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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The quantity т is called the effective mass of electrons at K0. Величина III [см. В натуральную величину, Второй по величине].

Величина наклона

Planes with various amounts of tilt...

Величина, обратная

The conductivity is the reciprocal (or the inverse) of the resistivity. a21 must be equal to the reciprocal of т2°.

Величиной с [см. тж. Размером с]

Objects of considerable size, some as large as the Moon ...

Величиной с молекулу

If cells the size of a molecule are chosen,...


Centaurus contains two first-magnitude stars.


The Venusian surface temperature ...


His faith in his scheme remained strong.

Вероятнее всего [см. тж. По всей вероятности]

Differentiation will most likely (or most probably) be accomplished electronically. Metal-nonmetal combinations are most likely to be ionic.

The chances are better than even that the photon will scatter out of the central crystal.

Вероятно [см. тж. По-видимому]

Traces of hydrogen are apt (or likely) to be present in the coolant. The errors so obtained are apt to be unduly pessimistic.

Pressure drop across bubble-cap trays is likely to be greater than for sieve trays handling the same vapour flows.

It is likely (or probable) that this range extends considerably.

Ganymede, Jupiter's largest satellite, probably (or presumably, or apparently, or evidently) has a surface of crust ice, perhaps mixed with ...

Вероятно не произойдёт

If the acid and base are strong, no further reaction is likely.

Вероятность [см. тж. Большая вероятность]

The likelihood (or probability) of local buckling can be predicted by the theory of flat plates.

Вероятность... велика

The chances that a few particles of some other species will, be incorporated in crystalline "salt" are good.

Вероятность перехода (физ.)

The probability of the в1 <-- E2 transition (occurring) is high.

Вероятность того, что

The presence of integration in the control logarithm greatly increases the likelihood (or probability) of the system becoming unstable when overdriven.

This function expresses the probability that a molecule of salt or water will appear in the effluent at a time t after the step change.

The greater the complexity of the compound, the greater is the chance that other absorptions may obscure the 900-670 cm-1 region. Вероятность того, что... входит в


The likelihood that this collision will result in ... depends on ...

Вероятность того, что... входит в

The probability of any configuration's appearing in the sequence is high.


This is a likely route (or pathway) for the reaction.

If neither the earth nor an asteroidal body is a credible source of such meteorites ... The selection of likely (or probable) molecular formulas...


The cylinders are at a 45° angle with the vertical.

Вертикальный [см. тж. В вертикальном или наклонном положении]

The structure was raised to an upright (or a vertical) position.

Вертолёт [см. Доставлять на самолёте (вертолёте)].

Верхние слои атмосферы [см. тж. В верхних слоях атмосферы]

Ozone is produced in the upper atmosphere and carried downward toward the Earth's surface, where it is destroyed.

Верхние слои земной коры

The upper crust is less dense than the lower crust.


See top photo.

The upper row of the matrix ...

The uppermost (or topmost) layer of the soil...

Вес [см. Отгрузочный вес, Под действием собственного веса, Потеря в весе].

Вес без груза

Unladen weight.

Вес с грузом

Laden weight.

Весовой процент

It contains 26 wt % UO2 (or 26% UO2 by weight).

This component constitutes 41 percent (by weight) of the bulk. The composition is usually expressed as weight percent of...

Весом до

Workpieces weighing as much as 400 tons can be handled on the machine floorplates.

Вести' записи [или регистрацию]

Keep a record of the variation of the room temperature. To record. To note.

Вести' исследования

One can use computers for making (or conducting, or carrying out) such investigations. The laboratory is equipped to perform (or carry on) research on foamed plastics. We are actively pursuing investigations into...

Вести' к [см. Приводить к].

Вести' начало от

This simple proof goes back to the ancient Greeks. Вести ' переговоры


Вести' переговоры

To carry on (or conduct) negotiations.

Вести' процесс

The process is conducted in two stages.

Вести' работу [см. тж. Ведётся большая работа по]

^ be engaged in (or To do, or To carry on) scientific work.

Вести' реакцию [см. Проводить реакцию].

Вести' регистрацию [см. Вести' записи].

Вести' свое начало от

This tradition dates back to antiquity.

All of Modem Chemistry traces back to that experiment.

Вести' свое происхождение от

The sediments from which these shales were derived... The term "fatty acids" has its origin in the fact that most fats are ... The standard machines trace their origin to the rubber extruder. Many meteors have their origin(s) in comets.
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