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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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В конечном счёте (или итоге) [см. тж. В конце концов]

That proved to be a perfectly soluble problem in the end.

The acid decomposes finally (or ultimately) to sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide.

In the final (or last) analysis (or In the long run) the performance characteristics will be limited

by ...

The solution we eventually adopted was to devise...

The total number of factors in protein synthesis may eventually be reduced.

The value of the electric field at any point is determined ultimately by ...

Eventually [or Ultimately, or In (or Over) the long run] the ellipse becomes a parabola.

In the end the efficiency of marine propellers is usually about 70 percent.

The chemical identity of an atom ultimately depends on ...

Whatever the mechanism may ultimately prove to be, these processes are certainly far from simple.

В конечном счёте будет иметь

Such a star will end up with 2 percent of neon 22 in its core.

В конце

At the end of the catalogue ...

He began his career in late 1954.

The fuel is injected late in the cycle.

The liquid can be filtered at the close of the preparation.

В конце века

The first model was developed in the latter part (or at the end of, or late in) the 19th century. Better pumps became available at the turn of the century.

В конце концов [см. тж. В конечном счёте (или итоге)]

Eventually (or In the long run) the material reaches an ignition point and bursts into flame.

В конце 1970-х годов

Late in the (19)70s.

In the late (19)70s.

В корне [см. тж. Изменять в корне]

These changes profoundly (or radically) alter the nature of ...

В корне отличаться от

Such a computer constitutes a radical departure (or differs radically) from those designed so far.

В короткий срок

We shall arrange the demonstration of spacesuits on short notice.

В космических масштабах

Evidence of resonance radiation pressure on a cosmic scale has been discovered in astronomy.

В космосе

In (outer) space. В котором


В котором

A gas welding process wherein (or in which) the welding heat is obtained from ...

В котором используется

Any device that uses copper wire ...

В котором поддерживается температура

The mixture was heated in an oven held at a temperature of 170°C (or where a temperature of 170°C was maintained).

В котором размещён

An angle-iron frame, which accommodates (or encloses) the capacitance loop, is bolted to ...

В котором участвует [см. тж. С участием]

In extraction procedures involving metal chelates ...

For reactions involving (or that involve) solid or liquid reactants ...

В крайнем случае

As a last resort, the entire runner system can be welded up and re-cut.

В краткой форме

The solution can be obtained in a concise form (math.)

These larvae are heterogeneous and are therefore undefinable in brief terms.

В ... -кратном размере

This amount of water is enough to fill the Mediterranean ten times over.

В кратчайшее время

In the shortest possible time.

В кубе (матем.)

The load cubed ...

В курсе [см. Быть в курсе новейших достижений].

В курсе дела [см. Быть в курсе дела].

В лабораторных масштабах

Both processes have been demonstrated on a (or the) laboratory scale, and full-scale plant tests are under way.

В левой (или правой) части уравнения

On (or In) the left- (right-)(hand) side of the equation ... In the left (right) member of the equation...

В литературе

Additional data can be found in the literature. Literature values vary considerably.

В лучшем случае [см. тж. Самое бо'льшее]

Distillation at atmospheric pressure can yield, at best, a distillate of 95 percent ethanol. Because such measurements are made with pure minerals they can at best only approximate the Moon's actual composition.

If the area of the junction plane of the laser diode were a square centimetre, the current would, in the best case, be 25,000 amperes.

At most, the wind is only strong enough to move material of sand size. At its best, the rub wheel reached an efficiency of 20 percent.

В любой момент [см. тж. Всегда]

At every instant all electron-pair waves are at the same stage in their cycle. В любом отношении


The hydraulic overload protection facilities enable the machine to be stopped at all times. This implies that V = В for all time.

Since molecules vibrate, at any instant there will be molecules with a range of internuclear distances.

В любом отношении

At these jobs, horses can compete successfully with tractors on almost any count.

В любом случае [см. тж. И в том, и в другом случае]

In any event (or case) the gate valves must be provided with ...

В любом случае из двух [см. тж. В обоих случаях]

In either case, a simple messenger was present (biol.).

В любом соотношении

Methyl alcohol mixes with water in all proportions.

В любую погоду [см. Кабина для работы в любую погоду]. В максимуме
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