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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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stands in the way.

Осложняться тем, что

The constancy of supply is complicated by the fact that electric energy cannot be stored economically on a large scale. Осматривать



The samples recovered from the wells were inspected by the geologist in the field.

Осмотр [см. тж. Визуальный осмотр]

The machine can be rapidly opened up for rotor inspection (or examination).

Оснащать [см. Обеспечивать, Оборудован].

Оснащен [см. тж. Снабжён]

The tool is fitted with ball racings and needle bearings.

Оснащенный приборами [см. Хорошо оснащенный приборами].

Основа I [см. тж. В качестве основы для, В основе ... лежит, Здоровая основа, Металл основы, На базе которого. На никелевой основе, На основе, Положен в основу, Служить основой для, Составлять основу для, Сплав на основе кадмия]

The methods presented form a groundwork (or basis, or foundation) for analysis of polyphase circuits.

The heart of the theory is ...

Основа II

Refractory metals can be sputtered on glass or ceramic substrates. Основа для

We use this result as a building block to study the effect of...

Основа для ... заложена в

The stage for the events preliminary to life's origin was set on a sterile earth devoid of large continents.


In the present form, the plant had its origin (or was founded) in 1975.

Основан на [см. тж. Быть основанным на, В основе ... лежит]

Our work was founded on experiments with ...

This system of nomenclature is founded on the names of ...

The general technique of differentiation is built upon the rules for differentiating combinations of... Policy objectives rest on widely differing assumptions. This technique depends (or is based) on the above principle.

The process depends on the flow of electricity between the wheel and the work-piece.

The measurement of the rate of a chemical reaction by interferometry relies on following the

change in total density as the reaction proceeds.

The choice of lasers for ... is based on three considerations:...

The earlier method has its origins in the valence-bond approach.

Основан на данных по

The two theories had their bases in quantitative analytical evidence.

Основан на общих принципах

All antennas share basic principles.

Основан на предположении о том, что

The test rests on the assumption that ...

Основан на том, что

Another consideration favouring crossflow towers stems from the fact that ... Основание [см. Давать достаточные основания для, Есть все основания полагать, что; Иметь все основания; Исходя из; На основании; На равных основаниях (или правах)]. 518(996)

Основание [см. Давать достаточные основания для, Есть все основания полагать, что; Иметь все основания; Исходя из; На основании; На равных основаниях (или правах)].

Основание для

The electromotive series cannot serve as a guide for predicting corrosion behaviour of metals.

Основание института

The establishment (or founding) of the Institute.

Основание перпендикуляра

The foot of the perpendicular.

Основание степени

The base number.

Основание треугольника

The base of the triangle.

Основанный на

The optogalvanic effect is compared to two

other laser-based selective ionization methods in Fig. 2.

We use a method derived from the balanced chemical equation.

Electric power is supplied by an integrated system of generation, transmission and distribution built around carefully designed components.

Основаны на аналогичном принципе

The charge-coupled device shares much the same technological base with the transistor.

Основная единица

The fundamental unit of mass in the metric system is the gramme.

Основная забота [см. Уделять главное внимание].

Основная и производная единицы

The basic and derived SI units ...

Основная масса I

The effect was related to the difference in surface tension between the bulk and the surface of the liquid.

Основная масса II

The overwhelming bulk of the phenols, cresols, and xylenols is obtained from coal tar. The main body of ground water lies at deeper levels. The bulk of the heavy nuclei are formed by the fusion of ...

Основная мысль

The central (or basic) idea is that the device ...

Основная особенность The key feature.

Основная реакция

The fundamental reaction is the oxidation of luciferin.

Основная роль [см. Играть основную роль в].

Основная трудность заключается в

The central problem with my instrument was finding a readily available sphere. Основная цель


Основная цель

The prime object (or objective) of most industrial concerns is...

Основная часть [см. тж. Большая


The Sun emits the bulk (or most) of its energy output at optical wavelengths. When a new design is required the bulk of the equipment can be used again. The basic part of this laser apparatus is a quartz tube. Water constitutes the greater part of most organisms. The greater part of our work was carried out indoors.
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