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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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В состоянии готовности к

Conveyor section L descends automatically, in readiness to receive the next tray.

В состоянии покоя [см. тж. Пребываниев состоянии покоя]

At time t = 0, the mass is at rest. These ion movements are largely prevented

during rest.

В состоянии равновесия [см. тж. При равновесии]

At the state of equilibrium (or At the equilibrium state)...

В сотрудничестве с

A larger accelerator ring was built in collaboration (or cooperation) with the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.

В сочетании с [см. тж. В соединении с, Совместно с]

Hydrazine hydrate can be used as a rocket fuel in association with nitric acid.

Coupled (or In combination, or Together) with a recording system, these devices are used to

measure ...

The system can be used in conjunction with a computer to perform diagnostic programming and checking industrial processes.

A neoplasm can often be suspected on the basis of the findings from the history and the examination in conjunction with a routine blood count (med.).

The value of the curvature, together with the magnitude of the field, gives the momentum. When coupled with solubility information on common salts this will allow us to develop quite a variety of "predictable" processes.

В сочетании с тем, что

This resistance to combustion, coupled with the fact that... suggested that this substance might be ideal for...

В спокойном состоянии

These volcanoes are in a relatively quiescent phase (or state).

В сравнении с [см. По сравнению с]. В среднем

Estimates indicate that an average of 23,000 gallons per month would be discharged. In the average this must be ... They cost, on (the) average, ?750.

In the mean, both circulations transfer energy from lower to higher latitudes. On the average, about 43% of the solar radiation reaches the surface of the earth.

В среднем положении

At mid-position, both studs are in engagement. В среднем составлять [см. Составлять в среднем].


В среднем составлять [см. Составлять в среднем]. В срок

The computer people often lend to promise results that cannot be delivered on time.

В стадии проектирования

More powerful telescopes are already on the drawing boards (or in the design stage, or being designed).

В стадии развития

This science is still in its developmental stage.

В стадии разработки

The engine is in development stage.

В стадии строительства

The tunnel is under construction.

В стационарном случае

The existence of the spatial discontinuity in the steady case implies that...

В стационарном состоянии

The output power at steady state can then be determined by ...

В степени

Coordinates of the chart are temperature and pressure to the power 2/7.

The volume to the 2/3 power (V23) is used as the area term.

Tidal action is proportional to the inverse sixth power of the distance Earth-Moon.

This figure is multiplied by 10 to the ninth power.

В степени 1/2[см. В половинной степени].

В степени 4/3

This number is proportional to the four-thirds power of Z.

В стороне

Overburden is removed from a trench and piled to one side. В стороне от

The drainage structure discharges the water clear of the landing area.

В сторону

The larger fragments lend to be moved sidewise as well as upward.

В сторону моря

Storm waves lend to cause a sand move-ment in the seaward direction.

В сторону, противоположную [см. Направленв сторону, противоположную Солнцу]. В стороны

In a vacuum the electrostatic forces tend to make the beam grow laterally. В стране и вне её [см. Внутри страны и вне её].

В стратосфере

Freons are decomposed by ultraviolet light in the stratosphere.

В стремлении

Water species move downward in an attempt to stay in their preferred environment. In an attempt to produce more effective medicines...

Sometimes surface integrity is overlooked in the attempt to achieve high production rates. В строгом смысле слова


In his quest to design beautiful objects, man has copied nature's symmetry. They produced more sulphur trioxide in the effort to reduce ...

В строгом смысле слова

In the strict sense (of the word), an admixture is a material added to ...

В стройном порядке

The molecules arrange themselves in an orderly fashion.

В структурном отношении [см. тж. С точки зрения структуры]

Borazene is structurally very similar to benzene. Structurally related sample constituents ...

В сумме [см. тж. Давать в сумме]

The rock samples weighed in (the) aggregate 99 kilograms.

В существующем виде [см. тж. Без обработки]

The device as it stands constitutes a promising new particle transport system. I am solely responsible for the text as it stands. The tracks as they exist may withstand the weight of...

В сущности

Group technology is in effect an electronic card file ...

В таблице перечислены

The table gives (or lists) the percentage content of...

In Table 26 are listed (or tabulated, or given, or enumerated) the various ... etching treatments that were used in the present investigation are listed in the table.
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