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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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В результате ... остаётся мало [см. тж. После... остаётся]

Ionizations, which require a large energy, leave the expelled electrons with little kinetic energy.

В результате происходит

An explosion results.

В результате реакции образуется

The reaction of ketones with alcohols forms (or produces) hemiketals and ketals. В результате рекомбинации


В результате рекомбинации

One percent of the ejected electrons are lost in the base by recombination.

В результате употребления

Changes in the external gel surface with use (or because) of contamination occur ...

В результате чего

The temperature is increased, causing the gas to expand.

Several types of electronic multipliers develop an output of the form v1 v2 /v3, with the result that (or as a result of which) either multiplication or division is impossible.

В результате чего (или которого) образуется [см тж. Что даёт]

The addition of an electron to a neutral atom with the resulting formation of a negative ion ...

В результате чего получаем

We can apply this equation to give: ...

В результате чего получается

The derivative is integrated n times to yield (or give) y.

В результате чего... становится

The new Hamiltonian can be made to vanish, rendering the equation of motion trivial.

В результате этого

As a consequence [or In consequence (of this), or As a result] the reflected shock is bifurcated. This has the effect of diminishing the second electron yield.

В ряд [см. Выстраивать в ряд].

В самое последнее время

This term has been introduced most recently.

Only in the very recent past has enough information become available.

В самом начале [см. тж. В начале, Вначале]

It was apparent very early in the study of crystals that... Very early in the earth's history ...

To estimate at the outset what a patient's initial treatment should be,...

В самом разгаре

At the height of a violent dust storm ...

В самом широком смысле

In the widest sense the term neutralization refers to ...

В свете

A large number of attenuation measurements have been surveyed in (the) light of the various theoretical and empirical relations.

In the light of the new methods of synthesis this objection may no longer be valid.

В свободном состоянии

Benzoic acid is found free (or in the free state) and combined in nature.

В своё время

One might think that the entire surface of Venus could be mapped in due course. In due time (or course) such work should yield a general theory of star formation.

В свою очередь

The outer spindle only is driven, and in (its) turn drives the inner spindle. В связи с


В связи с

The rules are worked out in connection with the multiplication of negative numbers.

It is important to consider these findings in the context of the evolutionary relationship of life on

our planet to the presence of mercury.

These factors will now be discussed in the context of paramagnetic resonance. In relation to this topic, it is pertinent to note that...

В связи с этим [см. тж. В этой связи]

In this connection it should be noted that...

В связи с этим возникает вопрос

This brings up another point.

This raises the question of (or as to) whether the supply is likely to run out.

В северном направлении [см. В западном направлении].

В середине... века

In the midnineteenth century ...

В середине 80-х годов

In the mid-(19)80s (or In the middle 80s)...

В сечении А-А

At section A-A the bending moment is ...

В силу [см. тж. Ввиду]

In view of (or On the strength of, or By virtue of) Eq. (8.2) flow is governed by... The molecule has kinetic energy by virtue of its motion through space.

В силу геометрических соображений

This perimeter has to be less than that of the circle by elementary geometrical reasoning.

В силу необходимости

Gravity tanks must of necessity be located on deck.

The existing correlations of data on transport rates are of necessity (or necessarily, or inevitably) largely empirical.

В силу различных обстоятельств [см. По разным причинам].

В силу самой своей природы

By its very nature, a model is temporary.

В силу симметрии

By symmetry, the midpoint touches ...

В силу... соображений

From gravitational considerations, Saturn's rings could not be one piece of material.

В силу того, что

The detached electron will conduct electricity by virtue of the fact that it carries a negative charge.

В скобках

In this case, the bracketed (or parenthetical) expression must be zero. The term in brackets (or in parentheses) stands for...

В скором времени [см. тж. В ближайшем будущем]

In the short run (or Before long) we shall need energy that is readily usable and abundant. В следующем десятилетии


В следующем десятилетии

In the decade that followed (or In the following decade) new rules were introduced.

В следующем порядке

Reactivity decreases in the order: 3° > 2° > 1° > СН3 - Z.
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