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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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A fascinating (or interesting) problem ...

We have been able to investigate a number of intriguing questions.

Some of the most intriguing recent suggestions have been for the utilization of... Интересовать [см. тж. Нас в основном интересует, Нас интересует только]


Интересовать [см. тж. Нас в основном интересует, Нас интересует только]

Such properties will not concern us in our study of...

Of concern to us is the question: Which nuclei are stable and which radioactive?

Интересовать главным образом

Our prime interest is in the conversion of the electromagnetic energy of ...

Интересоваться [см. тж. Заинтересоваться, Живо интересоваться] He took an interest in astronomy.

Chemists who are interested in the conversion of heat into work ...

Интересующий нас [см. тж. Рассматриваемый]

The diffusion coefficient may vary substantially over the concentration ranges of interest (to us) [or over the concentration range concerned (or in question)]. The problems we are interested in are ...

Интуиция подсказывает, что

Intuition suggests that...

Информация о [см. тж. Большое количество данных, Данные, Значительное количество сведений о. Из ... можно извлечь некоторые сведения о том, как; Извлекать информацию из; Сведения; Сообщать сведения]

From a knowledge of the energy and power in each mode, we can deduce ... There is little information on creep strength.

Информация о ...(или структуре)

The most useful source of ...(structural) information is ...

Информировать [см. Разъяснять]. Инъекция [см. Вводить].

Иными словами [см. тж. Другими словами, Иначе говоря] To put it differently (or another way) (or In other words),...

Ионно или молекулярно диспергированное состояние

For their separation, substances must be in an ionically or molecularly dispersed state.

Искажение [см. Без искажения]. Искать

We should look for evidence of such action in ...

We do not pursue other solutions here.

We seek an analytic solution in the form of a power series.

We will seek for clues that allow us to understand the landscape.

The obvious program is to search for global symmetries.

Искать в

The proof of this hypothesis was to be looked for in seismic activity. Искать пути

Operators started searching, (or looking, or seeking) for (or started investigating) ways of cutting costs.

Искать решения задачи

To seek the solution of the problem.

Исключать [см. тж. Не включать, Не следует исключать. Опускать II, Предотвращать, Устранять]

This eliminates a number of constants. Исключать возможность


This term can be eliminated from the set of equations. This obviates the necessity for stopping . the test.

It would be possible to omit the transistor amplifier in this case.

The price of these torches rules out (or excludes) their application by smaller shops.

The general types of assembly methods do not rule out combinations of different types in

producing the same product.

This does not preclude the use of a particular method.

Исключать возможность

This does not preclude (or rule out) the presence of...

Исключать возможность создания

The need for individual feedback on each element eliminates the possibility of large parallel bistable arrays.

Исключать возможность того, что

We cannot rule out (or exclude) the possibility that ...

Исключать друг друга [см. Взаимно исключать друг друга].

Исключать из рассмотрения

We exclude (or eliminate) this phenomenon from consideration.

As for Jupiter and Saturn, we can leave them out of (or omit them from) consideration.

Its absence of chemical activity bars DNA from further consideration in the search for... (biol.).

Исключать из уравнения

To obtain the shape of the trajectory, eliminate (or drop) t.

Исключать из числа

This eliminates argon as a candidate for this kind of laser.

Исключаться [см. тж. Не исключаться]

In the case of a single electron the change L = 0 is ruled out (or excluded).

Исключая [см. тж. За исключением]

The total cost of the part, exclusive of (or less) material costs, would be ...

Исключение [см. тж. Без исключения, За исключением, За одним исключением, За редкими исключениями]

The one exception to many of these drawbacks is represented by the semiconductor diode laser.

Исключение из правила [см. тж. Являться исключением из правила] There are exceptions to this rule.

Исключением является

The (sole) exception is (provided by) the

action of...

Исключительная важность [см. Представлять исключительную важность для].

Исключительно I [см. тж. Относиться исключительно к]

The establishment was set up solely (or exclusively) for the development of engines.

They assert that the genetic code has a biological basis for its structural organization, and no other.

If the mantle were made of nothing but gem-quality crystals,...

This choice is made purely on the basis of convenience.
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