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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Варьировать I

The engineer can tailor (or vary) the structure to meet the stress pattern of the application.

Варьировать II [см. тж. Изменяться, Колебаться]

The means of transmission extend (or vary) from broad-band microwave radio circuits down to standard telephone message channels.

Вблизи [см. тж. В непосредственной близости от, В окрестности]

Sedimentation is especially rapid adjacent to volcanic islands. In the vicinity of the Sun ...

The charge grows larger at long range than it is close by (or at close range). This movement of the electrons, in proximity to the sensing electrodes ... In the vicinity (or neighbourhood) of a Mach number of unity ... Close to, Nearby ...

The sediment was deposited in the vicinity (or neighbourhood) of the island. In the neighbourhood of room temperature ...

Вблизи берега

Oceanic trenches lie offshore.

Вблизи побережья [см. тж. Недалеко от побережья]

On the shelf off the Atlantic coast ...

Введение I [см. тж. Включение]

Administration of the medicine to patients.

Incorporation (or Introduction) of heavy elements into plastic scintillators.

Injection of the tracer into a vein.

The introduction of an opaque substance into the blood.

Hydrogen removal or oxygen insertion ...

Введение II

Introduction to Printed Circuits (название книги).

Введение III

The advent of broadcasting ... Введение ... в уравнение


Введение ... в уравнение

This can be done by entering (or introducing, or inserting) the function into the Schroedinger equation.

Substitution of these expressions in(to) Eq. (3-16) leads to...

Введение через рот

When administered by mouth ...

Amphotericin В is usually non-toxic by oral administration.

Введён [см. тж. Вводить]

The Law was enacted in 1989.

Введён в строй

A new electroplating section has been commissioned.

Вверх по течению

Turbulence generators were placed upstream of (or from) the cylinder.

Вверху справа

At the top right of the diagram ...

Ввёртывать до отказа

The regulator must be screwed full in (or as far as it goes, or hard up, or to the limit).

The screw was then only half-a-turn from fully home.

Ввиду [см. тж. Благодаря, Вследствие, Из-за]

The indicated horse power is less than the thermal horse power by virtue of (or owing to) radiation losses.

The water moderator was adopted for reasons of expediency. In view of (or Because of) the presence of hydrogen ...

On account of the small magnitude ... the observation of these effects presents many difficulties. Through its inertness the DNA molecule remains stable...

Ввиду... авторы предположили, что

Such discrepancies led the authors to suggest that...

Ввиду нехватки места

It is impossible to give a complete account of these processes for reasons of space.

Ввиду отсутствия [см. тж. За неимением, За отсутствием]

For lack of understanding of the biological processes involved in mutation, the first efforts of inducing mutations to improve plants were not successful.

In default (or For lack) of any other adequate explanation, the nontidal tendency towards a shorter day length may be attributable to...

Ввиду того, что [см. тж. Поскольку]

Since (or Because, or Considering that, or In view of the fact that) the heat of a reaction depends on ... , ...

Because (or Since) normal stars could not be detected is sources of radio emission with the equipment then available,...

Ввиду широкого разнообразия ... рискованно делать обобщения

The wide diversity of molecular substances makes generalization somewhat risky.

Ввинчивать [см. Ввёртывать до отказа, Завинчивать].

Ввинчиваться в

The bolt passes through one member and threads into the other. Ввод



Inputing (or Entering) the data into the processor...

Ввод в эксплуатацию

Before commissioning (or putting into service, or putting into operation) the sphere will be pressure tested.

Вводить [см. тж. Которому ввели]

The medicine is administered to the patients (or into the organism).

Gadolinium is incorporated in plastic scintillators.

The tracer is injected into a vein.

We insert information into the wire.

The probe can easily be inserted into the body.

The gas could be introduced into the system.

Slip the instrument into the cylinder.

The fuel is injected into the chamber.

All materials affect a magnetic field in(to) which they are inserted. A group of volunteers received injections of the labelled morphine. The tracer is infused intravenously.

We insert (or introduce) an arbitrary scale factor in(to) T13.

Вводить в

In order to make nitrogen combine with other substances an irreducible quantity of energy must be added to the system.

Gases can be admitted into the evacuated ionization chamber. Any of these procedures may be built into a process control system.

These coordinates can now be entered into Eq. (5-10).

The protons are injected (or inserted) into the synchrotron.
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