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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Trace contaminants on the base metals may have a pronounced (or marked, or appreciable, or perceptible) effect on results.

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To affect adversely (or exert an adverse effect on)... The scaled tube stage was very detrimental to ...

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Placing the cells in a concenatrared salt solution has the opposite effect.

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The electric and magnetic fields generated by the beam can act back on the beam in a variety of ways.

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Entrainment of liquid from one tray to the next tray above has an adverse effect on the composition change across the tray.

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This kind of publicity does science a dis-service. Оказывать помощь при


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The Periodic Table provides a useful guide to estimating the relative electronegativity of common elements.

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The interaction of these electric charges can have a determining effect on the physical properties of the gel.

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Climate has a great deal to do with the way fluvial processes act.

Absorption processes have an important bearing on the interpretation of primary emission. The achievement of a practical fusion-power reactor would have a profound impact on almost every aspect of human society.

The temperature at which cells live and grow can have a pronounced effect on the amount of unsaturated fatty acid in their membranes.

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Rough channels set up (or exhibit, or offer) more resistance to flow.

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Many other impurities act the same way.

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About 30 percent of the 3000 nuclear tracks measured fell within the cone of tritons. Оказываться II

More than half of the objects identified on the basis of their radio position usually turn out (or prove) to be quasars.

The approach to equilibrium of any degree of freedom is found (or proves, or appears) to be approximately exponential.

Laser radiation was found (to be) capable of exciting...

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The fifth carbon atom must be rotated so that the oxygen atom in the OH group on this carbon atom is brought into the plane of the first five carbon atoms.

Оказываться в поле зрения [см. Попадать в поле зрения].

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The correlation breaks down for hailstones with a small radius of growth.

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Neutrinos are now seen as an ideal probe for examining the weak interaction at high energies, where present theories break down (or fail).


The edges of the polygons are fringed with tiny droplets.

Окаймлен с севера

The plateau is fringed on the north by high mountain chains.


The system of beaches which fringe large portions of eastern United States ...

Окалина после ковки Forging scale.


Fossilized (or Petrified) tree trunks ... Оканчиваться



Some foam stabilizers have long hydrocarbon chains which terminate (or end) in a polar group.

Окисляющее действие

The oxidative action of chlorine ...

Около [см. тж. Порядка, Приблизительно]

The total value of the shipment will come close to 178 billion dollars.

For this kind of telephony, frequency differences approaching (or approximately, or about, or around) 10 cps are permissible. In the neighbourhood of 100 in. ..

Missions such as journeys to the planets may lake in the order of a year to accomplish. Silicones retain some 80% of their original properties at 315°C.


Prospecting by drilling is continuing to outline the areas to be opened in the future.

Окончание [см. тж. По окончании]

After the completion of hydrogen burning...

Окончательная обработка

Before being passed to the assembly area for finish machining and incorporation into units,... This facilitates the finishing of parts that must be held to close tolerances.

Окончательная отделка поверхности External surfaces are finished on plunge grinding machines.

Окончательно не доказан

The existence of ... must be taken as probable, but not certainly (or conclusively) proved.

Окончательно установлен

The existence of maximum flux in the vicinity of 0.15 MeV is not conclusively established by the spectrometer data.

Окончательный [см. тж. Конечный]

The eventual (or ultimate, or final)

appearance of the comet's tail will depend on...

The net result is that the titanium carbide tool has significantly better life when machining grey cast iron.

Окончательный ответ

Nuclear power plants were once hoped to be the ultimate answer to man's needs for electric energy.

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The die sections are machined very close to finished dimensions.

Окончательный результат

The net result is an increase in the transla-tional temperature of the system. The net result is that a photon at raL is annihilated while a photon at is created.
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