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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Нарушать принцип

It is possible that a rarefaction shock would not violate the entropy principle.

Нарушать работу

This will not disturb (or upset, or disrupt) the normal operation of the system.

Нарушать равновесие

The impeller has become partially clogged so that the balance is disturbed.

Any movement of the hand-wheel displaces the slider, and thus upsets the electric balance.

Нарушать связи [см. тж. Разрывать связи] To break bonds in complex protein,...

Нарушать симметрию

The anisotropy breaks the symmetry of the fibre.

Нарушать структуру

This disrupts the electronic structure of the molecules.


The law breaks down at high voltages.

Parameter quantization can be done in such a way that stability is not impaired (or affected).


Once the ordered arrangements of the solid state have been disrupted,...

Нарушение вакуума

Deterioration in vacuum.

Нарушение плёнки

When the film is ruptured,...

Нарушение правила

We cannot write similar structure for ... without violating the octet rule.

Нарушение решётки (физ.)

The disruption of a lattice.

Нарушение связей [см. Разрыв связей].

Наряду с [см. тж. А также]

The reaction produces, among other products, copper nitrate,...

This gas contains the hydrogen and nitrogen components along with gaseous impurities. Figure I shows a neutron-gamma log alongside the corresponding natural-gamma-ray log. In parallel with the increase in carbon-dioxide in the atmosphere there also has been a rise in suspended paniculate con-tamination. Наряду с ... он обладает


Наряду с ... он обладает

The strength of copper is accompanied by high ductility.

Наряду с... происходит

Hand in hand with an increase in E, with increasing x is a decrease in the refractive index.

Нас в основном интересует

Our prime (or main) interest here is with

the practical aspect of the results.

Нас интересует только

Our concern (or interest) is only with the

scalar quantity U.

Нас ожидают сюрпризы в области

Some surprises are in store in hot and cold forging of metals.

Насаженный на ось

The compass in its simplest form consists of a small bar magnet, pivoted in the centre, and mounted on bearings.

Насаживать на I

These tyres are clamped on to special wheels.

Насаживать на II

A burner tube is extended by a silica tube (На трубку... насажена).

Населённый [см. Густонаселённый район]. Населять

Many of these fishes inhabit warm or cold fresh waters.

Населять одну и ту же среду

Even animals that shared the same environment were not identically affected.


To obtain good heating efficiency, this ratio is usually 3: 1 when the work is to be heated all the way through and 10:1 when it is to be surface hardened.

Насколько видит глаз

The new seismic scar runs as far as we (or one) can see.

Насколько возможно [см. тж. По мере возможности]

Extend the line as far across the board as possible.

All these instruments should so (or as) far as possible be grouped together.

Насколько известно

Eastern Quebec and, so (or as) far as is known, the Asbest region in the Urals produce chrysolite.

Насколько можно установить

As far as could be determined, the action of this protein was specific for ...

Насколько нам известно

To our knowledge (or To the best of our knowledge, or As far as we know, or So far as we know) such methods have never been employed.

Насколько ошибочный

How much would the calculated packed height be in error if axial dispersion were ignored? Наследственные черты [см. Передача наследственных черт].


Наследственные черты [см. Передача наследственных черт].

Настаивать на

There is considerable pressure from

environmental groups to reduce pollution of the river.

Настало время [см. тж. Пора]

The time is right (or ripe) to try ...


The section is served by wall-mounted cranes.


The Sun is so much bigger than any other body in the vicinity that...

Настолько выше, что

This ratio is so much larger that the core volume is considerably greater for the same magnetic densities.

Настолько глубоко войти в нашу жизнь, что

Synthetic polymers are so much a part of our everyday lives that we would have to make some drastic changes to get by without them.

Настолько горяч, что до него нельзя дотронуться

Rock in the walls of deep mines is too hot to touch.

Настолько же [см. Ничуть не менее]. Настолько,что

Provision is made for indicating the point at which the honing stones have become worn to an extent that they need to be replaced.

Настольная ЭВМ

Another typical microcomputer application is the desk-top (or -type) computer.


We are already witnessing the advance of the desk-top microcomputer to capture the middle ground of calculation work.

A tabletop version of the Van de Graaf generator is widely seen in classroom demonstrations.
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