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Русско-английский научно-технический - Циммерман М.

Циммерман М. , Веденеева К. Русско-английский научно-технический — Наука, 1991. — 996 c.
Скачать (прямая ссылка): rusangslovarperevodchika1991.pdf
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Ингредиент [см. Компонент].

Индивидуально изготовленная деталь

The cost of a one-of-a-kind (or one-off) workpiece may be very great.

Индивидуальное производство деталей

The machine is suitable for one-off production.

For one-off jobs, the sand is self-curing; for higher production it may be ... Индивидуальные потребности [см. В соответствии с индивидуальными потребностями]. Индивидуальный [см. На индивидуальной основе].

Индивидуальный заказ [см. Изготовленный по индивидуальному заказу].

Индуцированный лазером

Laser-produced (or -induced) ionization...

Индуцировать ток

The resulting ionization will trigger (or start, or induce) a current (flow) from cathode to anode.

Инертный по отношению к

This lubricant is inert to most chemicals. Инициатор



The use of load-bearing adhesives was pioneered (or initiated) by the aircraft industry.

Иногда [см. тж. Время от времени]

On occasion the explosive eruption of a volcano blows out an enormous mass of... Antibacterial treatment may at times (or sometimes, or occasionally) also be required. Mercury bichloride has been used on occasion for suicide and homicide.

Иногда... , а иногда

Multiple bonding may at times be present and at other times absent from compounds involving the same coordination number.

Иногда утверждают, что

It has been argued on occasion that the

term "glass" should be reserved for materials...

Иной [см. Другой, Чем в ином случае]. Иной формы

A somewhat different-looking (or differently shaped) cosmic jet (or A cosmic jet of a different shape)...

Инструкция [см. тж. Согласно инструкции]

Complete instructions for the removal of the unit are given in Sect. 2.

Инструкция по установке

Installation directions.

Инструментальная погрешность Instrument(al) error.

Интеграл [см. Брать интеграл].

Интеграл по

Line integrals over С ...

The integral of the current over the duration of electrolysis ...

Интегрирование [см. тж. Проводить интегрирование]

Upon integrating (43) with respect to the time (or over the area) we obtain ...

Интегрирование по частям Integration by parts.

Интегрировать по

It remains that to integrate A with respect to x between the limits x = a and x = b. When integrated over ф from 0 to 2,...

The expression is integrated over all possible values of... Интенсивно

Research in the utilization of ... is carried out very actively (or intensively).

Интенсивно изучаться

Considerable study is being given to propellers for ... (or Propellers for... are being studied intensively).

The study of... is proceeding vigorously.

Интенсивность реакции

The vigour (or intensity) of the reaction

is governed by the proportion of chromic acid. Интенсивный [см. тж. Более интенсивный, чем]


Интенсивный [см. тж. Более интенсивный, чем] An intense red spectral line... Intensive studies are under way.

Интенсивный источник

An intense source of energetic neutrons ...

Интенсивный цвет

An intense colour.

Интервал [см. В диапазоне, В интервале, Выдерживать интервал, Диапазон, Лежать в диапазоне, На интервале].

Интервал между

The time separation (or The interval) between the two bursts is determined by many factors.

Интервал между импульсами

The code pulse positions are spaced 2.9^s.

Интерес [см. тж. Вновь пробуждать интерес к, Возбуждать интерес, Возрождать интерес к, Вызывать интерес, Живой интерес к, Не представлять интереса, Ослабление интереса к, Потерять интерес к, Представлять интерес, Пробуждать интерес к, Проявлять интерес к, Разжигать интерес к]

Interest was created (or aroused) in derivates of salicylic acid.

Great interest has been expressed by American mining engineers in the British hydraulic roof-supports.

These tests are of particular interest to railroad engineers. Less interest is being shown in these steels than in...

Интерес возобновился

After a long hiatus interest in collective events was rekindled.

Интерес обострился

Interest in this source of energy has quickened in the past few years.


The prospect of obtaining such spectra is exceptionally intriguing (or interesting). The type of modification is also of interest.


It is of interest to estimate the possible importance of these effects. We have been interested to find that a number of...

Интересно выяснить

It is instructive (or of interest) to consider what happens when ...

Интересно отметить, что

Interestingly (enough) (or It is interesting to note that) there is no problem in observing ... It is notable that in this case classical mechanics and quantum mechanics would be in agreement.

Интересно, что

It is of interest (or It is interesting) that antioxidants for foods were known long before... Interestingly, similar leaflets exist in rods and cones of the eye.

It is intriguing that the paper immediately following this one described the first operation of...
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