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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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In some instances one can use pulsed laser to permit...

This material may, on occasion, be seen to leave the comet's nucleus. В отличие от [см. тж. В противоположность]


В отличие от [см. тж. В противоположность]

Active current: in alternating current that part in the phase with the voltage or the effective energy, as differentiated (or distinguished, or distinct) from the wattless or useless energy. The transistor is a current-controlled device as opposed to [or as distinct from, or in distinction to, or in contradistinction to, or in contrast to (or with), or as contrasted to, or unlike] the

vacuum tube, which is a voltage-controlled device.

The company has achieved a 200% increase in productivity by using the robot as opposed to manual servicing.

The ultrasonic welding machine is semi-portable; By contrast, the resistance welder is a relatively

cumbersome unit to move to a new location.

Unlike copper windings, permanent magnets never wear out.

These reactors are called light-water reactors to distinguish them from the type that uses heavy water.

Contrary to the usual practice of ...

Sediments deposited by contour currents are called contourites, to set them apart from turbidites.

В отличие от этого

For liquids and solids, contrastingly, no simple relation exists.

В отличном состоянии

Now you can keep your indicators in top (or first-class) condition.

В отношении I

The dimethyl-amine group and the aldehyde group are in the 1.4 relationship to each other. Jupiter's atmosphere is hydrogen and helium in a three-to-one ratio.

В отношении II

There are differences as to (or concerning, or regarding, or as regards) the time of drying (or as

far as the time of drying is


The term binding energy is sometimes used to describe the energy which must be ... The conditions for measurement must be optimized with reference (or in respect, or with respect, or in regard, or with regard) to (or in respect of) the choice of...

Now we can do the same for the set of even integers.

В отношении... к

Isostatic restoration occurs in the ratio (of) 4:5.

В отношении 3:2

The triplet and quartet have areas in the ratio (of) 3:2.

В отрыве от

The origin and density of the energy in the universe cannot be completely understood in isolation from the phenomena of life and consciousness.

В отсутствие [см. тж. При отсутствии]

In the absence of samples from the planets, the meteorites were studied by chemists...

В очень редких случаях

Very occasionally 0.3 mg of thyroxine is necessary.

В первом приближении

As a first approximation, assume that...

To a first approximation, the energies of all orbits of the same n are equal.

The first approximation composition of the mantle may be taken as that of chon-drites (geol.). В первом случае из двух


В первом случае из двух

In the former case ...

В первую очередь

Scattering by crystalline materials will be studied first.

The new engineer should make it his first business to trace ... (or should first of all trace...).

The magnitude of the thermal current is primarily a function of temperature.

The company has introduced the constant-pressure system primarily to meet demand in ...

В переднем (антон. заднем) конце

These glands concentrate posteriorly (anton. anteriorly) (biol.).

В перигелии

Mercury's orbit at its perihelion ...

В период

In that case many of the stable or long-lived atoms present would have been produced at a period when the meteorite was ...

В период наибольшей яркости

The star was extraordinarily luminous at its brightest.

В перспективе имеется

Many opportunities for commercial applications at higher temperatures are in sight.

В печати

In the press.

В плане [см. тж. Если смотреть сверху]

In plan delta wings are somewhat triangular resembling the Greek letter A.

В плоскости

This perpendicular lies in the plane of the orbit.

В ... подаётся

The tube is fed (with) 28.5 cm3/s pure water.

В ... поддерживаются условия

The cell is maintained under isothermal conditions.

В поддержку [см. В защиту].

В поднятом положении

The pawls of both motors are in the raised position.

В подтверждение

In support of this interpretation one can argue that...

В подтверждение этого предположения

In support of this conjecture it was noted that...

В поисках

In search(ing) for better logic devices...

To waste energy and effort in the search for (or of) nonexistent deposits ... The boreholes drilled in search of oil...

В покое [см. В состоянии покоя].

В полевых условиях

These units are immediately available for in-the-field replacement. В полёте [см. тж. Бортовой]


В полёте [см. тж. Бортовой]

In-flight vibration of the aircraft...

В полной мере

These vacancies do not contribute in full measure to the resistivity.

В полной темноте

The experiments were conducted in total darkness.
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