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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Одно время

At one time it was even suspected that...

Transformer coupling was at one time used in audio amplifiers.

Одно дело... Другое дело

It is one thing to predict too little osmoti-cally effective water in the cell; that can be explained by a number of hypotheses.

It is quite another matter to predict too much water because there is no explanation. Одно и то же

Some scientists believe that energy and matter are one and the same (or the same thing).

Одно целое с

The cams are ground as an integral part of the shaft.

Priming is effected by a small mechanical pump arranged integral with the pumping equipment. These gears are integral with their shafts.

Одновременно [см. тж. В то же время]

This led to the decision to interconnect large numbers of processors which can work concurrently.

It is necessary to use two or three filters at a time.

Beads of 1/2 in. diameter are formed ten at a time.

This setup can produce three different pans at once.

The machine processes two units simultaneously.

An atomic gas laser about 0.15 m in length can only have a single mode oscillating at one time. F(x) and G(x) are never both zero together.

Одновременно... и

This was at once a statement of a metaphysical view of the world and a demonstration of ...

Одновременно обеспечивать

A maser amplifier combines very high gain with extremely low noise.

Одновременно с

Coincidentally with the arrival of a digital data pulse, an operating pulse is supplied to the stepping motor.

Concurrent with the increased use of detergents, many new formulations have been developed. Double and multiple stars must have originated concurrently with single stars. Again with Breit and contemporaneously with Bohr (1936) he invented ... Synchronous with the arrival of the cosmic-ray flux, there occurred ...

Coincident with the development of the hydrogen bomb, the search for a more controlled means of releasing fusion energy was begun.

Laplace proposed that the planets and satellites were formed contemporaneously (or simultaneously) with the Sun.

At the same time as, Simultaneously with... Одновременный

The use of these detectors would be quite limited if it were not for concurrent advances in computer technology.

Одного возраста

The two rocks were of an age (or of the same age).

Одного знака

For both waves, X and Xі, are of the same sign.

Dislocations of like sign ... Однозарядный



A singly (or single) charged cation ...

Однозначная функция

A single-valued (or one-valued) function.


The magnitude of steady-state values is always uniquely (or unambiguously) determined by the damping ratio.

Однозначно определённый

The disturbance is uniquely determined.

Однозначно определять

The chromaticity is uniquely (or unequiv-ocally) determined by x and y.

Однозначно отображаться на

A sufficiently small cube in eps - space is mapped one-to-one (or in a one-to-one way) onto a neighbourhood of U0.

Однозначное соответствие [см. тж. В однозначном соответствии с, Приводить к однозначному соответствию с]

This is called placing two series into "one-to-one correspondence".

Однозначное соответствие между

There is a one-to-one correspondence between the terms in the characteristic equation and ...


The uniqueness of the solution of certain problems ...


This equation is single (or one) valued. Thus we obtain an unambiguous solution.

This variation in angle may be related to the modulating wave in any predetermined unique manner.

E is a single-valued function of F.


Like magnetic poles repel and unlike magnetic poles attract.

Одной из разновидностей является

Streams following major faults are one variety.


A single-component gas ...


We have solved the one-dimensional problem.

Однонаправленный [см. В одном направлении].

Однородного состава

The vapour is uniform in composition.


The homogeneity of the field ... The uniformity of the surface finish ...


A homogeneous structure (or mixture, Одностадийный процесс


etc.) ...

The extra low-temperature enamels have a uniform finish. A uniform (or homogeneous) magnetic field ...

Одностадийный процесс

A one-step process.


A single-stage rocket...


A single-purpose lubricant...


We favour the idea of giving ...

Ожесточённо дискутировать

The relative importance of partial melting as opposed to metasomatism has long been furiously (or heatedly) debated.

Ожесточённые споры [см. тж. Вызы-вать ожесточённые споры] Heated debates (or arguments).

Ожидаемое время жизни [см. тж. Время жизни] Life expectancy (or expectation).

Ожидание [см. Вопреки ожиданиям. Оправдывать ожидания].

Ожидать [см. тж. Как и следовало ожидать, Нас ожидают сюрпризы в области]
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