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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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from a distance.

The telemotor provides a means of moving the control valves from a distance. Within a few feet of the obstacle ...

На расстоянии вытянутой руки

Hold the instrument at arm's length.

На расстоянии до... километров от

The spacecraft passed within 700 km of Venus' surface.

На расстоянии ...друг от друга [см. тж. Расположенные на расстоянии... друг от друга]

The grooves are d apart.

The two detectors are placed (or spaced) 100 ft apart. The holes arc spaced at 10 ft intervals.

На расстоянии от

The retarder is installed (at) 100 m from the surface.

The resistance measuring bulb can be located at any distance up to 3000 ft away from the instrument.

The switch is closed except when a descending cage is within a fixed distance of the shaft bottom. The pilot-static tube is located a considerable distance from the airspeed indicator. The transmitters were positioned at various distances from the ground track of the satellite. The flame, seen at a distance of a few kilometres, may ... A diffuse source of radius rd is situated distance f from a fibre.

На расстоянии ... от Земли

The two galaxies appear to be about three million light years away.

На рисунке не показан [см. Не показан].

На рисунке показан (или приведен)

Figure I gives radiation lengths as a function of atomic number.

Figure 2 illustrates (or demonstrates, or shows, or depicts, or exhibits, or displays, or presents)

a system that...

A simple design is illustrated (or shown, or presented, or displayed, or depicted) in (or on) Fig. 3.

In Fig. 10 is shown (or Shown in Fig. 10 is) the circuit of ... Referring to Fig. 17, we have the following pattern:...

На самом близком расстоянии от Земли

Mars when it is at its closest, is briefly brighter than Jupiter.

На самом верху

At the extreme top ...

На самом деле [см. тж. А на самом деле это не так, И это действительно так, Фактически]

Now it is time to admit that the spacing between ... is not in fact constant...

На самом же деле

What actually happens is that the accelerated proton keeps moving and ...

На сжатом воздухе

The press can be operated on air alone for low-energy forming work. На складе [см. Иметь в запасе. Иметься в наличии. Храниться].


На складе [см. Иметь в запасе. Иметься в наличии. Храниться]. На случай

The large quantity of water contained in an economizer provides reserve space in the event (or in case) of a sudden boiler overload.

На случай аварии

A 150 kW Diesel alternator is provided for emergency use.

На современной ступени развития

It is not possible, in the present state of the art, for a single-stage rocket to reach the speeds required.

На солнечной энергии

A solar powered water pump ...

На солнце

Unshielded thermometers in sunlight may indicate temperatures far above that of the air.

На... сравнительно мало влияет

The threshold and saturation voltage levels are relatively unaffected by temperature variations.

На среде

The organisms are easily grown in the laboratory (up)on simple media.

На стадии (или ступени)

At this stage, there is very little increase in the resistance.

The process is still in the experimental


На стадии проектирования At the design stage.

На станке

The valve seat must be machined in (or on) a lathe.

Only one spindle at a time will be operated on this machine (or machine-tool).

На станке можно установить

The machine can take (or accommodate)

a workpiece up to 4 ft long and ...

На стене [см. Настенный]. На стойке [см. Смонтированный на стойке]. На столе [см. Настольный]. На стыке между

Modulator-demodulators are needed at the interfaces between the communication network and the terminals and the data-centre equipment.

На судне [см. На борту судна].

На суше

On land, geothermal gradients have been measured in deep mines and boreholes.

На схеме показан (приведён)

The diagram (re)presents the three-component system.

На счётчике

This monitor provides a continuous indication of level on a meter. На теоретической основе [см. Ставить на теоретическую основу].


На теоретической основе [см. Ставить на теоретическую основу].

На территории университета

On the campus of Columbia University ...

На топливе [см. Работать на топливе].

На трение [см. Потери на трение].

На углах

The centres of the atoms are supposed to lie at the corners of a cube.

На угол [см. тж. Повернуть на угол]

The coil was capable of rotating through 180° about an axis.

На... указывает [см. Указывать на]. На уровне

The cold water cistern is fixed at a high level.

Raise the gauge to a height at which the sharp edge of the notch is exactly level with the top of the valve connection.

The surface of the liquid is flush with the floor of the tunnel.

Oxygen could have been maintained at a level of about 0.02% of the total composition of the atmosphere.
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