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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The quantity of water that percolates in a unit (of) time across a unit area ...

В естественных условиях

This system appears to be feasible under such natural situations (or conditions) as deserts or warm beaches.

В других В других

В других В других В жестких условиях


В жестких условиях

In (or Under) drastic (or arduous, or violent, or severe) conditions ...

This alloy has been used for severe service at high temperatures.

В зависимости от I [см. тж. В соответствии с]

The critical temperature varies with (or according to) the carbon content of the steel.

Speeds up to 100 rpm are used in accordance with the size of pump.

Different approaches are used depending (up)on the number of variables.

The capacity may be varied to suit changing needs.

The ratio of hydrogen varies with the manufacturing process.

В зависимости от II [см. тж. Отложен на графике в зависимости от, По] Roll load against (or versus, or vs., or as a function of) strip thickness... The pressure-versus-flowrate curve ...

To describe the distribution of organisms in relation to their physical and biotic environments ... The plot shows the energy in relation to the distance between the molecules.

В зависимости от времени года

Rivers vary greatly, both seasonally and from year to year, in the amount of water they carry.

В зависимости от желания

The jacket may be filled with water, glycerine, or air depending on the manufacturer's preference.

В зависимости от обстоятельств

Those substances are able to rotate the plane of polarized light to the left or to the right, as the case may be.

Definitions may be altered as dictated by the convenience of the situation.

The molten metal is charged into alloying furnaces, or cast into pigs, as (may be) required.

The temperature of the solution is controlled by introducing hot or cold solution, as the situation


В зависимости от положения

The stresses vary with position.

В зависимости от потребностей

The bunsen ice calorimeter can receive or give up heat, as the case requires.

В зависимости от применения

The heating elements arc enclosed in shielded cages or within conveyorized ovens, as required by the application.

В зависимости от того ...

The atoms either emit or absorb radiation depending on (or according to) whether (or according as) the temperature of the gas is higher or lower than that of the source.

В зависимости от того, который из

The difference in products between the two types of reactions arises according to which element, hydrogen or bromine, adds first.

В зависимости от того, который из них

The tie-line construction should be based on the composition corresponding to the average value of т or Lm / GeM, whichever appears to vary more over the tower.

В заводских условиях

The preparation of colloidal dispersions in the laboratory or in industrial situations (or conditions)...

В заключение

In summary (or In conclusion, or In closing) it may be said that... В закрытом помещении


В закрытом помещении

Nonferrous scrap is stored indoors.

В замедленном темпе

Chemists would like to observe such a reaction in slow motion.

В западном направлении

Plate A is moving in a westward direction.

В зачаточном состоянии

The technique of roof bolting is still in its infancy.

В защиту

In defense of the thermal approach he pointed out that...

The evidence presented in support of the proposal was as follows.

В земных условиях

These compounds would be gases under earthly (or terrestrial) conditions.

В значительной мере [см. В значительной степени].

В значительной мере подтверждать

The results of a recent investigation add considerable support for the foregoing deduction.

В значительной степени

Only the ground state is appreciably (or substantially) populated.

The aircraft's altitude exceeded the desired angle of attack by a large(or considerable) margin. The fidelity of the amplifier depends to a large measure [or in large measure, or to a large extent (or degree), or largely, or to a great (or marked) extent, or in great (or large) part] on its ability to ...

The heading remains much as in the previous version.

The waxes arc the cause of much of the trouble in the dyeing of cotton goods.

The longer domain is still largely unknown.

Much of the importance of the glass electrode stems from ...

These properties vary significantly with time.

The ventilation passages are (very) materially obstructed.

В значительной части I

Many models are useful well into the radio-frequency range.

В значительной части II

The pebbles are transported in large part by turbidity currents.

В значительных масштабах

The Oxo reaction is now used on a substantial scale.

В зоне видимости

The satellite has at least one of the ground stations in view when it receives the emergency transmission.

The satellite passes within view of a system ground station. В... и из него
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