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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Calcite may exhibit a wide variety of forms.

Весьма родственны друг другу

All the calf histones show close kinship [or are closely related (to each other)](biol.).

Весьма сомнителен

This statement is subject to serious question (or is highly questionable).

Весьма сходный с

The situation closely parallels (or resembles) that in ...

Весьма точный

This definition is highly accurate.

Весьма трудный

The task was a considerable challenge (or extremely complicated). Весьма тщательно


Весьма тщательно

The specimens are being studied with great thoroughness (or very thoroughly).

Весьма удобен

Conventional optical techniques are a great convenience.

Весьма усложнять эксперимент [см. Большая трудность].

Весьма успешно [см. тж. С большим успехом]

This principle has been applied with much success to the restoration of ... This type of plant is most advantageously employed on welding work.

Весьма хорошее приближение [см. В весьма хорошем приближении].

Весьма ценно для

Of considerable value to industry is that all the motors can ...

Весьма чувствителен к

Pulse shape is acutely sensitive to deviations from ...

Весьма эффективен

The theory works very well (or is highly efficient).

Весьма ядовит для

Hydrogen sulphide is highly toxic to fishes.

Весьма яркий

The star is highly luminous.

Ветвь I [см. Восходящий].

Ветвь II

The arms (or branches) of a Wheatstone bridge (el.).

Ветер [см. тж. Слабый ветер]

The north-easterly trade winds flow from the northern Hemisphere towards the Equator. Westerly (Southerly, Easterly, Northerly) wind.


The next milestone in the development of the high-speed digital computer is ... Веха в истории

This proof constitutes an important milestone in the history of mathematics.

Вешать [см. Подвешен].

Вещественная и мнимая части

Er - real part of the elastic modulus. Ei - imaginary part of the elastic modulus.

Вещество [см. Материал].

Взад и вперёд

Solute molecules are continually moving back and forth.

Взаимная дополняемость

The complementarity of the base pairs (chem.)... Взаимная зависимость [см. Взаимосвязь].


Взаимная зависимость [см. Взаимосвязь]. Взаимная связь [см. Взаимосвязь].

Взаимно дополнять друг друга

The screens are said to be complementary when the opaque parts of one correspond to the

transparent parts of the other.

Geology and palaeontology complement each other.

Взаимно заменять друг друга

The terms "mixing" and "stirring" are often used interchangeably in ordinary speech.

Взаимно исключать друг друга

The two processes are mutually exclusive.

Взаимно обратные величины

The conductance and resistance are recip-rocaily related.

Взаимно превращаться друг в друга

Ascorbic acid and dehydroascorbic acid are readily interconverted in plant and animal tissue.

Взаимно противоречивы

The two explanations are mutually contradictory.

Взаимно связанные I

Streams perform three interrelated forms of geologic work.

Взаимно связанные II

A system of interconnecting (or interconnected) channels ...

Взаимно связаны

The two phenomena are interrelated.

Взаимно уничтожаться

The opposite charges cancel out. Equal vectors of opposite direction cancel (each other).

When a quark and an antiquark collide, they annihilate each other.

Взаимное отталкивание электронов [см. Отталкивание электронов (взаимное)].

Взаимное расположение [см. тж. Относительное положение]

То predict the relative positions (or mutual arrangement) of the two planets...


Interaction between neighbouring elements of antenna array... Interaction of rotation and electronic motion ... Interaction of acetyl chloride with sodium acetate ...

Let us consider the interaction of a plane wave of coherent laser light with a Doppler-broadened spectral line.

The interplay of physical processes in atmospheric clouds is very complicated. Random interplay of longer and shorter wavelengths ...

Взаимодействие... с

The interaction of graphite with concentrated nitric acid appears variable.


The particles interact (with each other). Взаимодействовать с


In this reaction the potassium chloride and the sulphate of potash-magnesia will react to yield

potassium sulphate and magnesium chloride.

These factors interplay in an intricate fashion.

Optical signals can interact on a subpico-second time scale.

Взаимодействовать с

The U-centres interact with other defects.

Взаимозависимость [см. Взаимосвязь].


The two types of equipment are interdependent.


Interchangeable parts...

Взаимозаменяемый с

The tooling on the A-9 machine is interchangeable with that of the A-10 machine.

Взаимосвязь [см. тж. Соотношение, Устанавливать взаимосвязь между] The interplay of physical processes in atmospheric clouds is very complicated. Bioclimatology emphasizes the interplay between disciplines such as meteorology and physiology.
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