more closely than do electrons.

Heavy atoms are easier to locate with precision than light atoms.

Точно II

It is well established that strain-ageing in low-carbon steel is due to ... These variations can be predicted reasonably well. Точно III


Точно III

To solve the problem exactly, ...

Точно воспроизводить

The vibratory current faithfully reproduced the various frequencies of speech.

Точно выполненный

The colloid mill consists of two accurately machined disks rotating in ...

Точно вычислять

Ordinary geometry suffices to calculate exactly the perimeter of that triangle.

Точно как [см. В точности как].

Точно наводить на фокус

In the scanning electron microscope a beam of electrons is brought to a fine focus and is scanned across the specimen.

Точно не известен

The molecular formula of this material is not known with certainty.

Точно не предсказуем

The theory of probability deals with events whose occurrence is not precisely predictable.

Точно не установлен

The driving forces have not (yet) been clearly identified.

Точно определённый

These comets have well-determined orbits.

Точно определять (положение)

To pin-point (the target, etc.).

Точно повторять

The piston of the power cylinder faithfully copies the movement of the differential piston.

Точно подгонять к

Standards should be matched to the gross composition of the sample as closely as possible.

Точно предсказывать, что

One can predict (rather) closely that...
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