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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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This is the transition state A-В-С where the potential energy is at a maximum (or maximal). At the maximum of the curve.

В малом (матем.)

The existence of solutions in the small has been established. The non-tangency condition can be asserted in the small.

В масштабе

The individual beds of sandstone are too thin to be mapped at the usual scale.

The master form is drawn to a scale corresponding to the magnification of the optical system.

Antennas are often constructed to scale in miniature.

Draw a picture of the orbits of the Earth and Moon about the Sun exactly to scale.

В масштабе 1:5

A one-fifth scale model.

В математическом выражении

These slopes are, in calculus notation, (дV/дnA)nB and (дV/дnB)nA Expressed mathematically, Ohm's law is V=IR.

В медицинских целях

Mercurous chloride is still used medicinally.

В международном масштабе

Internationally (or On an international scale), there are five distinct systems in use for the telegraphic sending of time signals.

В меньшей степени

To a lesser (or smaller) degree (or extent) this dependence refers to different vibrational levels.

В меру своих возможностей

The operator can only establish this condition to the best of his ability by the "feel" of the assembly.

В месте

The ultrasonic softening concentrates at the deformation site. Interaction at different sites on the surface...

В месте назначения

The pieces are assembled at their destination. В месте происхождения


В месте происхождения

Controls should be applied to stop the discharge of harmful mercury wastes at the point of origin.

В месте соединения

Figure 5 shows an element at the juncture of two strips.

В микроскоп [см. тж. Виден в микроскоп, Если рассматривать... в микроскоп]

These cracks can be seen with (or in, or under) a microscope.

В миллион раз

The luminosity of the intersecting storage rings is about a million times smaller.

В мире I

This forest formation produces the world's most important commercial softwood lumber.

В мире II

In the realm of sound ...

In the animal (plant) kingdom ...

В мировом масштабе [см. тж. В глобальном масштабе, Во всём мире] On a global scale,...

В... можно вставить

The holder takes standard inserts.

В момент [см. В тот момент когда].

В момент вылета из

At the instant the projectile leaves the gun barrel...

В момент написания этой книги

As this book is being prepared (or At this writing), tests are being run.

В надежде на то, что

The new synchrotron was being built in the hope (or expectation) that...

В направлении [см. тж. Идти по направлению] t is directed in the sense of increasing y. Sunlight is reflected from the Moon toward the Earth.

В направлении вниз

In a downward direction.

В направлении вперед

In a forward direction.

В направлении от центра [см. С удалением от центра].

В направлении, противоположном

The buoyant force acts in opposition (or in a direction opposite) to the gravitation force.

В направлении увеличения времени

The normal is oriented in the direction of increasing time.

В настоящее время [см. тж. Имеющийся в настоящее время]

As of now, these molecules have been identified.

The engine will operate on currently available fuels.

At the moment it is not clear how these standards might be arrived at.

This kind of switch is currently (or presently) constructed of silicon.

The mechanism of this reaction is presently unknown. В натуральную величину [см. тж. Натуральных размеров]


At present (or At the present time, or Nowadays) there is a strong trend towards... The now popular electronic calculators...

В натуральную величину [см. тж. Натуральных размеров]

The pivot section is full scale (or full size).

A complete full-scale engine will be ready for testing within a year. A full-size image ...

В натянутом состоянии

Both parts of the belt must be in tension to maintain contact between the belt and the pulleys. The thread is taut.

В начале [см. тж. На раннем этапе развития]

In the early nineteenth century (or Early in the 19th century)... Early in the crystallization of a melt...

Dropping of the leaves occurs at the inception (or beginning) of an unfavourable season. He began his career in early 1954.

В начале координат

The slope of the curve at the origin (of the coordinates) is...

В начале развития [см. тж. На раннем этапе развития]

Early in the history (or At the beginning) of steam navigation ...

В начальной стадии развития [см. тж.

На раннем этапе развития, Находиться в эмбриональном состоянии] In the early days (or stage) of nuclear power...

В наше время

In modern times (or Presently) this definition usually includes ...

В наши дни

Our compasses today depend upon the same forces.

В не столь отдалённом будущем

In the not (too) distant future these substances will be used in farming.

В неблагоприятных атмосферных условиях During inclement weather ...
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