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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Настоятельно рекомендовать

They strongly recommended three-phase motors.

Настоятельно рекомендуется

It is strongly recommended that the air supply to the controller be clean, dry and oil free.

Настоящее время [см. В настоящее время, До настоящего времени, Используемый в настоящее время, К настоящему времени].


The model demonstrates a number of features that are characteristic of full-scale tornadoes.

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The battery-supply bridge is set to the most sensitive range.

The circuits should be tuned to 3.58 Mc.

The instrument is set at the chosen wavelength.

When the laser radiation is tuned to specific frequencies ...

Настраивать на волну

Then the laser is tuned to this wavelength. Настраиваться



The amplifier is tunable over the entire 6-gc satellite communication band. Настроен в пользу [см. Высказываться в пользу]. Настроен на

If the applied laser radiation is tuned to the centre of the Doppler profile ...

Настроенный на

Consider a laser beam tuned to resonance for an atom at rest.

Настроить на частоту

Another possibility would be a tunable laser that could be placed on the precise frequency desired.

Наступает время

There comes a time when the cluster traverses the galactic disk.

Наступает момент

As the flight speed increases, there comes a point (or a time) where the flow reaches the local speed of sound.


A change comes when you raise this number to a ... power.

The repulsion between molecules sets in at small intermolecular distances.

Convection sets in (or begins) when ...

Наступать на

The sea encroaches upon the continent.

Наступать после

In the elderly this malaise commonly follows thyroid ablation.

Наступление [см. тж. С наступлением]

Onset of the infection is preceded by trauma of the area.

The upward migration of methane may contribute to the triggering (or onset) of earthquakes.

Наступление болезни

Onset of the disease is usually rapid.

Наступление эры

The superiority of Democritus' model was not recognized until the dawning of the age of science. Насухо протирать [см. Протирать насухо]. Насчёт [см. А как насчёт]. Насчитываться

No less than 60 offsets can be counted on the eastern boundary of the Pacific plate (geol.).

Насчитываются миллионы

Other galaxies number in the millions.


Pour in the requisite amount of catalyst.

Насыщенный бромом

Bromine-laden air...

Насыщенный на... процентов

Dry air would become 90 percent saturated with water. Наталкиваться на [см. Ударяться о].


Наталкиваться на [см. Ударяться о].

Наталкиваться на барьер

The electrons are confronted by a potential-energy barrier.

Натуральная величина [см. В натуральную величину].

Натуральных размеров

A full-size propeller. A full-sized dummy or structural model.

Натыкаться на

We have accidentally stumbled [or hit (sl.)/ on the form of graphite with the best properties for our purpose.

Натыкаться на препятствие

This is what happens when water waves run into (or meet with) an obstacle.


Pull the thread taut with the pencil and draw ...

Натягивать на [см. тж. Одевать на]

When the belt is stretched over the pulley...

Натяжение [см. Подвергаться натяжению или сжатию].

Натяжение пружины

The reduced pressure acts on the valve and will rise until it is just balanced by the pull of the springs.

Натянутая пружина

The pull of a stretched spring.

Натянутый [см. тж. В натянутом состоянии]

The coil is supported by a fine wire in tension.

The wires stretched along the street are as taut as harp strings.

Наука о

Aerostatics is the science concerned (or dealing) with (or the science that treats of) the

equilibrium of ...

Acoustics can be defined as the science of sound.

Наука о планетах

Planetary science.

Наука физика

The science of physics.

Научный сотрудник [см. Исследователь].

Находить I [см. тж. Вычислять, Искать, Можно найти в, Найдено, что; Обнаруживать; Определять; Прийти к]

Once the function has been arrived at (or found),...

The general shape of the ray paths can be deduced from ... It would be important to identify the pathways by which ... To help you locate specific terms in the text,...

These two unknowns cannot be evaluated (or found) from the single equation. The mass of the Earth was worked out (сої.) by another method.

The designers's goal is to arrive at a proper economic balance of investment and operating costs. The instrument quickly locates (or localizes, or detects, or spots) lost circulation zones. Находить II [см. тж. Дано..., Найти]


The torpedo locates its target by acoustic means. The rocket seeks its target by acoustical homing.

Находить II [см. тж. Дано... , Найти]

Given: The engine consumes 27.5 gallons per hour...; required: Amount of gasoline consumed.

Находить III
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