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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Можно успешно использовать в качестве

Bubble columns are attractive for use as chemical reactors.

Можно часто видеть

The fireflies are much in evidence on

warm summer nights.

Момент [см. тж. В каждый момент времени, В любой момент, В момент вылета из, В момент написания этой книги, В тот момент когда, В этот момент, Начиная с этого момента].

These forces act only at the instant of collision.

It was possible to predict the exact moments at which...

Момент времени

The switch opens and closes electrical contacts at present instants of time.

The circuit identifies the point in time at which two input levels reach the same amplitude.

Staging defines the extent of tumour growth and progression at one point in time.

Момент относительно

If the moments of inertia about two of the principal axes are equal,...


Then all remaining resistance disappears abruptly.

This transition frees an electron, which promptly leaves the nucleus.

The atmosphere instantaneously adjusts itself to...

These wheel-mounted machines can be placed anywhere in the factory at a moment's notice. Монополия


A high-speed photographic recording system gives instantly developed pictures for analysis of high-speed motion.


The aeronautical engineer now works in fields which were once the exclusive domain of the physicist.

Монотонно возрастать (антон. убывать)

The pressure increases (anton. decreases) monotonically.

Монотонно возрастающий

The temperature is a monotonically (or monotone) increasing function of the velocity.


f and g are monotonic (or monotone) functions.

Монтировать [см. тж. Смонтирован]

The bypass capacitors are mounted in the same unit.

Море наступает и отступает

The sea advances and retreats.

Морское судно

A sea-going vessel.

Морского происхождения

Most asphalts are of marine origin.


The coelenterata are mainly marine organisms.

Морской и земной

The zoosphere of the earth has been divided into marine and terrestrial faunal regions.

Мощное средство

The Moessbauer effect is a powerful tool (or instrument) in the hands of the physical chemist.

Мощное средство для

Thus esr spectroscopy provides a powerful tool for the study of chemical species with unpaired electrons.

Мощность [см. тж. На половинной мощности, Работать на полную мощность, Средней мощности]

This chain is recommended for machines of greater horsepower.

Мощность... измеряется в л.с.

Motors are rated in horsepower.

Мощность на выходе

The transmitter delivers 15 watts (or has an output of 15 watts).

Мощный I [см. тж. Достаточно мощный]

Sodium is a vigorous reducing agent. A high-powered laser system ...

Quasars are the most energetic objects known in the universe.

The most energetic (or powerful) propel- lants give values of about 13,000 fps.

This is a potent fissile material.

When intense gamma-ray sources became available,... Мощный II


Мощный II

A thick layer of coal...

Мы ещё далеки от

We are a long way still from deciphering the chemical language of bullheads.

Мы знаем по опыту, что

We know from experience that there will be friction in the bearings.

Мы интересуемся [см. Нас в основном интересует, Нас интересует только].

Мы надеемся, что

Though intended primarily for the student, the book will hopefully be found interesting and useful by the practical engineer.

Мы не собираемся

It is not proposed (or It is not our intention) to deal at length with ...

Мы не хотим этим сказать, что

That is not to say (that) the erupting material resembles ...

Мысль [см. Зародилась мысль].


На аноде [см. На катоде]. На базе которого

This has been the basic unit of equipment around which automated equipment has been built. На базе теории [см. Основываясь на теоретических данных].

На безопасном расстоянии от

All personnel should keep clear of (or at a safe distance from) high-voltage equipment.

На берегу

Radio direction finder equipment may be installed either on shore or on board an aircraft.

На бесконечности

a + b + у = 0 is the line at infinity.

На ближайшем расстоянии от Земли

Venus at its closest is 42 gigametres away.

На ближайшие годы

A list of recommendations for the years immediately ahead has been published.

На близком расстоянии

The short-range repulsion between ions ... The satellite was explored at close range.

На близком расстоянии от

Unlike the airplane, the magnetoplane can be flown in close proximity to a guide-way.

На более поздней стадии

Stable precipitates are formed in (or at) the later stages of ageing. На более поздней стадии процесса


На более поздней стадии процесса

Later in the process, some evidence has suggested that...

На... больше

This element has one more proton.

На... больше кратеров, чем на

The Moon highlands are more cratered than the maria.
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