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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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В этом направлении

A research program is being developed along these lines. Evolutionary progress along this line is poorly represented.

В этом отношении

In this regard (or respect) the scanning microscope should be an improvement on the transmission instrument.

Although there is some uncertainty on this point, ... В этом случае

Reflection in this situation (or case, or instance) is governed by Snell's law. Here, a single coacervate is produced.

In that event (or case, or instance) part of the radioactivity could be released. Then different expressions must be developed.

Liver disease is also a cause of a low serum albumin and if so there will often be other stigmata of hepatic pathology.

В этом... что-то есть

There is something to this viewpoint.

В этот момент

At this point (or At that instant) the

diode begins to conduct.

В эту рубрику входят

Under this head(ing) come meat, fish, etc.

В южном направлении [см. В западном направлении].

В явном виде

The reciprocal relation between the ray and the normal velocity is given in an explicit form.

Важен [см. тж. Особенно важен]

This calculation is of importance.

Важен в том смысле, что

This revision is important in allowing us to relate...

Важен для

The above experimental results hold significance in understanding the activities of living creatures. This consideration is of importance to the study of...

Важен для объяснения

These forces are also of importance in explaining...

Важен для понимания

Interparticle forces are essential to the understanding of...

Важная проблема

Detecting the output correlation peak is a vital issue in missile guidance.

Важная роль

This hormone plays a key (or vital, or prominent, or important) part (or role) in the

transmission of nerve impulses in the sympathetic nervous system. Важная услуга [см. Оказывать важную услугу].


Важная услуга [см. Оказывать важную услугу].

Важнее [см. Ещё важнее то, что].

Важнее всего то, что

Most important of all, we don't really know ...

Важнее то, что [см. Что более важно].

Важнейший [см. тж. Исключительно важный, Основной]

Table 4.4 includes some of the more (or most) important chelated systems.

Важнейший пример

Sulphate, nitrate, phosphate and aluminate are notable examples whose effects have been well studied.

Важно [см. тж. Необходимо]

It is of value (or important) to have diagrams showing not only ...

What counts is the precision in relative angle and relative energy between the incident and the scattered electrons. It is vital to note that...

Важно иметь в виду, что

It is important to keep in mind (or remember) that w will vary as the dye laser beam passes through the sample cell.

Важно отметить, что

It is significant that...

Важно то, что

An important point is that titanium is one of the group of elements called the transition metals.

Важное [см. Главное].

Важное значение

Of fundamental (or greater, or vital) importance is the polar sequence...

Важное место [см. Занимать важное место в].

Важность для

The importance of research to the country's economy ...

Важный [см. тж. Жизненно важен для, Играть важную роль, Исключительно важный]

This inertness is the most salient characteristic of the DNA molecule. A critical question ...

The spectrophotometer is a key element in the process. Whenever dyeing is a paramount requirement ... An essential (or important) feature of the device is ...

A major application of the high vacuum environment is in the design of vacuum tubes. A vital part of the magnetron is the permanent magnet. This approach is of significance despite the complexity of...

Важный для

The principal quantum number is of (considerable) importance (or significance) in defining ... Hydroxylating reactions are important (or essential) for the biosynthesis of corti-coids. Each of these factors is important (or essential) to the end results. The bibliographies supplied will be valuable to workers in the field. This circumstance may have been of consequence for the origin of life. Важный для медицины


Важный для медицины

Mycobacterium species include such medically important bacteria as the agents of tuberculosis ...

Важный для промышленности [см. Представляющий важность для про-мышленности].

Вакуум [см. тж. В вакууме, Под вакуумом]

In this respect gaseous plasma is superior to a vacuum.

Валентность ... равна

The valence of carbon in methane is four (or Carbon has a valence of four in methane).

Вариант [см. тж. В качестве варианта, Видоизменение, Разновидность, Способ]

Once several alternative syntheses have been outlined in this way, the most promising approach can be selected.

TF 791C/1 is an alternative to (or a variant of) the existing TF 79/C. The actual method employed was a variation of this method.

Two versions of the machine are available, the F12-1 for turning only, and the F12-111 for turning and second operations including cross-drilling, slotting, etc. A variation of the previous electrode is one in which ... Another version of the theory ...
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