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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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The flux of molecules in and out of the two regions may be the same. Pumping air in and out of the ballonets... To transfer electrons to and from the solution, ...

В идеале

For observation and experiment, a population should ideally consist of a group of ... Ideally, the concentration of a solute should remain Gaussian. В идеальном случае [см. В идеале].


В идеальном случае [см. В идеале].

В избытке I [см. тж. В большом избытке]

The acid is added in excess. Hydrogen is present in excess.

В избытке II

The hydroxides redissolve in excess of the alkali.

В изобилии [см. тж. Содержать большое количество]

This substance is produced in abundance.

В... или вокруг него

A large concentration of mass in or around the central object...

В ... или около него

It is unlikely that the Moon originated in or near the asteroid belt.

В ином случае

This explains the difference in nog values, which otherwise would agree. The availability of ... is reduced to half what it otherwise would be.

В интервале

This function satisfies the equation identically on some interval a < x < b. Over this interval the smooth wave remains smooth.

В интервале от... до

In the range from (or of) 6 to 12 ...

В интересах

In the interests of speed, a higher temperature may be considered desirable, but...

В исключительно тяжёлых условиях

Under the most exacting (or severe) conditions ...

В исключительных случаях

This effect may in exceptional cases persist for months.

В истекшем году

In the year just ended ...

В историческом плане

Historically, most of the work in optical competing has been in the analogue, continuous domain.

В каждодневной практике

The processor routinely performs feats of analysis.

В каждый момент времени

At each instant of time. At every instant.

В какой бы форме ... ни встречался

The heats of formation refer to the net enthalpy change for the process of formation of a compound from its component elements in whatever form these elements occur naturally.

В какой-то момент

At some time in the amplification process the photon density is sufficiently large so that...

В какой-то период

Rock that formed at one time or another during some 550 million years ... В какой-то степени [см. В некоторой степени].


В какой-то степени [см. В некоторой степени].

В какой-то точке

The intensity of the electric field at a (or some) point is defined as ...

В каком-либо направлении

First we investigate the distribution along a particular direction.

В качестве [см. тж. Вводить (в выражение) в качестве, Действовать в качестве, Использоваться в качестве пищи]

For a lamp he used an automobile light bulb. He served as chief engineer.

Water was selected for (or as) the heat-transfer medium.

В качестве варианта

Alternatively, the dependence of internal energy on volume can be obtained. As an alternative to this principle the company has introduced ...

В качестве дополнительной меры предосторожности

As a further precaution, the protective devices are designed to divert ...

В качестве заменителя

Sodium sulphate can be used as an alternative to anhydrous sodium carbonate in the manufacture of ...

В качестве иллюстрации

By way of illustration (or As an illustration) let us consider...

В качестве основы для

Equation (23) is often used as a basis for the calculation of...

В качестве отправного пункта

We take, as the starting point, the following equation: ...

В качестве приближения [см. тж. В первом приближении, В хорошем приближении] As an approximation, С may be neglected in comparison with A.

В качестве приближения к

The dipole moment of a polyatomic molecule can be approximated by the vector sum of...

В качестве примера [см. тж. Для примера]

In this chapter we attempt such an assessment, taking, as a case in point, the rapidly evolving technology of...

By way of example (or illustration) let us consider ... As an example (or illustration) we refer to...

В качестве примера можно указать на

Examples are found in such diverse cells as ... An example is hydrochloric acid.

В качестве реакции на

The rate of release of insulin is accelerated in response to high glucose concentrations in the blood.

В качестве справочного пособия [см. Для справок]. В количестве

The uranium, thorium, and potassium together supply heat at a rate of 3 x10 -9 W/ ton.

The events take place at a rate of only a few per day. Benzaldehyde is produced at the rate of about 2,000,000 lb annually. В количественном (или качественном) отношении


Barium is found to the extent of 0.04% in the earth's crust. Lactose is present in milk to the extent of about 4 percent. Iron may be added for particular purposes in amounts of 1% or more.

В количественном (или качественном) отношении In a quantitative (qualitative) sense.

В комплекте с [см. тж. Вместе с]

The missile weighs 28 pounds complete with its launcher.
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