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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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His obviously differentiable if g and z have ...

Может заменять [см. тж. Может служить заменой]

The use of Cerenkov light to detect proton decays offers an alternative to the direct observation of... Может и не быть [см. Не обязательно должен быть].


Может и не быть [см. Не обязательно должен быть].

Может изменяться [см. тж. Может меняться]

The composition is variable.

Может изменяться в широких пределах

The speed of flow of ground water is subject to wide variations.

Может использоваться

The instrument is usable (or operable).

Может использоваться вместо [см. Может служить заменой].

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These superconducting motors are competitive with conventional units.

Может конкурировать с... в отношении

This reactor is competitive in capital costs with many other designs.

Может меняться [см. тж. Может изменяться] The ratio is subject to variation.

Может наблюдаться обратное явление

If, however, r (?) is a decreasing function, the opposite situation may occur.

Может передвигаться

The column has movement towards and away from the workpiece.

Может показаться, что

It may appear that this statement conflicts with the statement made above.

Может работать [см. Может использоваться].

Может свободно передвигаться

Although chloride is free to move, it can do so only in exchange for another anion.

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The nitrile synthesis offers an alternative to the Grignard synthesis.

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Few microcomputer software packages compare favourably with those available for larger and more expensive machines.

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Only comets equal Nereid in eccentricity.

Можно [см. Имеются основания, Как можно ближе, Пригодный для].

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If we make up such a list, we can be assured that any particular fraction will be included.

Можно видеть на графике

This can be seen graphically in Fig. 6.

Можно видеть, что

One can see (or recognize) that the later steps in the mechanism are of no consequence. It can be seen (or It is seen) that the rotational energy can be expressed as ...

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It may be argued that in some cases the forces result from ... Можно вставлять


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The fixture accommodates a wide variety of aluminium plates.

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The terminals are hand insertable.

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Such a fan is usually to be found in each room at the point where ...

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These equations are derivable from Hamilton's principle.

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If so, n then would be expressible as a fraction.

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Many motion problems are expressible by posing an equation ...

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The double integral is expressible in terms of two successive definite integrals.

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It is a matter of direct verification to prove that ...

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Partial failures can be tolerated on 1 occasion in 50.

Можно допустить, что

Conceivably some linings will be effective for as long as 50 years, but ultimately one must expect them to fail.

If the earth consisted of a perfectly spherical lithosphere, it is conceivable that the entire lithosphere could move as a whole with respect to the rest of the earth.

Perhaps one can concede that a single molecule might be formed in the postulated manner, but it is most improbable that...

Можно думать, что

Because of this great density one is inclined to think [or it is believed (or thought)/ that there cannot be much of a remaining connection between ...

Можно использовать [см. тж. Подходить]

This result is useful (or can be used) in making gas-volume calculations. Use could be made of the cells of...

The method will also be available for screening new drugs for possible chromosomal effects.

Можно использовать для многих целей

Equation (12) is useful in many applications.

Можно использовать повторно

The rocket is re-usable.

Можно лишь высказывать предположения

The source of the dust is open to speculation; we cannot say whether it represents ...

Можно лишь упомянуть

We can do no more than mention a few of the theory's recent achievements.

Можно лучше уяснить из рисунка

The sequence of the events is made clearer by Fig. 8. Можно надеяться, что


Можно надеяться, что

It is hoped that silicon carbide and boron phosphide may provide devices useful to 1000°C.

Можно надеяться, что при помощи ... удастся

A technique of carbon dating using a cyclotron shows promise of extending the time range of 14C dating.

Можно найти в [см. тж. Смотри]

Data on titanium trichlorides are available (or can be found) in Bulletin TT2-S6. A detailed discussion of ... is found in Chapter 5.

Можно написать целую книгу о [см. О ... можно написать целую книгу].

Можно ожидать

This effect is likely if the ligands are highly conjugated.
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