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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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With these general principles in mind, we

can turn to a classification of geosynclines. Исходящий [см. Вытекающий из, Выходящий].


Исходящий [см. Вытекающий из, Выходящий].

Исцеляющее действие

A curative (or healing) effect.


Turbulence dies out (or disappears) gradually as the surface is approached. The disturbance created by the diaphragm dies away. Civilizations based on irrigation faded away because of salination. The first mineral resource to be totally mined out became extinct in 1969. Such radioactive species as iodine 129 and plutonium 244 are now extinct.

Исчезающе мал

The apparent motion of the stars, with respect to one another as viewed from the Earth, is vanishingly small.


This means that there may be 103 to 104 as many defunct pulsars as live ones.

Исчерпывать возможности

The potentialities of this method have been exhausted.


It is not possible here to give an exhaustive account of this reaction.

Исчисляться сотнями

Such observations may number in the hundreds (or run into the hundreds).

Итог [см. В конечном счёте, Подводить итоги].


Certain missile nose cones or portions thereof are coated with ablative material.


К [см. тж. Ближайший к, Обращённый к, Относиться к, Прижиматься к, Сродство к] Towards the end of the 19th century ...

К востоку от [см. К западу от].

К всеобщему удивлению

To everyone's surprise, the measurements showed that...

К ... добавляется

This primary cause of pollution is augmented by the pollution that is produced by... To the test material in aqueous solution is added a solution of ... (or A solution of ... is added to...).

К западу от

The mine is located to the west of the mountain range. The Caledonian Geosyncline is terminated just west of Ireland.

К концу

This topography existed at the close (or towards the end) of the Precambrian time.

К концу 19-го века

Towards the end of the 19th century the use of ... was generally accepted as ... К которому мы приступаем


By the turn of the 19th century ...

К которому мы приступаем

The study of ..., which we now undertake (or to which we now proceed), is in keeping with ...

К которому приближается

The limit approached by the expression ...

К минимуму [см. Сводить к минимуму].

К ... можно добавить

To these measures may be added the construction of many small dams.

К моменту

By the time of body closure the embryonic neurons must...

К настоящему времени [см. тж. В настоящее время]

By now the general pattern should be clear. To review analytical methods and results to date,...

On the basis of discoveries made to date it seems that...

The experience thus far gained furnishes us with approximate cost figures for ...

К нашему удивлению

Surprisingly, we find that pulse spreading is significantly affected by material dispersion.

К ним относится

Among these are the accumulation and an increase in ...

К... прилагается

The calculator comes with a handbook containing ...

К своему великому удивлению

Much to their surprise they discovered that...

К северу от [см. К западу от].

К... следует добавить

To the above drag must be added the suste-nation drag.

К счастью

Luckily (or Fortunately), other chemical imprints can help to ...

К тому времени

By then ...

К тому времени когда

By the time the negative aperture is closed, the modulator shutters are usually in printing position.

К тому же [см. тж. Кроме того]

What is more [or Moreover, or In addition (to that), or Besides], short circuiting is eliminated.

К удивлению (учёных) оказалось, что Surprisingly, it was found that ...

К числу ... относятся

Among the many organic acids are acetic and oxalic acids and phenol.

К этому времени

Segmentation is complete on the formation of ..., by which time the germinal plate covers ... К этому можно добавить


К этому можно добавить

To this we can add the large quantities of...

К этому следует добавить

To this must be added the amount of head necessary to...

К югу от [см. К западу от].

Кабель с металлическим экраном Metal-sheathed cable.

Каждодневный [см. тж. В каждодневной практике] The day-to-day operation of the observatory...

Каждому... соответствует

For every contraction mapping ... this equation has a unique solution. For every kind of particle there is an antiparticle.

Каждый [см. тж. На каждый, Через каждые... градусов]

Three amino acids are encoded by six codons apiece (or each). How many samples of 25.0 mg each could be prepared from ...?

Каждый в отдельности

Each of the loops is sufficient by itself to deliver 100 percent of the required cooling. Although such resonant forces are individually small,... The corrections introduced will be treated one at a time.

Каждый день [см. Ежедневно].

Каждый должен сам найти ответ на этот вопрос
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