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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Figure 2 shows the maximum rates of lactic acid production as a function of... The pressure drop versus flowrate curve ...

The transmission of the probe radiation was studied as a function of the laser frequency.

В функциональном отношении

Functionally, the various enzymes appear to be similar to those of prokaryotes.

В фунтах... в час

Estimate the absorption rate as pounds CO2 per hour. В ходе [см. В процессе].


В ходе [см. В процессе].

В ходе выполнения программы

As part of an exploration program for new gypsum deposits, it was necessary to sink a shaft.

В ходе реакции

In (or During) the course of the reaction...

В холодном виде

Copper must be worked cold.

В хорошем приближении

To a good approximation the scattering from deuterium nuclei is simply the sum of the scattering from neutrons and protons.

A result identical with Eq. (8.45) can be obtained as a good approximation even when Db = Da . This eddy-current loss may be expressed to close (or in good) approximation by the relation ...

В целом I

By and large they seem to be incidental.

The disk of interstellar gas occupies a small volume compared with the volume of the galaxy as a whole.

The molecule as a whole is nonpolar. В целом II [см. В сумме].

В целом составлять [см. Составлять в сумме].

В целях [см. тж. Исследования с целью]

In an effort to test this hypothesis we repeated the original experiment.

В центре

The lake is 135 ft deep at its centre. At the centre of the lens...

В центре внимания [см. тж. Находиться в центре внимания]

Benzene has been the focus (or centre) of attention of those who ...

В центре которого расположен

The hydroxyl ions are arranged in the form of a tetrahedron with the silicon atom at the centre.

В центре слева

This system can be seen at left-centre in Fig. 4.

В цеховых условиях

The device has been found to operate satisfactorily under shop conditions.

В частности

The amount of work needed to achieve that temperature is determined, among other factors, by... Volcanic activity, glaciation, and sedimentation, among other processes, have varied greatly throughout geologic history. In particular, IogeX = ln x.

Among other things the system gave us a measure of the degree of homogeneity of the pressure within the sample.

This is due in part (or in particular) to ...

This task is complicated by many things, among them the difficulty of ...

This theory is peculiar to the analytical flame, and to the experimental configuration in Fig. 3 in particular.

Secular changes in the orbits, specifically of the semimajor axis, are well known. В честь [см. тж. Назван в честь]


Specifically, the atmosphere of Titan has carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen.

В честь [см. тж. Назван в честь]

The unit torr was selected to honour (or in honour of) Evangelista Torricelli.

В число... входит

Increased horse power and faster travel speeds are among several improvements recently announced.

Among the acids produced were alamine, glycine, cysteine,... Included in such movements are continental drift and seafloor spreading. The list of elements present in sea water includes most of those known.

В число которых входит

Most stars, the sun among them, are less brilliant.

В чистом виде

In the uncombined (or pure) state, deuterium finds use as a research tool. This salt has never been obtained pure.

В широких пределах

The solute concentration may be varied over wide limits (or over a wide range).

В широкой области [см. В широком диапазоне].

В широком диапазоне

Variable-pitch propellers can operate over a wide range of powers and at any one speed.

В широком смысле слова

In a broad sense, there is only one completely discrete animal community, the entire fauna of the earth.

The process of evaporation in the broad sense is quite simple.

В... широтах

At (or In) middle latitudes ...

В эмбриональном состоянии [см. тж. В зачаточном состоянии]

When geology was in its infancy, ...

В ... этапов [см. тж. В ... приёмов]

The reaction occurs in two stages.

В этих условиях [см. тж. В данных условиях]

Under (or In) these conditions (or circumstances), neighbouring particles can acquire large individual charges.

В этих целях

In pursuing these aims (or For this purpose, or To this end), the company has investigated numerous alternatives.

В это время [см. При этом].

В этой области проводятся интенсивные исследования This is an active area of research.

В этой связи [см. тж. В связи с этим]

It is interesting to note in this connection (or in connection with this) that...

В этой статье обсуждается

This article discusses true clovers, sweet clover, and clover diseases. В этом заключается


В этом заключается

Therein lies a difficulty which to this time has appeared insurmountable.

В этом заключается ответ на вопрос о

Therein lies the answer to the sorting of sediment by streams.
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