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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The recovery of some valuable material from the process was necessary in order to offset the cost

of operation.

Оправдывать свою репутацию

The Italian pasta does not live up to its reputation unless one uses special kinds of durum wheat.

Оправдывать себя I

It will pay to inspect the lube bundles.

The installation actually paid for itself.

Tests indicate that the valve can pay out in 7 to 8 months.

Recovery equipment costs less than 40,000 dollars with a payout of less than five months. Waste recovery pays off.

The investment will amply repay itself in efficient service and utter reliability.

Оправдывать себя II

If this block proves out, it will undoubtedly lead to adoption of such blocks for other cars.

Total intravenous feeding has proved itself in the treatment of 1300 adults and more than 100


Dye lasers still have to prove themselves in this area.

The preceding generations of accelerators have proved their worth.

This machinery has been proven throughout the world.

Оправдывать себя III

Such efforts are always rewarding. Оправдывать себя на практике


Оправдывать себя на практике

The kinetic-rate expression works very well despite its questionable form.

Оправдывать усилия

A designer may be justified in going to great (or fantastic) lengths to convert a pound of dead weight into a pound of pay-load. The results justified our efforts.

Оправдывать эту потерю (или жертву) The scanning rate is lower, but the improvement in focusing is worth the sacrifice.

Оправдываться I

That prediction was borne out (or justified).

Оправдываться II [см. Ничем не оправдываться]

Определение [см. тж. По определению]

To assess the carcinogenic risk associated with this contamination,...

Impingement tests are often used to assess (or determine, or estimate, or evaluate) the resistance

of condenser tube material to sea water

When deciding the correct path of the propeller ...

This provides a basis for rating the effectiveness of lubricants.

Определение возраста пород

This method of dating (or age determination of) rocks is widely used.

Определение возраста с помощью углерода 14C The 14C dating of fossil animals ...

Определение структуры

Accurate structural determinations are limited to substances that form crystalline compounds.

Определённо указывать на [см. Указывать со всей определенностью на то, что].

Определённое количество

Since only so much metal can be formed in one blow,...

Any given vessel of air can only hold so much water and no more.

Определённость [см. Для определённости].

Определенный I [см. тж. В определённых пределах, Тот или иной]

These particles can have only certain energies. Any particular layer always contains distinctive fossils.

Each absorption band is associated with a distinct (or definite) type of electrical oscillator. Each of the materials comprising the Earth's surface has distinct elastic properties.

Определённый II [см. тж. Заранее установленный]

A counter may be located at a fixed (or set) distance from the source.

Определённый III [см. тж. Тот или иной]

The maximum rate of change of a particular characteristic of the orbit...

Apparatus suitable for specific test methods...

The conveyor feeds a specified amount of coal into...

Определённый таким образом

The quantity и, thus defined, may depend I on ...

Определять I [см. тж. Вычислять, Невозможно определить, Обусловливать]

Magnitude of the principal stresses controls (or governs) the degree of birefringence. Covalent bonds are responsible for atomic combinations in many elements. O is the angle defining the position of the rotor with respect to the stator. Определять II [см. тж. Оценивать]


These elements define the geometry of the orbit.

The take-off condition dictates (or determines, or defines) the amount of wing area required for an airplane.

The armature of the rudder motor dictates the direction in which the rudder motor rotates.

The rate at which a furnace can melt scrap governs the rate at which it can accommodate successive

portions of the charge.

These equations govern simple waves.

It is the naval architect who settles (or decides on) the form of the vessel. Three points determine a circle.

The geometry of the small ring compounds fixes their configuration. The equation specifies the topography of the potential surface.

Определять II [см. тж. Оценивать]

These variables are difficult to appraise accurately.

The cost of steam generation required by the power plant can be arrived at (or defined) from Fig. 2.

A number of coils were rolled to assess the performance of the controller. The pressure was determined (or deduced) from the weight of steam and... Reserves are estimated (or evaluated) at 100,000,000 bbl. To assess the distribution and level of the pollutant...

This knowledge enables the analyst to gauge the meaning and reliability of the results obtained. Information about temperatures below the surface can be inferred from the magnetic properties of rocks.
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